Silas on the sidelines watched the team chase five points in a row, narrowing the gap to 12 points, and was a little stunned, now this lineup is indeed suitable for small-ball tactics, but don't forget that they have not run in at all, Silas sent them on the court just to see the general effect, which is simply a surprise.

However, as soon as Silas thought about it carefully, his face suddenly appeared, this is not a good tacit understanding among everyone, but Han Zhe has a big role, everyone runs blindly on the first ball, but Han Zhe accurately captured the gap that Michael ran out of, and passed the ball in time to score easily.

The second goal Han Zhe steals the goal, which is also a reflection of personal strength, in general, now Han Zhe is the core and pivot of the Bobcats' attack, and his excellent play temporarily covers up many of the Bobcats' shortcomings.

Han Zhe just returned to the half, the opponent has already attacked quickly, and accelerated the frequency of passing, so that Han Zhe is also very difficult to defend, even if there is the eye of the emperor, he can't easily rely on predicting the ball, and he won't take things in the air, first of all, you have to be close to the player who holds the ball, if you run with the ball, he has to lie down tired after a few minutes.

After a few passes, Billis threw the ball in, Henderson picked up the ball and launched a fast attack, and the Bobcats players instantly rushed to the opposing half.

Whether it is the fans at the scene or the commentators of all parties, both sides are now extremely fast in attack and defense, and such a ball is very smooth and beautiful to play 813.

The most surprising were the Bobcat fans, who could never have imagined that the Bobcats could play such a fast and smooth beautiful attack.

Han Zhe, Gordon and Walker ran and passed and pulled each other from beyond the three-point line to create chaos for each other, and Henderson and Michael also ran inside to attract each other's attention.

After receiving the ball, Gordon suddenly started to break through to the free throw line, and then jumped to shoot, when a forward on the other side flew to make up for the block, Gordon flicked his wrist, and the ball fell into the hands of Henderson next to him, and Henderson took three steps to basket after receiving the ball.

As soon as the ball went in, everyone in the Bobcats rushed back to defense, and the opposing players without the ball also mixed together and ran towards the Bobcats half, and the offense and defense of the two teams were like a wave surging back and forth quickly.

After a few passes from the opponent's outside, Golan was also an accelerated inward, and as soon as he passed Walker and was about to go to the basket, he was poked off by Han Zhe who suddenly appeared next to him, and Michael under the basket picked up the ball and threw it out.

Henderson on the outside received the ball and rushed towards the opponent's half, and the Suns only had one person to defend in time, and the front court was two to one, with Henderson passing the ball and Gordon scoring the basketball.

The score was reduced to 10 points, two minutes before the end of the third quarter.

Now many of the audience have stood up and watched the game while shouting and applauding, and the current Bobcat has a feeling that makes everyone's eyes shine!

Suns head coach Hunter was also dumbfounded, he didn't expect the Bobcats to be able to chase points wildly when they played fast break, so that cooked ducks could fly to the rhythm, so he had no choice but to call a timeout.

Tiger pounced: "The Suns called a timeout, obviously blinded by the Bobcats' fierce offensive, this ball actually evolved into a fast attack battle, and now the two teams are playing both offense and defense The Bobcats, who thought they were powerless, suddenly became very brave, and they have chased seven points in a row, and the difference between the two teams is only 10 points.

If we continue to play like this, it's really hard to say who will lose, Bobcat gave us a surprise today, I didn't expect these little men to be so powerful, it is my country's player Han Zhe's performance is as good as ever, he completed two steals and scored a three-pointer just after he got on the court..."


"I'm dripping my eyes! The two bad teams are actually running and banging!

"Upstairs layman, although both teams are playing small-ball tactics, but they are not authentic running and bombing, running and bombing have specific tactics and routines, passing, running, blocking, breaking, there is a complete system, the sun is still a little decent, the Bobcat runs a little chaotic, the passing is not very smooth, obviously just speeding up and playing blindly. "

"Since the Suns are playing better, why don't the Suns pull up another seven points but the Bobcats recover the seven points?"

"That's a good question, and I can tell you very clearly that it's my credit. "


"It's really not me who brags, not to mention his scoring and playmaking skills, just those two (AIAE) tackles are so important, you think about it, how can you chase points so quickly without two tackles. "

This is a lot of people agree, because every steal is important, and a steal means destroying someone else's scoring opportunity and adding another scoring opportunity for your own side!


Silas looked at a few players who were replenishing their water with a strange look in their eyes, and said to himself, "Is this teasing me?" I just asked you to go up and play for a while, but I didn't expect that a few players who had never run in at all were so fierce, and they chased seven points back after playing for a while.

It's going against the rhythm of the sky!

Silas wondered if the team should have played a long time ago!

"Coach Silas, how are we playing?" said Gordon with a smile.

Silas raised his eyebrows, "It's okay, but don't be proud, now we suddenly change the rhythm and the other party is not very adaptable, and when they get used to it, they won't be so easy to chase the score, but everyone is really good, keep working hard, maybe you can chase the score back!"

Silas then took out the tactical board and made minor adjustments, "Han has a good vision, and he will try to give the ball to Han for a while, let him organize the attack near the top arc, and the ball will be distributed by him." "

Everyone nodded, Han Zhe's vision and organizational skills are indeed the best in the whole team, and it was the same before, as long as Han Zhe was on the field, he organized the attack.

Silas continued: "Gordon and Walker are interspersed at 45 degrees to Han Zhe and left, Henderson and Michael are pulling and blocking on the inside, Han you have to pay attention, your task is very heavy, observe carefully after taking the ball, if anyone runs out of the gap must pass the ball quickly at the first time, of course, you can also shoot freely if you have the opportunity." "

Han Zhe nodded and said that he understood, in fact, there is another feature of this kind of fast attack, that is, all players have the right to shoot freely, anyway, whoever has a good chance to shoot is also a big difficulty, which means that the five players on the court can't shoot too much, but a bad team like Bobcat can actually meet this condition!

Of course, in fact, Silas asked Han Zhe to organize the offense is already against the purpose of the small ball, the small ball has no specific organizer, and the authentic way of playing is to run fast, constantly passing the ball to each other to find gaps, it should be a very floating game.

But Silas's decision is also helpless, they are not familiar with the cooperation, and it is definitely easy to make mistakes when they keep running and passing the ball quickly, so they can only pass the ball to Han Zhe as much as possible, and use Han Zhe's good observation to make up for this big flaw.

Of course, Han Zhe will definitely be under a lot of pressure if he continues to fight like this, because after a while, the opponent will be able to find Han Zhe's fixed transit point, and he will definitely be taken care of, and Han Zhe has to use his personal strength to support this tactic, which Silas and the team members have more confidence in Han Zhe.

After the Suns kick off, it is still a fast attack, and the Bobcats are also quick to mark, they can't guarantee their backcourt rebounds, so they can only try their best to disrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm and destroy the opponent's success rate, otherwise it is easy to collapse. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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