At this stage of the game, the Magic naturally began to press all over the court, and Walker was already standing on the opponent's baseline to interfere with free throws.

Battier still passed the ball before timeout, and Wade just received the ball and it was a quick pass to Bosh.

At this time, James had already rushed to the frontcourt, and Han Zhe had been following closely and would not let James receive the ball easily.

When he saw a figure running past him quickly, Han Zhe secretly said, "It's not good", and Cole ran out of the gap.

Their defensive focus was on a few big names on the opposing side, and Kerr's sudden appearance was a bit of a surprise.

The opponent's tactic is obviously to hit Cole, and what he wants is a surprise effect.

Kerr ran to the 45th corner of the outside line, just in time to receive a pass from Bosh, Leonard was leaning next to James, ready to wrap up, seeing Kerr receive the ball and immediately stepped over to block, but it was still a beat slower, Kerr had already made a three-point shot.


The ball arcs in the air and goes into the basket accurately.

"YES!" Cole shook his fist hard, he was still under great pressure for this ball, and there was still a chance to turn the tables when he scored, if he didn't score, it would mean the game was over, but fortunately, he completed the tactical arrangement.

"This is a very wonderful fast-break tactical coordination, several players of the Heat are touching the ball and passing quickly, which not only prevents the interference of the Magic players, but also saves time, this round of offense only takes five seconds from start to finish, and now the two teams are 113-112, the Heat are only one point behind, they still have a chance!"

"The most successful part of the Heat's fast break is the choice of players, not Wade, not James, actually chose Kerr, which is very risky, but it has a surprisingly winning effect, but now there are only 15 seconds left in the game, the ball is still in the hands of the Magic, and they can only rely on steals to fight for opportunities. "

Seeing that the Heat scored a three-pointer in just five seconds, many commentators were excited, and this kind of suspense is only good to watch in the final game!

"Steady, don't rush," Vaughn shouted as he pointed to the timer and told them that the game was over in 15 seconds, and that as long as they controlled the ball and didn't lose it, they would win.

The Heat coach signaled that all players should press forward and must use the shortest amount of time to steal or force the Magic to make mistakes.

Leonard drove the ball to Walker, who received the ball and posted it to start pressing, the action was very rough, but the referee did not blow the whistle.

Walker didn't dare to swing his elbow too much when he protected the ball, for fear of being fouled by backblowing.

Seeing that the opponent was about to come over and attack again, Walker threw the hot potato to Han Zhe with a ground-hitting pass.

James almost half-hugged Han Zhe to grab the ball, Wade immediately gave up Walker to force together, and Kerr was stuck between Han Zhe and Walker, preventing Han Zhe from passing back Walker.

Everyone knows that the best ball control for the Magic is Han Zhe and Walker, they don't want to steal in the hands of the two, as long as they force them to pass the ball to other players, then they will have a much better chance of stealing next.

The chickens and dogs on the field were jumping into a mess, and the hearts of the fans at the scene were all in their throats, and they rarely watched so nervous in the regular season.

The key is that the two teams have been on the bar for the past two seasons, and neither wants to lose to the other.

The commentators of each station rarely spoke, and they were all staring intently at the screen, and the victory or defeat was between this goal.

Han Zhe was so angry that James kept squeezing his body, not to mention, one hand almost pressed his arm, and he couldn't dribble the ball, the referee didn't blow it, Han Zhe kind of understood why he said that James was the godson of the league!

Seeing that Wade was already in front of him, Han Zhe knew that he was really violently robbed like this, and it was obviously unrealistic to expect the referee to help him now.

Han Zhe gave the ball to Yingde with a diagonal pass.

Leonard just caught the ball and Bosh immediately grabbed it, Wade also turned and chased after Leonard, and now there are only 10 seconds left, and there is not much time left for the Heat.

Leonard looked up and saw that almost all the passing routes were blocked by Heat players, and he was about to face the bag of Bosh and Wade, one Wade was enough for him, and with one Bosh he had to concede 80% of the ball!

