Han Zhe and the others arrived in Orlando that night, and Liu Yan and the others were all mixed up on the magic bus.

"Cousin, you're so popular in Orlando?"

Just now, there were many fans who picked up the plane at the airport, and the most people were holding Han Zhe's poster and wearing his jersey.

Han Zhe and they are naturally very popular, especially Han Zhe, who can be said to have won the All-Star Grand Slam.

Han Zhe waved his hand out of the window and said with a smile: "Of course, you don't look at who your cousin is, the star knows what it is, it's just that I play well like this and look handsome!"

Li Tingting rolled her eyes and ignored him, stinky and shameless.

But Liu Yan sighed the most.

I thought that I was racking my brains at the beginning, thinking that if Han Zhe couldn't get along in the sports world, he would help him make his debut in the entertainment industry.

As a result, in just two years, Han Zhe became popular as a sports star.

The circumstances of life are wonderful.

Then a carload of people talked and laughed and turned back to Amway Arena, and everyone had to gather first.

Han Zhe was a little uncomfortable along the way, Li Tingting and Guo Allen didn't care, one was his own family, and the other was his younger brother, but Kolo and Liu Yan were very lethal together.

He and Kolo were already in an underground relationship, but he also had some special feelings for Liu Yan, the big sister.

If this kind of thing is a veteran in the love field, it will definitely be caught, but it is too difficult for a junior brother like Han Zhe.

Han Zhe can only use Dafa to divert his gaze and keep diverting the topic, talking to them about basketball and Orlando!

After arriving at the destination, Han Zhe arranged for a stadium staff to lead a few people to visit the Amway Arena, and he went to gather with his teammates.

Han Zhe gained a lot, but he still kept his trophy in the honor showroom of magic as usual, and in his words, he didn't bother to wipe the dust at home!

"Wow, boss, this is almost your personal honor room!" Walker exclaimed, looking at the newly added trophies.

The other players also laughed after hearing this, indeed, the Magic is a team with a short history and a serious lack of honors, and Han Zhe's two-time All-Star is particularly eye-catching!

"Hey, hey, it would be spectacular to be able to collect individual trophies here. Han Zhe touched his chin and muttered.

Others were speechless, there are so many individual awards in the NBA that it's almost impossible to collect them.

Not to mention anything else, the Finals MVP trophy alone has attracted countless heroes to bend their waists!

If you want to win this award, you have to go to the finals, the team has to win, and he has to be the best performer!

There are two hardest NBA heavyweight individual honors to win, one is the Finals MVP, and the other is the regular season MVP.

There is only one regular season MVP in the league every season, and it is also the best one, needless to say, the difficulty.

As for the MVP of the finals, the least is to win the championship of the finals, and many players do not even have the opportunity to participate in the finals in their lives!

After everyone was arguing for a while, they gathered, and Vaughn announced that the team was off for two days, which won a lot of cheers, and said that the boss said that he would pay back his personal reward when he returned.

This year's All-Star Magic is a big show of face, and Devos is naturally in a good mood and promises a bonus, but he still has a social deal and has not come back with the team.

After the disbandment, Han Zhe found Li Tingting and others, and then went to the garage to pick up the car together to prepare for the official return.

Walker and the others, who were also picking up the car, looked very unscrupulous, and they didn't have to think about it to know how they would arrange Han Zhe in private.

"Wow! you guys are a luxury car show here!" Li Tingting couldn't help but sigh.

There are a lot of high-paid players for the Magic, and the players are generally a group that can enjoy it, and their cars are naturally not bad.

Han Zhe smiled, and said in his heart What is this, if he wasn't bound by an endorsement contract, he would have driven the top famous car a long time ago, and now there is a Ferrari at home piling up ashes!

Fortunately, Han Zhe's car of four people could still sit down, and it was pulled away in a wave.

On the way, Han Zhe asked, "How do you feel about Orlando?"

"It's beautiful, and the air is good, and it feels a lot more relaxed here. Yoo Yeon was the first to speak.

Li Tingting also nodded, and then added: "The greenery is good, and the street is particularly clean and refreshing, it is really good to live in this kind of place, the only regret is that there are no acquaintances, and it will definitely be boring to stay for a long time." "

This can be regarded as Han Zhe's heart, there is no acquaintance here except for his teammates, and it is really boring after going home.

Guo Allen's focus was obviously different from theirs, and he said: "Amway Arena is really magnificent, it would be cool if I could also play here, just think about the scene of tens of thousands of people cheering at the same time, I am so excited to death!"

"If you have a chance, hone your skills more, and then bring up your physical fitness, and try to get a good pick in the next draft, although I can get you a second-round pick in the Magic, but if you can get a high pick, of course, it will be better, which will not only affect income, but also closely related to future development. "

How do you know that Guo Allen shook his head when he heard it, "I won't go to other teams to give me good rankings, so I'll take the magic second-round show, so that we can play together." "

After hearing this, Han Zhe couldn't help but slap him on the head with a backhand, "Something that doesn't make a difference!"

"Brother Zhe, why am I out of interest, aren't you the same as a second-round show, and now you're not in the mix, so the order doesn't matter at all, and if I also go to magic, I won't be able to suffer a loss with you!"

Han Zhe: ...

Han Zhe was speechless, Guo Allen was not all right, nor was he completely wrong, at least in magic, he could avoid a lot of detours, and Han Zhe may not have a chance to get ahead.

I don't know if this guy is stupid or smart!

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