Han Zhe's buckle made everyone amazed, and when the camera swept to Jordan, everyone could see that the old rascal was holding his head back with an exaggerated expression, as if he was frightened, which was very funny.

The legendary dunk will Kate even rushed to the court to make a cross-handed gesture, which is easy to understand, Kate means that the game is over, and it will be pointless to continue.

Of course, this is a joke, and the first round of the tournament is only halfway through, so it can't really end like this.

After seeing the Western players on the court with a bitter face, Barkley laughed and said: "It's really embarrassing for the Western players, Han's dunk must have hit them hard, and Rose and Wall's previous dunks were also quite exciting, and it was possible to win the first round of the West by playing quite well." "

The audience also laughed after hearing this, knowing that Barkley was saving some face for the Western players, and judging from the current situation, it can be said that the Western West is almost impossible to win.

After the Western Army came on the court, the applause of the audience was very sparse, not that everyone deliberately neglected them, but that most of the audience was still immersed in Han Zhe's super dunk, and many people were discussing or reminiscing about it, and they didn't pay attention to them at all.

It wasn't until the host said a few words of amusement loudly that the audience came back to their senses.

Durant, Kobe Bryant and others also shook their heads with a smile on the side, this kind of stage is simply Han Zhe's personal show, as soon as he comes on the court, he blocks everyone's light, such as the current Western Army, it is quite embarrassing.

Even many players secretly congratulated themselves that they did not participate in the slam dunk contest, otherwise they would not be able to get off the stage.

The timer begins.

The first goal in the West made a more fancy combination, McClymer ran to the basket with the ball and hit the board, Lillard followed up with the ball in the air and threw it under his crotch, and finally Barnes relayed the ball with both hands and slammed the ball again.

This ball is actually good in terms of coordination and ornamentation, but with the eastern Zhuyu in front, the audience's eyes are obviously a lot more picky, and only a small amount of applause rang out.

I don't know if it was because the cold field of the audience further affected the mentality of the players, Lillard's next half-turn split dunk, which was not very difficult, actually missed the dunk, and when he landed, he was unstable and fell to the ground.

At this time, the audience finally reacted, and immediately burst into laughter, and many players on the sidelines couldn't help but cover their faces, obviously wanting to laugh but embarrassed to laugh.

The audience of the Celestial Empire also laughed and complained:

"Lillard is big, and this kind of ball can also miss and fall. "

"The overall performance of the east is too good, the pressure of the players in the west is too great, and the invisible pressure from the audience is normal. "

"I'm so good, I scared my opponents after a domineering buckle!"

"Poor Western troops, if I were them!"

"People have to die compared to people, and goods have to be thrown away, in fact, the performance of the west is okay, I'm afraid of comparison!"

After Lillard got up a little embarrassed and signaled that he was fine, the game continued, and Barnes then showed another free throw line dunk, but after the dunk, he saw the strange eyes of the audience on the sidelines, and he was a little hurt.

He also came back to his senses, his buckle jumped one step behind the free throw line, and there was no work in the air, isn't it in stark contrast to Han Zhe's button, this is his own face to make people slap hard.

The Western players can be said to have more and more difficult play, followed by two more low-level mistakes, and then simply completed the dunk with very simple technical moves, which looked like completing the task.

The audience naturally didn't buy it, such a ball had nothing to watch at all, they didn't pay for tickets to see the elementary school students dunk the dunk, and there were a lot of boos at the scene.

When the camera was given to Xiao Hua, I didn't see any embarrassed expression on his face, but he was talking to his assistant with a smile on his face, and the boos at the scene were even louder, and they all scolded Xiao Hua for being stinky and shameless, and his skin was thicker than the city wall!

In other words, thin-skinned people really can't be the big boss of the alliance!

Xiao Hua has no abnormality on the surface, which does not mean that there is really no fluctuation in his heart, he and his assistant are also talking about things on the field, "It seems that this restructuring is not successful!"

The assistant smiled bitterly: "I think it's mainly a matter of squad distribution, the overall strength of the east is too strong, and Han's strength is not at the same level as other players at all, so the competitive viewing is greatly reduced, to be honest, I think the effect of letting Han perform alone in the slam dunk contest is better than now." "

Xiao Hua also laughed speechlessly, the purpose of their restructuring was naturally to bring novelty to the audience, but they didn't expect it to be self-defeating, and the audience didn't buy it at all.

Xiao Hua is actually under a lot of pressure for this kind of ending, he is a new official, and he is the main initiator of the restructuring, and the slam dunk contest is all bad, and he is not happy to lose face.

"That's all there is to it for now, and hopefully the West players can play a little better in the next round. The assistant was also helpless.

Xiao Hua nodded noncommittally.


After the 90-second performance time in the west, the judges quickly gave the result, that is, the east won completely, and no one had an opinion on this result, they could see that the difference in strength between the two sides was a bit big.

After a brief break, the second round of the game began, which was the final, that is, the East and West players played one-on-one heads-up, and the rule was which team won three games first, then the game was over.

The East Force won the first round, and the privilege was that they could choose which players to play against and the order of the game.

As the captain, Han Zhe naturally arranged the order of play.

"Who do you want to fight with?" Han Zhe asked directly.

Both of them smiled and said that Han Zhe could arrange it at will, if their opponent was Han Zhe, they would not be confident, but they really didn't care about these three western players, no matter who it was, they were confident that they would win, so they motioned to Han Zhe to look at it.

Han Zhe was not hypocritical, and signaled that Wall was the first to play, the opponent was McClymer, and Rose was the second to play, the opponent was Barnes, Han Zhe was still the finale, and the opponent was Lillard, the captain of the West.

"What's going on over there, it looks like a crowd is leaving?" Smith was attracted by the movement in the stands.

After Barkley saw it, he couldn't help but complain again, "It's not easy for the audience to endure it now, if it weren't for Han's super dunk performance, maybe the audience would have run out long ago." "

Barkley is really not blowing this time, this slam dunk contest has been criticized a lot, if it weren't for Han Zhe's performance against the sky, the audience is estimated to run seventy-seven-eighty-eight, after all, the gap between the strength of the east and the west is too big, and the viewing will be greatly reduced, not to mention that the first round is still a group of people who are cheating, and the audience obviously doesn't like this form of confrontation. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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