In the second half, the two sides made personnel adjustments again, and only James and George were left on the court before the Eastern side, and Han Zhe was also temporarily rested.

In this regard, Vaughn also specially explained to Han Zhe, saying that he was just letting him rest for a while, and he would continue to play later, and they also had to give other players a little time to perform.

Han Zhe understands that an All-Star cannot be a one-person stage, as long as the players are elected, they all have the opportunity to play.

The West also had another change, with Davis, Durant and Harden all resting and being rotated off the bench.

After the game started, the only thing that made Han Zhe unhappy was that although Wade was off, Bosh was on, and without his own trouble, James played smoothly and soon scored four points.

Parker, who had just come on the court in the West, was more active, and he quickly scored five points with a three-pointer and a layup.

In fact, now the game is on the right track, without the presence of Han Zhe and Durant and others, no one deliberately targets James anymore, and ordinary people are not sorry, and now the two sides have started a fast break battle, and the score is much easier than before.

Now the players on both sides are fighting for the feel, and in the case of lax defense, it just depends on who scores more.

"It's not going to go on like this!"

After seeing James score another one, Walker was in a hurry.

Vucevic also complained that the Eastern players were too spineless, except for Irving, the other players were playing around James.

However, Han Zhe is more calm, James is performing well now, but the score is worse than him, and depending on Vaughn's meaning, he will definitely have a chance to play for a while, so there is no need to rush it.

There is a saying that the emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuch is in a hurry, and domestic fans are already a little crazy when they see James chasing points, and they don't want James to take the MVP home.

Even Zhang Weiping was anxious: "Dong is out of shape now, James scores frequently, I don't know when Han Zhe can play again, I believe the audience also wants to see them compete for supremacy." "

I thought that the third quarter would become James's personal show, but no one expected that Howard suddenly made a force, blocking and grabbing the board to contain the Eastern offense, not to mention, he also scored two goals in a row, so that everyone realized what Warcraft is!

This is the charm of the All-Star, any player on the court is likely to show off, after all, the players on the court are all masters, and anyone can have a highlight performance.

In the middle of the third quarter, Vaughn made personnel adjustments again, and what made it unpleasant for the sky was that Han Zhe still did not play.

The only consolation may be that James was replaced, and it is better for both of them to sit on the bench than for Han Zhe to sit on the bench alone.

Smith: "Today's MVP should only have three players, Han, who has the highest score, he has 25 points, followed by Durant, who also has 23 points, and the third James, who has scored 22 points, I don't mean that other players don't have a chance, but at the moment it seems that these three players have the most chances." "

O'Neal said: "It seems to be the case at the moment, but the MVP ownership depends on how the two sides win or lose in the end, and the West has now surpassed by two points, but the difference is not big, and it seems that the winner should be decided in the fourth quarter." "

Ross Barkley: "I'm not actually concerned about winning or losing or MVP, I want to see what else the three players can do with James, Durant and Han, and I hope they can play again soon!"

That's right, a lot of people think about going together with Barkley, the All-Star win or defeat is not really important to the audience, they just want to see the stars perform, of course, if it is like today, the game is even better!

The most interesting thing now is undoubtedly the three people mentioned by Barkley just now, they not only have good football skills and are famous, but their relationship is also complicated and very interesting.

Only the fans of rookies such as Owen are more depressed, and their players have no room to play today!

This session can be said to be show time, the two sides rotated a few players in the middle of the game, as long as the selected players have a chance to perform, it is just a matter of time.

Vaughn also follows the rules, he is famous, and the high-ranked players naturally have more performance time, and the lower-ranked players naturally have shorter playing time.

This year's All-Star is a bit strange, that is, Walker, Ibaka and other Magic players are actually not proportional to their voting rankings and fame, so it is not bad for Vaughn to only let them play the first quarter, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to have a chance to play again.

At the end of the third quarter, Han Zhe and James did not play again, but everyone knew that they could not sit until the end, because they should have more playing time regardless of fame and ranking.

Sure enough, after the start of the fourth quarter, the two sides made personnel adjustments again, and James, Han Zhe, Anthony, Bosh, and Irving entered the deciding game on behalf of the East.

And in the West are Durant, Griffin, Curry, Howard and Paul.

The current score is 108-103 in the West leading the East.

The score of the third quarter of the game has broken 100, this is the charm of the All-Stars, only the second quarter of the two sides played more chaotic, and then quickly got back on track, especially in the third quarter, both sides are scoring shows, and the defense is useless.

Griffin is even more backward, and has now scored 29 points, the highest score of the game.

Of course, as we all know, the real time to win and lose has not yet come, and the two sides will generally play seriously in the second half of the fourth quarter.

However, no one can say for sure in today's game, there is no convention for Han Zhe and several people to be on the same stage, and it is not strange to play anything!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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