It's April, and the NBA tournament will be in the final round.

The dust has settled on the top three in the West, with the Spurs firmly in first place, the Thunder in second place, and the Clippers in third.

The first thing that can be determined is that the Pacers will not change their position in third place, they are two wins behind the second place and three wins ahead of the fourth place, so winning or losing in the final round will not affect the change in the standings.

Yes, the Pacers have dropped from first to third, and they have the Heat and Magic on their heads.

The Magic and Heat are currently tied at 57-24, and the Magic rely on the advantage of direct confrontation between the two sides to temporarily rank first in the East.

It's also the best record the Magic have achieved in recent times, and although they have also finished first in the East, that was back before 2,000.

Amway Arena is not full today, as long as there are gaps in the stadium are crowded with people, I don't know how so many people got in.

Before the players entered the stadium, the fans were already excited, some held up the championship card and waved, and many people held up their favorite players' avatars to show their support, today Amway Arena is almost a blue ocean, most of the fans are wearing a uniform blue jersey, someone should have made a special trip to stop it.

"The Magic fans were in a very lively mood today, as if they were already celebrating their advance to the playoffs as Eastern Conference champions. "All three of TNT's living treasures are here today.

Smith said: "It's too early to talk about the championship, you must know that the Heat is likely to reverse in the last round, and the Magic's opponent today is not weak, by the way, Shaquille, do you think the Magic can win the Eastern Conference championship, you helped them win the first Eastern Conference championship that year!"

O'Neal looked nostalgic and sighed: "That championship was won in the 94-95 season, I remember very clearly, I was very young at that time, and that division championship made me so happy that I couldn't sleep, of course, it wasn't my credit alone, my teammates at that time were very strong, especially Hardaway, it feels great to combine with him, time flies so fast, it's been 20 years..."

Before he could finish speaking, Barkley interrupted rudely: "Don't sigh, we all know that you are very good at Magic, and now I am asking you if you think Magic can win the Eastern Conference championship again, you just say your opinion!"


Seeing O'Neill choked, the person next to him immediately burst into laughter.

O'Neal glared at Barkley unhappily before he returned, "This year's Magic players are very strong, it can be said that they are stronger than ours, especially Han's player, it's really not easy to evaluate, because the evaluation will feel too low, so I think they can win the Eastern Conference championship, even if they reach the Finals, I won't be surprised!"

Barkley and Smith both glanced at O'Neill unexpectedly, because he rarely praised people before, especially for Han Zhe, he often had reservations, and he always insisted on Han Chui!

Barkley didn't want to let O'Neal go like this, and the thief smiled: "Then do you think Kobe Bryant is better or Han is better?"

I thought O'Neal would play Tai Chi, but O'Neal said bluntly: "If Kobe Bryant is at his peak, this problem is really hard to say, but if it is now, it must be Han who is more powerful and more valuable, and the comparison of their data from the current is very revealing, and if you are the owner of the team, will you choose Han or Kobe?"

Although O'Neal is saying that Kobe Bryant is old and there is no comparison, this evaluation is already extremely high, of course, O'Neal may not have deliberately squeezed Kobe's meaning, the two are reconciled on the surface, but in fact, they all know that the contradictions accumulated over the years can be relieved in a few words.

Back then, Kobe Bryant competed for the boss of the Lakers, causing O'Neal to leave the team, which is a smashing of people's jobs!

The audience in front of the TV has a strange feeling, it stands to reason that they should be angry when they hear someone say that Han Zhe is better than Kobe, after all, Kobe Bryant is an NBA legend, and his strength and honors can be compared with Jordan.

However, they couldn't get angry when they heard O'Neill blowing Han Zhe, because Han Zhe was indeed ridiculously strong, and it was difficult for them to refute it.

Han Zhe was the scoring champion in his first rookie season last year, and this year's various statistics are still explosive, and he is also this year's All-Star MVP, and his potential can be said to be greater than that of Kobe Bryant that year.

Although Han Zhe can't be regarded as a legend now, he is already on the road of legend.

Under his leadership, the Magic have overtaken the Heat, and the temporary first place in the East is a good proof of this.

The crowd quickly retracted their thoughts as the players had already entered the stadium and the final game was about to begin.

When the visitors entered, they immediately received the biggest boos of the season, not only because the home fans wanted to overwhelm them in momentum, but more importantly, they were called ---Pacers!

The two teams have been grudges in the past two seasons, especially the last time Han Zhe and the club almost broke up, the Pacers were the trigger, of course the Magic fans hated them, and the Pacers have developed into mortal enemies for the Magic!

Many commentators are ridiculing, saying that the league's arrangement of the Magic to play the Pacers in the final round is not a deliberate gimmick, after all, the Magic and the Pacers staged a group fight last season, and this season is also full of disputes, arranging the two teams to play the final game is obviously a trouble!

There are even a lot of outside bookmakers in the opening betting on whether the two teams will fight and the number of players who will eat T!

The Magic executives who watched the game on the spot were also frowning, and they were also annoyed by the league's arrangement, not because they were afraid that the two sides would fight, but because it was more difficult to win the Eastern Conference championship.

The Pacers are not a weak team, and with the relationship between the two teams, the Pacers will definitely snipe the Magic and fight them even if the results have been fixed.

On the Heat's side, the opponent is just the league belly Bobcats, oh no, the Bobcats just bought back the team name and are about to change it to the Charlotte Hornets.

Therefore, the Heat's win rate in this round is extremely high, and the Magic must defeat the Pacers to ensure the honor of the top spot in the East. _

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