Hearing that someone actually dared to come forward to challenge Han Zhe, everyone became interested, and they all looked at the voice, ready to see who was so confident, and when they saw who the person who spoke was clear, everyone laughed.

Han Zhe turned his head and looked happy, it turned out to be his teammate Walker, although this kid could barely dunk, it was purely funny that he wanted to challenge Han Zhe.

"Hey, didn't you hear that Han Zhe has a good relationship with his teammates, why did Walker run away to dismantle the stage?" Li Tingting muttered in surprise.

Without waiting for others to answer, the fans in her live broadcast room had already chatted about the answer.

"Sister Ear, how stupid and cute, where is this demolition, Walker is here to liven up the atmosphere!"

"That's right, if you really want to dismantle the magic, Ibaka is barely qualified, and it's just qualified. "

"I haven't really seen Walker dunk and I'm looking forward to him putting on a show. "

"It's really interesting if these two people PK, they are both small people of about the same height. "

Han Zhe took the microphone and beckoned to Walker: "Come on, come on, give you a chance to perform, let's PK, let the audience score as judges, we will decide the winner at one time, if you can win, I will bring you the ~ trophy home." "

Walker was not hypocritical, he ran on the court, took Han Zhe's microphone and said: "Everyone heard it, although Han is my teammate and captain, he is too arrogant, I decided to give him an unforgettable lesson, this trophy - I want to decide!"

As soon as Walker's voice fell, there was thunderous applause, and the audience, who had been up and about to leave, sat down again, looking forward to this unique championship match.

"Wow! Walker actually came on the court to challenge Han, this is a civil war between Magic teammates, but, Walker can reach the basket?"

"Barkley, you are too bad to speak, aren't you afraid of being beaten, Walker is also very popular now, beware that you can't get out for a while!"

The three living treasures of TNT seized the opportunity to tease.

The referee was also very discerning, and he was also returning to the court, signaling that the two could start.

Walker's first dunk made many people laugh and slap the table, because Walker didn't have any work at all, it was just a sprint split, this kind of action put a real hole in the slam dunk contest, but everyone didn't take it too seriously, not everyone has Han Zhe's exaggerated bounce power, Walker is already good at being able to dunk at 1.85 meters.

However, when seeing the close-up of the Magic players collectively covering their faces, the audience couldn't help but burst into laughter again.

After Walker finished the buckle, he walked towards Han Zhe with a smug face, and Han Zhe couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Han Zhe took the microphone and said, "Now please give Walker a score from the judges, hey, what's the situation, how much did you charge Walker for this kid? I'll give it double!"

When they heard Han Zhe's words and saw the scores played by the fans, the audience in front of the TV was already laughing, because there were countless 10-point signs in the audience, even if they were worse, they were 9 points.

If you don't know that this is an entertainment game, it is estimated that everyone will shout shady, and Walker's ordinary dunk is close to passing the full score.

Walker took the microphone and condemned Han Zhe's slander, saying that the judges' scores were very fair, and warned Han Zhe not to act blatantly!

Listening to the laughter of the audience, Xiao Hua seemed very satisfied, these two living treasures have a strong ability to enliven the atmosphere.

It's time for Han Zhe next, and the audience is up again, after all, Han Zhe's dunks in the slam dunk contest are all classics, and they hope that the classics will continue.

"Han! I heard that your bounce power is known as the first person in the NBA, but I am not convinced!"

Han Zhe asked cooperatively, "Then how do you take it?"

Walker pointed to the three-point line in front of him, "You have the ability to jump and dunk from here, dunk it and I'll take it!"

Han Zhe's action of rolling his eyes happened to be captured by the live camera, which made many viewers laugh and cry, and Tai Nima was amused.

A jump dunk from the three-point line?

Walker really dared to think about it.

Han Zhe doesn't care about this idiot, when he can fly, a three-point line dunk is not something that people can do at all.

After Han Zhe picked up the basketball, he didn't retreat to the backcourt to run, but stood at the three-point line with the ball as if he was constantly aiming.

Walker said, "Han, this is a slam dunk contest, not a three-point contest, are you going to shoot a three-point contest?"

"Haven't you seen self-throwing and self-deduction?" Han Zhe was speechless.

Walker sneered and stepped aside motioning for him to continue.

The audience is curious, in the past, Han Zhe basically showed long-distance flying dunks to win crushingly, but this time it seems that he is going to show off his skills under the basket, everyone is looking forward to it, they all believe that Han Zhe's dunk is not bad no matter how bad it is.

········· Asking for flowers...

After Han Zhe threw the ball out with a shooting action, he just ran two steps and shook his head and retreated, and everyone saw that the ball hit the outside of the basket and bounced directly to the ground, so they knew that Han Zhe made a mistake in playing the board.

That's right, everyone thought that Han Zhe was planning to throw a rebound and then catch the ball and dunk.

Han Zhe took a deep breath and threw the ball high again, this time as soon as the ball was shot, Han Zhe felt very good, so he immediately chased the ball and rushed out, jumping up just one step past the free throw line.

The audience's first reaction was that Han Zhe made a mistake, because the timing of the jump was obviously wrong, it seemed that Han Zhe jumped too early, and under normal circumstances, Han Zhe should have flown to the basket after the ball rebounded, and it would be too late to catch the ball and dunk the dunk.


Is it really an early jump?


When Han Zhe was in the air, the ball just smashed down, just on the top of the outer string of the hoop, the ball bounced back quickly, and Han Zhe flew to the highest point just to catch the basketball.

After receiving the ball, Han Zhe closed his legs in the air and stretched forward in a sitting position, and after receiving the ball, he bypassed the ball under his legs with his left hand and then buckled it with his right hand.

After the "bang", Han Zhe stumbled to the ground a little.


After Han Zhe finished the deduction, the scene suddenly exploded, and many people even showed stunned expressions, this ball was very exciting, but they had too many doubts.

Barkley and several people also kept watching the replay and discussing, and finally Barkley shook his head very affirmatively: "Deliberately shooting string rebound, I can't find an adjective for this accuracy, after receiving the ball, he actually sat in the air and dunked the ball around his legs, this ability and danger are also incredible, well, this set of actions cannot be done by anyone!"

O'Neill was speechless and said, "Someone can't do it? So what are you looking at now?"

Smith interjected, "Barkley, are you scolding Han for not being human?"

Not to mention how everyone discussed, Han Zhe's goal completely conquered the audience, and almost all the games were 10-point cards.

Walker also had a convincing expression, although he also won a lot of points just now, of course he knew that the audience was fun, and now Han Zhe's ten points are really small. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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