Leonard leaned on Bosh and tried to turn around, but Bosh pushed him so hard that he couldn't turn around at all, and when he looked up, Han Zhe made a move behind James, Leonard understood in seconds, and threw the ball at Han Zhe while Wade completely blocked the previous high hang.

James, who was stuck between Han Zhe and Leonard, was overjoyed after being stunned, and his first reaction was that Leonard was stunned, and the ball was actually passed to him.

James jumped and was about to take the ball off his head when a hand behind him took it away from him one step ahead of him.

James immediately reacted to who had cut off his beard, and immediately turned around to counter-rob after landing on the ground, but his eyes widened in surprise as soon as he turned around.

Han Zhe had actually already raised the ball in front of him and jumped!

James' first reaction was that Han Zhe was crazy, although he was too late to block it now, but looking at their position, it was just a step past the middle line, and Han Zhe actually chose to shoot in the midfield!

James wants to ask, who is lagging behind now, why are you in a hurry than us?

However, James is happy about this, grabbing rebounds is easier than stealing!

Han Zheqiu hasn't made a shot yet, except for James, who is too far away from the basket, the other players on both sides have been rushing to the basket like crazy, waiting to get the rebound.

"Bastard!" Vaughn almost jumped up in anger on the sidelines, he felt that Han Zhe was completely messed up, and it would be stable after a few more seconds, this is death, he was ready to explode!

When Han Zheqiu shot, there were 8 seconds left, and if the rebound was fast, the Heat should still have a chance to shoot.

The ball flew towards the basket in a high arc, and the ball was still in the air when Han Zhe landed, but he had already raised his hands and started to celebrate, while James next to him looked at him like an idiot.

James has already thought about it, even if he loses, he can use this ball to humiliate Han Zhe's arrogance!

The basket has been squeezed into a ball, and the two sides have pushed me and squeezed it to hang up, but they all have the same action, that is, look up at the direction of the basket!


After a crisp sound, all the players froze, James almost went into cardiac arrest, and it took a while to react, still screaming "impossible"!

"Nothing is impossible, if you can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't, this kind of ball is not difficult for me at all, do you want to learn, I'll teach you? haha..." Han Zhe laughed arrogantly after speaking, James retorted wordlessly, the winner is king, the loser is Kou, Han Zhe now has arrogant capital.

In fact, Han Zhe was also a little impulsive just now, he was provoked by the Heat's rough defensive actions, and said in his heart that you really want to chase points, right, then Lao Tzu will enter another one, see how you chase.

He had a 40 per cent shooting rate in the midfield, saw a good opportunity, and as soon as his brain was hot, he immediately threw it.

But as soon as the ball was shot, the shooter's instinct told him that the ball was right, so he celebrated in advance.

The major broadcast platforms shouted like crazy, they had never seen Han Zhe such a sassy player, he could win if he held on, he actually threw three points far away, if this ball could not be thrown and the Heat counterattacked successfully, then it is conceivable that Han Zhe will definitely be sprayed into a dog!

But there is no if, Han Zhe enters, he is now a hero of magic!

The home fans fell silent with all their expressions on their faces, and although there were six seconds left in the game, they were four points behind, and unless a miracle happened, they would have lost.

In fact, they had been mentally prepared for the loss before, after all, it was not easy to chase four points in 20 seconds, but Cole chased back three points to give them hope.

But now, as soon as hope appeared, it was immediately shattered, and Han Zhe still used this kind of ultra-distant humiliating three-point arrogance to stifle their hope!

The magic fans at the scene were crazy, and many even held Han Zhe's poster avatar and sang and danced.

It's no wonder that Magic fans are excited, the opponent is the top team in the league, and they often tear with them, but they are actually killed by them this season, which is not too cool.

Vaughn had a constipated expression on his face, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, he had prepared a lot of swearing, but now he could only hold it back!

After the Heat coach took a deep look at Han Zhe, he sighed and went back to sit down, this ball was not unjust!

That's right, this ball is out of the Heat, and the players have not done useless work, after kick-off, Wade controlled the ball and walked slowly a few steps before the whistle sounded, and the whole game was over!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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