The first ball Harkless passed to Guo Allen, who was the No. 1 player and was responsible for organizing the attack.

After arriving in the frontcourt, Walker posted it with a grin, and the other players consciously distanced themselves, obviously giving them a chance to play singles.

In fact, the Magic players also want to see how Guo Allen is strong, they just have a certain understanding of Guo Allen from the newspaper, and they know that he is a relatively famous rookie in the Celestial Empire.

Guo Allen didn't hesitate when he saw Walker sticking up, and after half-turning around and moving the ball left and right slightly, he suddenly broke out and took the first step to get past Walker.

Vaughn, who was watching from the sidelines, nodded unscrupulously, Guo Allen's explosiveness was good, and the first step was started quickly.

However, Walker is not a vegetarian either, and he is quite explosive, and a stride acceleration sticks to the other party again.

Guo Allen saw that he couldn't get rid of the opponent with speed, so he slowed down and was about to use his technique to pass Walker, when his body stumbled, the ball was out of his hand, Leonard picked up the ball and made a long pass to launch a fast attack, and Olapodi scored on the basketball.

Seeing Guo Allen looking at him innocently, Han Zhe spread his hands and said, "What? Do you still want the referee to blow a foul? This is a reasonable physical confrontation, Walker is polite, otherwise you may have been knocked away by him, so I told you to strengthen strength training." "

That's right, Guo Allen was directly bullied by Walker with his body just now, although Walker is shorter than Guo Allen, his physical fitness and weight can completely abuse Guo Allen.

When attacking again, Allen Guo tried to play alone with Walker, but Walker stuck to him like kraft candy, although he barely threw the ball out, but his posture was very awkward, and he almost missed three times!

Han Zhe didn't have any expression about this, everything was expected, if Walker couldn't even clean up the current Guo Allen, it would be impossible to form a Wang Bang combination with him.

After watching for a while, Han Zhe and Vaughn sat on the sidelines and chatted while watching.

"Coach, what do you think of Allen Guo, can you adapt to the NBA?"

Vaughn thought about it for a while and said: "It's not easy to say now, Guo's advantages and disadvantages are obvious, the disadvantages are that the medium and long-range shooting under pressure is unstable, the body is too thin, and the bounce power is average." "

"The advantages are that they are more explosive, fast, have a good vision, and have a solid basic skills. "

Han Zhe glanced at Vaughn unexpectedly, and admired his observation a little, after all, Vaughn was still new to Allen Guo, and it was very powerful to be able to see so many things in such a moment.

Of course, Han Zhe knows more about Allen Guo than Vaughn, and the advantages and disadvantages he knows are almost all pointed out by Vaughn.

Han Zhe believes that Guo Allen's biggest advantage is that he has stable ball control and good vision, for example, now, most of Guo Allen and Magic players don't know each other, let alone cooperate tacitly, but his passing rarely makes mistakes, which proves that his observation and judgment are very good.

As the game progressed, Guo Allen gradually played, and the ball also scored a few, of course, Han Zhe could see that Walker and the others had a certain suspicion of letting go after initially understanding Guo Allen's strength, and Zhe signaled to let go of the fight, but they really abused Guo Allen too badly, so it was a bit of that!

After the game was over, Vaughn turned his head and said: "The player you brought is good, he has a lot of potential, and his biggest advantage is that he is young and very malleable. "

After Vaughn finished speaking, he went on the field and called Guo Allen alone to chat for a while.

After Guo Allen came over, Han Zhe was curious: "What did Vaughn say to you?"

Guo Allen said: "Coach Vaughn encouraged me a few words, and pointed out some of my shortcomings, Brother Zhe, tell me honestly, am I disgraced to you!"

Guo Allen's expression was a little dejected when he said this, he was ambitious and ready to show when he first came on the court, but at the beginning of the game, his statistics were two turnovers, three missed shots, one was covered, and he was stealed twice by Walker!

As for his performance later, how could Allen Guo not know that Walker and the others released the water, otherwise he would have been even worse today.

Han Zhe was silent for a while, and said seriously: "If I say that how good your performance is to hurt you, it is too fake, but your performance is not ashamed, after all, you are not familiar with the magic players, your strength cannot be fully played, and you are not used to their rhythm, and in the end, you are too disadvantaged by your physical fitness." "

Han Zhe is not comforting, Guo Allen's performance is okay, he was bullied so badly not because the gap in strength is really so big, but because he is used to playing CBA and is not used to the fast pace of the NBA, he often has to slow down a beat when attacking and defending.

There is also the fact that he suffers too much in physical confrontation, and 9 out of ten players on the field can bully him with their bodies...

"Brother Zhe, I will work hard, and after I go back, I will mainly do strength strengthening and shooting training!"

Han Zhe saw his gritted teeth and hurriedly said: "Targeted training is necessary, but you don't practice blindly, you have to practice gradually, if your body is bad, it will be completely over!"

He was afraid that Guo Allen would be in a hurry, and if he practiced his body badly, it would be troublesome.

Guo Allen nodded, "I know Brother Zhe, I will study a reasonable training plan with the coach." "

After resting for a while, the two teams continued to play the training match, but this time Guo Allen was in charge of sitting next to the audience, and Han Zhe was on it.

"Observe the running and passing of the players, and pay attention to the overall offensive and defensive rhythm, you are the number one player, equivalent to the team engine, so the rhythm control is very important, you learn more from Han and Walker, they are top notch in terms of rhythm control. Vaughn began to point out Allen Guo.

Although he knew that Vaughn mostly said so much to himself because he saw Han Zhe's face, Guo Allen was still grateful: "Thank you, Mr. Vaughn, I will remember." "

Vaughn nodded, and didn't say much to him, after all, Allen Guo is not their magic player, so he doesn't need to bother with that.

After watching for a while, Allen Guo couldn't help but start calculating in his heart that he had just been abused into a dog by Walker and others, but now the battle situation was that Walker was beaten out by Han Zhe, so how big is the gap between him and Han Zhe?


It's a scary question to think about!

Guo Allen has actually been wondering in his heart, that is, can the NBA improve players so much?

At the beginning, he and Han Zhe were both national youth teammates, and he knew Han Zhe's strength very well, and the gap between the two was definitely not big.

And Han Zhe has only come to the NBA to play for one season, and his strength has risen like riding a rocket, and he can no longer look at the back of his neck.

Han Zhe's rapid rise is also an important reason why Guo Allen is determined to join the NBA, he believes that Han Zhe can, and he can!

However, he hasn't officially joined the NBA before he was taught a good lesson by the Magic players, which hit him a bit hard.

But Guo Allen is also a more persistent person, which has aroused his fighting spirit, and he believes that when the draft starts, he will definitely impress everyone. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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