
As the host, Han Zhe got up early in the morning to wash, but he found that there were people who got up earlier than him.

"Sister Yan, got up so early?"

"I often catch announcements, and I get used to getting up early. "

Han Zhe nodded, everyone only likes to see the glamorous side of celebrities, but who knows that celebrities are not easy, they get up early and touch the dark, and often work overtime.

didn't talk much, and after everyone got up and washed, a group of people set off.

After finding a Chinese restaurant for breakfast, Han Zhe and the others came to their first target, the Orlando Museum of Art.

There are many landmarks and attractions in Orlando, and it is difficult to visit them in a day or two, and after Han Zhe explained to them the places that are more interesting or valuable to visit, they voted for which places to play.

The result of the vote was that they would visit the art museum this morning before going to Universal's Islands of Adventure.

The afternoon schedule is to go to Walt Disney World.

For artworks, Han Zhe has limited appreciation ability, especially some oil paintings, Han Zhe seems to be similar to children's graffiti, so he is completely accompanying them along the way.

After walking around nine o'clock, a few people finally left, and then came to Universal's Islands of Adventure.

Han Zhe finds it much more interesting here, it is composed of Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Spider-Man and other thematic areas, which is not only very interesting, but also has many places to play.

Such as extra-long roller coasters, Ferris wheels, pirate ships, etc.

Originally, the plan was to play until about 12 o'clock to go to lunch, who knew that everyone was addicted to this game, until the stomach croaked and found that it was already a little more.

After a hasty meal, there was an accident when everyone was about to move towards Disney World on the outskirts of the city, first of all, Han Zhe naturally took off his hat and sunglasses and other disguises when eating.

He was recognized, and although the fans were still good enough not to disturb their meal, they were surrounded as soon as they went out.

Han Zhe had something to do today, and he originally planned to forcibly break through, but Liu Yan and the others signaled him to deal with it, even if they all knew that Han Zhe had a good reputation among the fan groups in China, they didn't want to affect Han Zhe's image because of themselves.

Han Zhe saw that they were not hypocritical when they said this, and began to cooperate with the fans to take photos and sign autographs.

Liu Yan and the others are still a little unaccustomed to this kind of scene next to them, because even Kolo has some fans here, and occasionally someone will find Kolo, but she and Li Tingting Guo Allen are completely unpopular.

No one here knows who they are!

When he saw that some media were attracted to him, Han Zhe finally said sorry and flashed with a few people, saying that he would take them out to play today, but he didn't want to be affected by the media.

However, before they could get there, they couldn't help but stop again and turn.

Because Colo had just received a call from home, she was scolded so much that her family asked her to go home immediately, and the plane tickets had already been booked for her!

Kolo was sullen all the way, not because she was scolded by her family, she was prepared, because her family urged her to go back yesterday.

They have been playing today and have not paid attention to the newspapers and news.

Today's all-star weekend is overwhelming, and Han Zhe, a young student who is in the limelight, is naturally the focus of the report, and even Koloe and Liu Yan are also on camera.

The most hateful thing is that the headlines of some unscrupulous newspapers are very deceptive, what Han Zhe is not only proud of the court, but also proud of the love field, and he is very happy to hug left and right.

The key is also accompanied by a picture, which is when Han Zhe won the MVP, Yoo Yan and Kolo hugged him to celebrate.

As for Allen Guo, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and was ignored by Hua Li.

They had a good time, not knowing that it was completely blown up outside.

Han Zhe's all-star performance is naturally a topic of conversation, especially in China, which once again set off a wave of "Han Zhe fever".

Because Han Zhe is on the simulcast again, there is still half a minute of various reports about his all-star in the news.

As an individual athlete, being able to occupy half a minute of news time is no longer a cow.

Of course, the simulcast will not gossip about Han Zhe's scandals, but some sharp-eyed viewers discovered that Liu Yan and Kolo appeared as backgrounds in several shots, and the heart of national gossip is atmospheric, and it is indispensable to make up for it.

"Liu Yan can't be happy anymore, she hasn't come back for so long!"

"Is this going to stage a husband fight between two daughters? I support Kolo, because Liu Yan is all of us!"

"I'm curious about how the goddess sleeps these days?"

"Didn't you see that the paparazzi have already exploded a few girls in Han Zhe's villa, Han Zhe is a beast, Sister Lori grabbed it!"

"Don't talk about it, Han Zhe is already very good, if you have his fame and money, you don't know how many people have been harmed, except for the rumors that he had with Kolo for a while, Han Zhe has hardly had a scandal!"

"Why do you keep staring at women, let's talk about basketball, Han Zhe is this a god in a war?"

"Han Zhe has long been a god, so he doesn't need to be sealed, but this time he punched James and kicked Durant, it's really awesome!"

"If it weren't for the absence of my Kobe, how could the MVP have Han Zhe's share!"

"Brain Remnant Kemi has appeared again, don't brag about your old man, you're about to retire, what are you going to do with me?"

"That's it, it's all about finding a sense of existence, and it's not rare to scare him!"


Kolo sat in the car very upset, she never wanted to go back today, not that she was reluctant to Han Zhe, they could often meet, and they didn't care about overnight.

What he is worried about is Liu Yan, as a woman's intuition, she thinks that Liu Yan and Han Zhe have a story, the key is that Liu Yan is indeed too sexy, she is a little jealous as a woman, so it is always unsteady not to stare at them.

But she couldn't go back, the family was really angry, and warned her that if she didn't go back today, they would ground her in the future.

Han Zhe didn't want Kolo to have a conflict with his family because of himself, so he persuaded her a few words, saying that he would come out to play in a few days.

In the end, Chloe obediently went to the airport, and then reluctantly said goodbye.

Liu Yan and the others pretended to be dumb the whole time, because what they said was inappropriate, you persuaded Kolo to go, it looked like they were chasing others.

Persuade to stay, it's like making other people's families disagree, the key is that the relationship between everyone has not reached that point, it is better to shut up, this is the way smart people do.

After sending Kolo away, everyone saw that the time was not early, and after all kinds of accidents, the interest was gone, so they simply returned directly.

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