Han Zhe's phone began to ring one after another, first of all, the parents called, they were naturally very concerned about their son's news, and they had been calling a lot in the past few days, but Han Zhe was afraid that they would be worried, so he kept saying that he had no problem with magic, and he didn't care about those rumors.

Now naturally I can't hold it.

"Xiao Zhe, why don't you tell us if something so big happens, it's time for you to change your temper, isn't it just that someone else scolded a few words, and it's not a big deal, just endure it..."

"Dad, it's okay for others to scold me, but it's not okay to scold you, I'd rather not play than pretend to be a grandson in this kind of thing, and this thing is really not big in my opinion, even if I have a fight with magic, I can find the next home, so don't worry about it." "

Then Han Zhe comforted him for a while, and his parents hung up the phone in disbelief.

Then Liu Yan also called to inquire about the situation, and the two chatted and chatted, and they didn't know the specific content of "Nine Six", anyway, when they hung up the phone, their faces were enthusiastic and heartbeat!

The most worried is Luther, since the matter is exposed, then they have to come up with a contingency plan, and they don't have to think about it to know that they are about to face a violent storm.

Several teammates who have a good relationship naturally also called to say hello, they are most concerned about what Han Zhe will do next, Han Zhe has a temper They know that the most likely thing to happen is that Han Zhe bombarded Devos to the media.

The Magic players don't want things to develop like this, if it really happens, the matter will be irreparable, and Han Zhe will inevitably leave the Magic.

Han Zhe can't guarantee anything now, so he can only tell his teammates that he won't be impulsive, and he will wait and see before making a decision.

The most lively is the official website of Magic and the major social networks, the official website is almost all fans scolding the club, and now that the matter is almost confirmed, of course they will target the club.

Fans can't figure it out at all, the team is developing very well, why do these idiots at the top do things, do they really want to force Han Zhe away?

Han Zhe's comments on Twitter and Weibo have also exploded, and they all hope that Han Zhe can come out and explain it now.

However, no matter how dare Han Zhe bubble now, he is not sure how things will develop, and of course he will not come out to talk nonsense during this sensitive period.

The Magic executives are even more anxious, and countless media have called in the hope that they can make an announcement, and it would be better if they can hold a press conference.

Devos held an emergency meeting, and he was very angry, squirting a lot of people, saying that they didn't keep the players' mouths shut, and that if the Magic players didn't confirm it, it would always be speculation, and the situation wouldn't get to this point.

Devos angrily said that he would investigate thoroughly, to see who this inner ghost is, as long as he knows who it is, he must be severely punished!

Devos also made ESPN a bloody head, but he can only vent it here, if it is a small media, he will let the other party accept the anger of magic, but ESPN media giant, don't give him face!

Hannigan was also scolded by Devos, but this root was also on fire, and he argued with Devos, and the matter was originally easy to solve, and the current situation would be completely Devos's will.

After everyone calmed down a little, Han: "At present, we only have two choices, one is to admit that Han Zhe was indeed punished by the team, and we can issue a statement criticizing Han for being arrogant, saying that he has no respect for the fans and pushing the responsibility on him, of course, I don't need to explain the consequences of this!"

Devos and the people who said before that they would punish Han Zhe came down, they wanted to beat Han Zhe, but it was limited to that, but they didn't want to really drive Han Zhe out of the magic, Han Zhe is their magic stone, if he leaves, the magic that has been built up will have to be rebuilt, and the ghost knows what it will look like!

Glancing at the meeting, seeing that no one spoke, Hannigan continued: "The second plan is to firmly deny the ESPN news, saying that there is no such thing, Han and we have no contradictions, and Han did suffer a small injury, but he has recovered and will be able to play in the next game!"

This method is really good, no matter what you ESPN says, anyway, our magic will not admit it, and on the surface, we can condemn ESPN's "slander" with righteous indignation, of course, they must lift the ban on Han Zhe and let him play as soon as possible, otherwise the trouble will be greater than now.

Devos was very upset, the first plan was not very desirable, they invested so much in Han Zhe, and Han Zhe's performance was definitely superstar, so they swept him out of the house like this?

That Devos could become synonymous with the NBA's after-dinner jokes and idiots!

The best option at the moment is undoubtedly the second plan proposed by Hannigan, but if it ends like this, he Devos will be equivalent to losing this confrontation with Han Zhe, which is unbearable for him.

You are a player who dares to fight with me, the boss, and the key is to win, what is this special thing called!

Seeing that Devos still didn't say anything, Hannigan was really anxious, "Boss, please put away the inherent concept, Han is not an ordinary role player, nor is he an ordinary star, he is comparable to James, Kobe, this kind of player0.........

Don't you see how many teams have come to the door now for a trade, and even the Spurs are willing to give up their star as a bargaining chip?"

"I'll think again!" Devos knew in his heart that Hannigan had a point, but he always felt that such a compromise was too lazy and he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Hannigan had a feeling of death, he thought that this kind of thing was normal and everyone knew that it should be done, but Devos was still hesitating, which made him feel that he was not human.

As the room fell silent, Devos's phone rang, and he was the only one in the conference room.

As soon as he looked at the call number, Devos felt a "groan" in his heart, this was a call from Xiao Hua, the boss of the alliance.

Devos knew that the alliance would definitely ask, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly, and Xiao Hua called in person!

"Devos, I want you to give me an explanation. As soon as the phone was connected, Xiao Hua spoke in an unkind tone.

Don't think that Xiao Hua is too lenient, the league has the right to ask about the management of each team and the attendance of players, if some NBA teams plan to rotate to let the main team rest for one or two games, they will make up a small injury or something in advance to report to the league for explanation.

Of course, Devos knew what Xiao Hua meant, and said with a dry smile: "Mr. Xiao Hua, those media are just scribbling, Han is indeed injured, didn't I report his injury information together?"

"Don't take me for an idiot, the fans are not idiots, others spend money to buy tickets to see stars like Han, and you are not responsible for the fans when you put him on the 4.0 bench, this is fraud.

I'll just say it bluntly, if you have a problem with Han, you can choose to trade him, I believe there are many teams willing to take over, although the trade period has passed, I can make a special exception to this, otherwise you can let him play immediately, don't tell me about any damn injuries!"

Looking at the phone that hung up, Devos was in a daze, he knew that if it was an ordinary player, Xiao Hua would definitely give him face, but Han Zhe was different, he was not only a magic player, but also a cash cow in the league, Xiao Hua was also very concerned about this matter.

Especially now that it has been exposed, Xiao Hua can't pretend to be blind if he wants to, Xiao Hua's meaning is very simple, Han Zhe must continue to appear on the court, if the magic can't stand him, he can choose to sell him, otherwise the ban on him will be lifted immediately!

This is not a discussion, Xiao Hua is obviously a warning, if the magic insists on going its own way, the alliance has a way to clean you up!_

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