After the game with the Warriors, although the newspaper will not come out until tomorrow, the online news has been overwhelming.

"Han's comeback battle slashed 37 points, and he was in great shape. "

"Curry didn't play the whole game, like an invisible man. "

Han denied having a conflict with the club and said it was a pleasure to work with the Magic. "

"The magic official once again came forward to refute the rumors, and the statement is the same as Han!"

"Olapodi has been deeply affected by the revelations and may be suspended for a long time. "

According to reliable sources, there are still a number of clubs that have said they will continue to fight for Han Zhe, and they will not give up easily. "

Han Zhe went home and watched all kinds of news, and had to admire the media's ability to mine news.

He had just hung up Luther's phone, and Luther told him that there were indeed several clubs that wanted Han Zhe to change teams to play for them, and that Han Zhe would take the time to talk to them and say that any conditions were negotiable.

The big NBA clubs are very well-informed, and of course they scoff at the Magic's trick of fooling the public, and they all know that there has been a crack in the relationship between Han Zhe and the Magic, which means that their opportunity to poach has come.

The current situation in the league can be said to be a triwizard competition, the Spurs, the Heat and the Thunder are very different from other teams in terms of overall strength.

Han Zhe has proven himself that he has the strength and potential to not lose to any superstar, if Han Zhe can join the team, they will have the capital to promote to the top team, and now Han Zhe and Magic have problems, which is naturally a great opportunity for them.

At present, the two teams with the most sincerity are the Rockets and the Warriors, who have just played each other.

The Rockets have tasted the sweetness of the players of the Celestial Empire, and they have made a lot of money in the Yao Ming era with their broadcast fees and various advertisements, and Yao Ming's contribution to the team in terms of results is also huge, and now Han Zhe is obviously stronger than the previous Yao Ming, and his popularity is also higher, of course they want to try to introduce it.

What's more, now Han Zhe and Walker can be called the king bomb combination, so if it becomes a combination of Han Zhe and Harden, plus there is a monster on the inside, they believe that this team can definitely compete with teams like the Heat and the Spurs.

The Warriors now seem to be planning to stir up the NBA, they have made frequent small moves this season, and the media has broken the news that the Warriors have been in private contact with many big-name players, and they are obviously unwilling to be lonely and want to do something.

Han Zhe seems to have become an important target for them, and Han Zhe and Curry are undoubtedly perfect partners, if they spend a lot of money to build an inside line, they will definitely be promoted to the top team in an instant.

Will the team's salary cap explode?

The current top teams seem to be thinking about this problem at all, as long as they are perfect and can produce results, a large number of teams are willing to pay a high luxury tax.

However, Han Zhe has asked Luthor to suspend contact with other teams, and it is even more impossible for him to meet with other teams in person, after all, he has a storm here, and he doesn't want another storm.

Unless he is forced to do so, Han Zhe is not willing to change teams by jumping out of the contract, and since the magic side has lowered his profile and reconciled, he will not continue to do things.


When Han Zhe and the others were warming up in the stadium, they saw Olapodi and his agent hurriedly passing by.

The players immediately began to discuss.

"Why is this idiot here, hasn't he already suspended his training?" Aflalo was already very upset with Olapodi after the last game, so he was the first to complain.

Walker said: "Didn't you see him with his agent, he definitely didn't come to train, I guess I went to the boss to admit my mistake." "

Vucevic smiled: "I think this kid is in big trouble, and now the boss must be very angry, and he will definitely not let him go easily." "

Ibaka pouted and said, "Dare to explode Han's material, this rookie is really looking for death, and he doesn't look at what he is." "

In fact, everyone didn't have much opinion about Olapodi before, they just thought he was a little arrogant, but there were many arrogant people among them, which was not a big deal.

But now Olapodi broke the news indiscriminately, and it still broke Han Zhe and the club, isn't this death!

"Okay, leave him alone, let's continue training!" Han Zhe greeted the players, and it was he, the captain, who usually led the team in training.

Although Vaughn doesn't like Han Zhe's excessive power, this is what the boss used to mean, and it has become a common practice, and after some time ago, Han Zhe doesn't love him anymore.

After the training ended, the players sat down and chatted again, and Han Zhe suddenly said to Ibaka: "How are you and Kelly?"

During this time, Han Zhe had a lot of things to do, so he naturally didn't have time to care about Ibaka, and now he doesn't know what happened to Ibaka and his girlfriend after passing through the last nightclub.

Before Ibaka could speak, Walker laughed and answered, "Kelly came back a few days after running away from home, but Ibaka kicked her out again!"

Han Zhe looked at Ibaka suspiciously, obviously a little unconvinced, because he remembered that Ibaka seemed to like Kelly very much, otherwise Kelly should have exploded when she was bombed and fooled around with Harden before.

Ibaka spread her hands, "I've had enough of her!"

When Walker leaned into Han Zhe's ear and whispered a word, Han Zhe suddenly realized that it turned out that Ibaka seemed to have hooked up with a model again, and the emotional wounds seemed to have to be healed by women, especially beautiful women.

In this regard, Han Zhe is actually happy for Ibaka, it is good for a woman like Kelly to be divided, otherwise maybe love will turn into a green light!

The team was disbanded early in the afternoon, and they had to rest early to prepare for tomorrow's game against the Pelicans. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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