Although the game is over, neither the home players nor the fans have any intention of leaving, and they are all celebrating the team's victory, and the most important thing is that they beat the Heat Pacers and advance to the playoffs as the Eastern Conference leaders.

The Magic can be said to be the first place in the East can be said to be a slap in the face of countless commentators, although the Magic is still very optimistic this season, but most of the predicted results are around 3-8 in the East, I didn't expect them to be able to put the Heat with the Big Three under them.

Without waiting for the players to leave, Magic owner Devos stood in the center of the court with a red face with a microphone, first thanked the fans for their continued support for the team, and then praised the Magic players, for this long-lost Eastern Conference championship, he is still very fond of it.

After the scene was finished, Devos also called the players to the center of the court to let the reporters take a group photo, but at this time there was an interesting scene, Devos wanted to put his hand on Han Zhe's shoulder, but Han Zhe moved aside to dodge.

Journalists have a very keen sense of smell, and many people have discovered this detail.

"Did you shoot it, Han dodged Devos just now?"

"It should have been filmed, haha, this is a good tidbit, it seems that Han and the senior management of Magic are still at odds with each other."

Some fans also noticed this detail, happy that the team got good results, but also a little worried about 083, Han Zhe and the senior management are not in harmony, this is not a good thing, however, thinking that Han Zhe still has such a long contract period, everyone is temporarily relieved.

The Magic are in a good mood, and many players even walked up to the stands to take intimate photos with fans, and Han Zhe is no exception.

However, when Han Zhe took a photo with a female fan and was forcibly kissed and fled, it caused laughter from the audience.

"Han, you're really popular, that girl looks good, what are you running, haha..." Ibaka laughed as she spoke.

Han Zhe said speechlessly: "I'm not a stallion like you, I want to go to the mother when I see it!"

"Han, although you are the captain, I will sue you for slander if you talk nonsense, and I am very dedicated to Emily. Ibaka said.

Emily is his new model girlfriend.

Walker immediately dismantled the stage and said: "Come on, you don't know who instigated me to go to the nightclub to hunt for beauty the night before, you are a scumbag!"

Walker's words caused everyone to burst into laughter, including Ibaka herself.

Everyone chatted and interacted with the fans, and it took half an hour (BGDE) in the stadium to get back to the locker room.

As soon as the player entered the door, he was suddenly attacked by the team staff, and everyone jumped up with excitement when several buckets of cold water were splashed.

"Actually engaged in a sneak attack, you gangsters!" Han Zhe finished speaking, rushed to the table, picked up the champagne that had been prepared a long time ago, and began to spray back fire.

The rest of the players and staff immediately started the battle with champagne, and the whole change was messed up.

As soon as Vaughn entered the door, he was sprayed with champagne, and when he saw the chaotic scene in front of him, it was impossible to stop it, and everyone was happy today, he didn't need to spoil the fun, he wanted to quit when he took a step.

But the player didn't want to let him go, so he quickly blocked it, and he was drenched all over his body.

When it all turned into soup chicken, everyone went to take a bath and change clothes.

After cleaning up, Han Zhe and the others said hello to Vaughn and left, they were going to the fan bar to watch the game.

After Han Zhe and the others entered the bar, countless applause and whistles rang out, and many people came to hug the Magic players, this is the Magic fan bar, Han Zhe and they are all heroes today, of course they are very popular.

The boss who is very picky of the door actually opened all the players of Chrysostom for free today, it seems that the Magic can win the Eastern Conference championship makes him very happy, in the words of the boss, the last time he celebrated the Magic won the Eastern Conference championship he was still a handsome guy.

Of course, everyone is skeptical of this, and the pot-bellied boss doesn't look like a handsome person no matter how he looks at it.

After Han Zhe and the others asked for a beer, they asked about the current situation, and some fans immediately said: "The Cavaliers' game is over, and they beat the Nuggets to qualify."

Now that the Knicks and the Clippers are also playing to the final quarter, the Knicks want to advance to beat the Clippers and rely on the win-loss advantage of playing directly against the Cavaliers to squeeze into the playoffs, but the Knicks are currently behind the Clippers. "

Han Zhe and others raised their eyes to look at the big screen, the Knicks are currently 94-99 behind the Clippers by five points, and the game is over with more than three minutes left.

Han Zhe understood a lot of questions as soon as he saw the score: "The Clippers shouldn't have the strength to defend, right?"

Han Zhe's meaning is obvious, there are a lot of NBA box operations, the Clippers ranking has stabilized, and it is likely to release water under the high-level walk, and it can be seen from the score that the Clippers defense should be relatively loose.

Someone said: "The Clippers played very casually today, and the defense really didn't work hard, but the Knicks seem to be a little unlucky, although the Clippers are playing the same, but their shooting rate is extremely high, Paul and Griffin have played in the first two quarters, and the Knicks can only speed up the pace to play against each other, so the scores are relatively high." "

Someone laughed again: "Actually, this is not bad, the Cavaliers are much better than the Knicks!"

Many fans think so, although the Knicks have a little bit of a pit, but the overall strength is definitely stronger than the Cavaliers, and their triumvirate of Anthony, Chandler and Smalls should not be underestimated, and they are eliminated by the Magic.

The game went by minute by minute in small talk, and when they saw Paul and Griffin both go off the court in the last minute, and Anthony chased five points in a row, many people broke out and cursed.

Han Zhe also shook his head, Nima, can you play more shamelessly, the tacit ball is not played like this.

With ten seconds left in the game, the two teams were tied at 105, and the Knicks held the ball to organize the final offense.

Although the Clippers are also engaged in one-on-one man-to-man defense, Han Zhe can see that the gaps given by the Clippers are not small.

When Anthony hung the pass in the last two seconds and Xiao Sikong dunked the basketball in, there was a boo in the bar, and many people shouted "match-fixing" angrily!

Because the Clippers played too loose in the last few minutes, the Knicks could almost break through in singles, especially in this last shot, the Knicks actually got an empty opportunity, which is too much!

However, Han Zhe didn't react to this, this is an unspoken rule, and the alliance will turn a blind eye.

And Han Zhe doesn't have any feelings about whether the Knicks are promoted or the Cavaliers are qualified, whoever will do it is, is there a difference?

Of course, there was no suspense in the last two seconds, and the game ended with the Clippers casually throwing, and the Knicks advanced in a last-minute victory, and they will be opponents in the first round of the Magic playoffs. _

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