"Hey, guys, let's take a look at today's newspaper, we really have a lot of boards, especially Han, you have been selected as the best of the two rounds!" Ibaka walked over with a smile on his face.

Han Zhe's and others came around laughing and took a look at the newspaper, there were a lot of reports about their game yesterday, especially Han Zhe, who cut down the number 40+ double-double again, was naturally the focus of the media.

He is currently the first scorer in the playoffs with an average of 36 points per game, which is still because the playing time he played against the Knicks was too short, which lowered the average, otherwise his average score should be 40+.

The current second scorer is James, who averages 32 points per game, and the third is Durant, who averages 29 points per game, and all three of them are now red and purple, and their playoff performances have not disappointed everyone, and they have played quite well.

It's just that Han Zhe is at the top of the list, which makes many James fans and Durant fans unhappy, and it is too eye-catching for a Celestial Empire to overwhelm their star to lead the playoffs.

Of course, Han Zhe's fan base is already extremely large, and as far as the world is concerned, the fan base is no worse than these superstars, not to mention others, most of the stars are beaten in plainlight.

Han Zhe, who just joined the NBA, cares a lot about media reports, and he will steal fun for a long time when he sees himself reporting, and he especially likes to praise himself.

However, I don't feel much now, just look at what the media says, when you perform well, you can be praised as a flower, or you can be scolded to doubt life, and you will really lose!

"It seems like we're the favourites too, with another five percentage points up in favor of winning the championship, and everybody is bullish on us to sweep the Raptors. Walker said, watching.

Vucevic pouted and said: "Come on, these commentators' words are like farts, we beat the Knicks a lot and say that they will open five or five, and the Heat also say that they will sweep the Wizards, what is the result?"

Han Zhe nodded: "This is reasonable, the words of these commentators are okay to watch for fun, whoever believes is stupid, but there is one sentence that they are right for the time being, we will sweep the Raptors." "

As soon as Han Zhe's words fell, Vaughn called him in the distance, and Han Zhe put down the newspaper and walked over suspiciously.

Since the last ban on the team, his relationship with Vaughn has become worse and worse, and the two rarely talk alone, and they only talk about business.

"Is there something wrong with the coach?" asked Han Zhe straight to the point.

Vaughn hesitated slightly, but still said bluntly: "I don't think the Raptors can pose a threat to us anymore, you can save your energy to concentrate on preparing for the Eastern Conference Finals, and how about Afralo replace you in the next game?"

Han Zhe frowned and said, "Is this what you mean or what you mean above?"

"Han, this is also for your own good, the playoffs are still very long, it is always good to have more rest..."

Before he could finish speaking, Han Zhe interrupted with a cold face: "I'll ask again, is this what you mean or what you mean." "

Vaughn choked for a moment, and although he was annoyed, he held back, because he knew that Han Zhe didn't have to give him face at all.

"From my personal standpoint, I also want you to take a break, of course, just to pass on a word. "

This is clear enough, Han Zhe almost said a word of MMP, is there a mistake, come again, is this playing Raptors or playing him?

Seeing that Han Zhe's face was not very good, Vaughn said, you can really play if you want to, but, you know..."

Han Zhe waved his hand in disappointment, then turned around and left.

Vaughn looked at Han Zhe's back and sighed helplessly, with mixed feelings.

In the evening, Afflaro ran to Han Zhe's room to visit the door, they still have a game tomorrow, so they didn't go back, and now they are staying in the hotel.

Afflaro entered the door and said, "Han, I'm sorry, I just found out about this!"

Han Zhe shook his head and said, "It's none of your business, you don't need to apologize." "

Seeing that Han Zhe really didn't blame him, Afraro secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if Han Zhe thought that he was the one who made it bad, it would be a big trouble.

Afflaro added: "I've told the coach that I'm not feeling well and I may not be able to play tomorrow. "

Han Zhe glanced at Afflaro unexpectedly, but he didn't expect that he was quite decisive and very good at being a person.

Han Zhe suddenly said, "You should leave the Magic next season, right?"

Afflaro didn't know why Han Zhe suddenly made a big turn, but he still nodded: "It's very likely, the agent thinks I should change teams, and I also think I can try it in a different environment, after all, I'm not young anymore." "

Han Zhe nodded in understanding, at present, he and Walker occupy the absolute main position, and there is a great potential Olapodi behind him, it is difficult for him to get ahead in Magic, it is better to find another way out while he is still in shape.

"Then you can't get sick tomorrow, go play, perform well in the first three quarters, and if you want to get sick, you will be sick in the last quarter, don't learn from Olapodi's kid, if you are sick, you will not be sick when you should be sick. Han Zhe sighed and said.

"Han, you mean?" Afraro was a little confused.

Han Zhe spread his hands and said: "Otherwise, why do you think I was rested, but you are different, since you plan to leave, don't offend the boss, otherwise he will get you to bear it, and the playoffs are so concerned, it will be good for you to find your next home if you perform well, and I will let Walker and them feed you more when the time comes, but remember, control the rhythm yourself, don't just care about scoring points." "

Han Zhe said this because Walker and they will meet tomorrow, this is what Vaughn conveyed, because this time it can't be too fake, after the last incident, many eyes are staring at it, if the magic is the main collective absence, it will be too much.

Originally, Walker and others were unhappy about this, but Han Zhe persuaded them instead, Devos is the boss after all, what can they do, not every player can lose his temper like Han Zhe, otherwise it will not be the boss who suffers.

What's more, Vaughn also said that Devos promised a "bonus"!

"Han, I—" Afraro looked grateful.

Han Zhe waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, they're all teammates, just play well tomorrow." "

Afflalo nodded, he is not stupid, he understands what Han Zhe said, tomorrow he will not only perform well, but also control the score, he can't be like Olapodi played the Knicks last time, the performance is good, but now I don't know where to cry.

After Afflaro left, Han Zhe rubbed his head and smiled bitterly: "Why don't I use all my family property to buy magic now, how much can I win if I lose..."

Of course, Han Zhe just complained about it, it is a question whether such a large amount of money is injected into the dealer or not, and even if it is injected in batches, it is easy to be detected, if the player bets on the ball, or bets on his own team, once it is found, he can say goodbye to the NBA forever, and there will even be a follow-up investigation.

Han Zhe will not joke with his career, and this violates his moral bottom line, and most importantly, how much does money mean to him now?

All Han Zhe needs now is honor, so even though he understands Devos in his heart, it still annoys him very much!_

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