The Magic were the first team in the East to advance to the second round of the playoffs, and with the rest of the game still to come, they naturally got a rare break to recuperate.

Of course, the most important thing for Han Zhe and others is the battle between the four or five places in the East, that is, the Raptors vs Bulls, and the winner between them will be the next round opponent of the Magic.

The two teams are currently playing inseparable, and they actually fought to a 2-2 draw, and if they want to win or lose, they have to play at least two more games, maybe they have to play a tiebreaker.

Of course, the magic is happy to see this, and they play for two more days is equivalent to the magic will rest for two more days, and it is naturally beneficial to the magic to rest and work.

The other two games in the East are also about to be decided, and the surprise is that the Pacers are temporarily behind the Wizards 1-2, and they will play a fourth game tonight.

As for the Heat and the Hawks, it can be said that the suspense has been lost, the Heat have a 3-0 lead, and tomorrow will play the fourth game, which may also be the last playoff game of the season for the Hawks, and they are very likely to be swept out of the tournament like the Knicks.

The Western Division game is much more intense, except for the Trail Blazers 3-1433 lead Rockets, the other three games are all 2-2, the most unexpected is that the Spurs were actually beaten 2-2 by the Mavericks, and it can be regarded as the Spurs to draw the Mavericks, because the fourth game Spurs were 109-108 and narrowly won, almost being beaten 1-3.


As time goes on, the situation in the East gradually becomes clear, the Heat unsurprisingly swept the Hawks 4-0 to advance, the Pacers overturned the boat 1-4 and were eliminated by the Wizards, and only the Raptors and Bulls are currently 3-3, and there will be a tie-breaker.

As for the West, it is simply eye-catching, except for the Trail Blazers, who have eliminated the Rockets 4-2 to advance, the other three groups of teams have all played 3-3.

Three of the four groups of teams in the west need to tie seven to win, which can be said to be extremely rare!

Some conspiracy theorists have begun to question the league's and team's cooperation in game manipulation.

Han Zhe and others were waiting for the opponent to come out of the cage at the bar, and when it came to the situation in the west, even the Magic players were a little foggy.

Walker said: "They all say that the West is playing match-fixing, what do you think?"

There are no outsiders here, and a few people naturally have no scruples, Ibaka nodded and said: "I think it's possible, otherwise how can it be so coincidental, all of them are 3-3!"

It's no wonder that they think so, the game will not only add a lot of highlights, but also have extremely rich benefits for the league and the team, not to mention that they have just experienced a match-fixing turmoil, so they will naturally think about it.

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "Don't think there is a conspiracy in everything, some teams may do things out of the ordinary for the sake of profit, but it is impossible for every team to be like this, if there is a team with a clear lead, it is possible to put one or two games, but if you want to control each game to 3-3, the possibility is extremely small!"

After thinking about it, everyone also felt that Han Zhe was quite reasonable, if he took a 3-3-1 lead, it was very likely to put the water in the water, but the western side has always been flat, so the risk of cheating is too great.

For example, they magic, even if Devos wants to make money, it is impossible for the team to risk losing, because the benefits after promotion are greater than one or two match-fixing, and there are hidden benefits such as fame and brand promotion, so as a qualified businessman, it is impossible to do this kind of loss-making business.

This kind of tacit understanding is definitely willing to play the weak team, but the strong team is absolutely willing!

There are two games tonight, the first is the Spurs against the Mavericks, and the second is the Raptors against the Bulls.

It didn't take long for the Spurs game to start.

After watching it for a while, Vucevic lost interest and complained: "I like the Spurs team, but the way they play... It's a real rush!"

Vaughn and the others laughed and nodded, "That's true, the Spurs have a slow pace, and this defensive strength is too perverted, I don't want anyone else to score a point!"

Han Zhe also smiled, he actually admired the Spurs very much, they have a strong ability to control the rhythm, and other teams were unknowingly taken away from the game when they played, and the Spurs defense is indeed a must, I don't see the Mavericks often spinning around with the ball and can't find a shooting point!

"Poof! haha... It's time for Duncan to practice shooting!" Ibaka laughed when he saw Duncan shoot a three-pointer.

Han Zhe also laughed so hard that his stomach hurt, and he could only sigh that God is fair, Duncan's offensive and defensive talents under the basket are incomparable, but after he was a little farther away from the basket, he couldn't bear to look at the shot directly.

Not only Duncan, O'Neal is also the same, mid-range shooting and free throws are called a pit, this may be God to open a window for you, you have to close the door!

The offensive and defensive rhythm of this ball is very slow, naturally relatively dull, both sides play to the back of the scoring means are very single, the Spurs are mainly Duncan and Parker to score points, the Mavericks Nowitzki is also very strong under the basket, frequently score points, today's Nowitzki performance is not inferior to Duncan, or even better, the Mavericks can shake the Spurs hard and Nowitzki's play is closely related.

At the end of the third quarter, the score was 63-65, with the Spurs leading by two points.

Looking at this score, Han Zhe was also speechless, they sometimes had a higher half-time score than this!

Of course, Han Zhe and the others are purely soy sauce parties, so they naturally like fast-paced offensive battles, but for fans on both sides, this game has been very exciting and exciting.

Whoever loses will be out, can it not be exciting!

The two teams played together again in the fourth quarter, and it can be seen that both sides have a lot of physical consumption, whether it is Duncan or Nowitzki, the pace is relatively heavy.

Now it's all about willpower and the desire to win.

The ball suspense remained until the last minute.

With 35 seconds left, the Spurs led by two points and the Mavericks quickly tied it with 22 seconds remaining.

The Spurs attacked, this time it was unexpectedly played a fast break, Parker hit a three-point shot, so that the Spurs stabilized their minds, and there were 17 seconds left in the clock.

The Mavericks kicked off quickly, but made a mistake in the rush and was actually stealed by the Spurs.

After a couple of passes, the Spurs hit a mid-range shot to extend the score to five points with three seconds left.

The Mavericks didn't take a few steps to get out of the game, and the game ended, and the Spurs won 90-85 to successfully advance to the second round.

"It's a pity!" Han Zhe sighed for the Mavericks, they were very tenacious and played hard in this game, but their mentality was a little worse than that of the Spurs, and the last two goals were completely various mistakes caused by mental imbalance.

In short, the calf is in a hurry, nervous!_

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