After the change of formation in the second quarter, many people saw that this lineup was more anxious than Han Zhe himself, especially the domestic audience, which was completely stabbed, although Han Zhe has already had a lot of honors, but he has not won the All-Star MVP, this is the VIP among VIPs, and they are more favorable.

If you have won the MVP of the All-Star Game, your fame and status will be a qualitative improvement!

After the opening of the second quarter, the West took the lead, Durant hit a mid-range shot to score, and when the East kicked off, Han Zhe and Wade reflexively ran to the backcourt at the same time to prepare to receive the serve.

When he saw that it was George who kicked off, Han Zhe stopped and turned around and ran to the frontcourt, without thinking about this ball~ He will throw it to Wade.

Seeing Han Zhe leaving, Wade raised the corners of his mouth, and said that Han Zhe was quite interesting, and then turned his head and signaled James to step forward to prepare to catch the ball, Wade was angry in the first quarter, and now of course he has to repay the other with his own way, and the trio of them will definitely do their best to suppress Han Zhe in this section.

In Wade's view, the MVP of the All-Star is none other than James, and no one else deserves it, at present, Han Zhe is a standout, and his performance is better than Durant in the West, he has to try to help James chase points, even if James can't get the MVP, he won't let Han Zhe take it.

After Han Zhe ran out of the vacant position in the front court, Wade came over with the ball and really didn't mean to pass the ball at all, but shook Harden, who had just replaced Lillard, and immediately distributed the ball to James.

There was a sudden boos at the scene, you must know that there are many James fans, but Han Zhe's popularity is also off the charts now, and there are thousands of fans in the light of the sky today, and it is natural to boo when he sees Wade not passing the ball to Han Zhe.

And just listening to the voice, it was much louder than booing Han Zhe in the first quarter just now, which proved that Han Zhe's fans present today actually overpowered James, of course, Han Zhe's side has the unified support of countless overseas Chinese is a very important reason.

Han Zhe was not surprised to see that Wade didn't pass the ball, and if the other party really made him a ball, he would suspect that he had other intentions...

James took the ball and turned around, jumped up and prepared to dunk one as soon as he started to rush to the basket, however, someone obviously didn't want him to be in the limelight, he was knocked down as soon as he jumped, although the referee whistle showed a foul in the West, but James was very unhappy, opened his mouth and sprayed a few words before scolding and walking to the free throw line.

Han Zhe was immediately happy, it was Davis who fouled just now, it seems that he still remembers Liang Zi in the first quarter, and he is still staring at James, this is not a big foreign aid!

James hit one of two free throws, and the Western Conference tee shot continued, and Paul, who replaced Curry, organized the offense.

Han Zhe and his opposite, originally Han Zhe also wanted to paddle to let him in, but Paul seemed a little nervous, Han Zhe, who was facing the defense at the top of the arc, actually played tricks, and kept doing dazzling crotch changes looked chic, which made Paul's fans excited, and some were already screaming for him to show off.

"Paul, this guy is not looking for anyone, but he is going to provoke Han..."Curry, who had just finished the break, muttered quietly, he already knew a little about Han Zhe now, and Han Zhe would never allow others to pretend to be forced in front of him.

Sure enough, when Paul just started to break through after a quick dribble, Han Zhe did not hesitate to take a step sideways and reach out and grab the ball.

After grabbing the ball, Han Zhe easily got rid of Paul who was already confused with a backhand dribble, and then rushed to the opponent's half together.

"Damn!" James is even angrier than breaking the ball, your sister, isn't this a point for Han Zhe!

Of course, Han Zhe would not miss this opportunity, and a dashing car split buckle ended the attack.

Han Zhe smiled at James after scoring the goal, "It's not difficult to score, the ghost knows how you scored two points in a quarter!"

"This kid is too arrogant, I really want to punch him twice in the face!" Wade looked at Han Zhe's back and hated it.

James didn't say anything and ran away, because Han Zhe couldn't pretend to be forced by him, his offensive ability was off the charts, and his defense was good, but in terms of stealing ability, he couldn't shoot Han Zhe.

"Such a fast move, we all know that Paul is a very flexible player, and his ball control ability is definitely ranked among the best in the league, but I didn't expect to be cut off by Han Zhe for the first touch!"

"It's reasonable for him to be broken, Paul is excellent, but Han Zhe's ability to control the ball or his speed is stronger than him, and the key is that Han Zhe's judgment is very strong, so it is very dangerous to play with fire in front of him. "

The audience who was worried about Han Zhe breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't expect Han Zhe to score as soon as he started, very good, very strong, his teammates would rob him if he didn't pass it!

However, Han Zhe did not continue to be a force in the next two rounds, the audience likes to watch offensive battles, he doesn't want to make the All-Star into a playoff mode, not to mention that Han Zhe's emotional intelligence is not low, it is too offensive to do this, after all, he still has to be in the NBA, and which one of the people present is not a big name, there is no need for that, as long as the other party does not pretend to be forced in front of him, he will continue to paddle mode.

As for the steal block that I told James before, it was just a mouthful.

It was James who took the ball again, this time he rushed to the basket and saw Davis coming again, he was also angry, not only did not dodge, but continued to accelerate and rush up, the two jumped almost at the same time, and after the collision in the air, James shouted and smashed the ball into between Davis's hands.

0 begging for flowers·····


Davis was knocked to the ground and slid backwards several meters.

James, like a victorious general, kept beating his chest with figure-eight steps.

Han Zhe complained on the side: "It turns out that it doesn't just look like a gorilla..."

James' ball ignited the passion of the audience, isn't this kind of violent separation the audience's favorite drama!

"You should be glad that we are on the same team!" James pulled back a city, and he was much more confident, so he didn't mind provoking Han Zhe.

Han Zhe did not show weakness, glared and said, "I want to say the same thing to you, if you are in the west, it should be you who is lying on the ground and holding your eggs now!"

Both of them stared at each other as they spoke, their foreheads almost together.

........ 0.......

"Oh, what's the situation? Davis on the ground didn't get angry, but his Eastern teammates James and Han started to fight the bull, the two shouldn't have a big fight!" O'Neal shouted and drew everyone's attention, so everyone saw this strange scene.

"Haha... That's interesting, if these two people don't do something together, I'll be weird, so who do you think has a better chance of winning between the two?" Barkley was afraid that things would not make a big fuss.

Smith also joked: "Although James is a head taller than Han, I will still buy Han to win, after all, his record is here, and he won by crushing knockout, I think the NBA missed Han's boxing career!"

The fans at the scene also began to coax, and their nature of liking to watch the excitement was the same everywhere, especially Han Zhe's fans, who shouted that Han Zhe him.

On the contrary, James fans shouted calmly, not how high their quality is, but worried that their boss can't do James, if you ask who the boxer of the NBA bull is, it is estimated that 90% will answer Han Zhe!

However, whether it was Han Zhe or James, they all knew that this was not an occasion for a fight, and their teammates came to mediate and they also took advantage of the slope to separate the donkey.

"Don't be like him, this guy is a violent maniac, we should beat him from the court!" Wade, who was shouting just now and wanted to beat Han Zhe, was the first to persuade James.

James raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you afraid that I won't be able to beat him?"

Wade: "Uh..."

Seeing that both sides were still relatively restrained, the referee was greatly relieved, it would be troublesome if something really happened, James and Han Zhe are both big names, he is a referee who is very hard, and even the warning has to be used carefully..... Scholar._

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