The Magic started with a 4-0 lead, which was a good start, but the Heat immediately returned the color, and after Wade tore a hole on the outside, James received the ball inside, and scored a strong dunk against Vucevic with a back.

Magic attacked, Han Zhe was stuck by Wade as soon as he reached the three-point line, obviously not letting him get the ball, Walker chose to break through with this move, and hit a mid-range shot after breaking through Qian Moss with a large vacation move.

Eric, the Heat coach on the sidelines, raised his eyebrows, the dark magic is getting more and more difficult, a Han Zhe top in the guard line is enough for them to have a headache, and now Walker is playing better and better, and is very confident, which makes matters worse.

Although their Heat guard line is also good, the Wade + Moss combination still can't be compared with the Magic, take Wade as an example, there is nothing to say about offensive ability, but he is far worse than Han Zhe in ball control, and even in terms of ball control, Wade is not as good as Walker.

However, when he saw James, Eric felt a lot more at ease, they have the first person in the league, no matter who the other party is, the Heat are confident to beat.

James ran out of the gap and just received the ball, this time Han Zhe followed 08, and today it was still Han Zhe who was responsible for defending James.

Seeing James rushing to the basket like a bull, Han Zhe didn't care about him, just stuck to him anyway and didn't give him room to shoot.

James wanted to hit Han Zhe's arrogance with a strong dunk from Han Zhe, but the other players of the Magic were not decorations, and Ibaka quickly assisted in the defense, James was forced to stop, hesitated slightly, and chose to pass the ball to Bosh who responded.

In the face of Vucevic's defense, Bosh threw a half-turned small hook.

I thought the ball was stable, but Leonard didn't know where to kill, a big hat fanned the ball to the outside, and Walker picked up the leak and scored a fast-break layup.

Bosh has a question mark in his head, where did this kid get out?

It seemed that there was only Vucevic by his side just now?

Bosh didn't see it clearly, but the others did, such as Su Qun, who was praising Leonard.

"Leonard's defensive attitude is very positive, and the ball quotient is quite high, I originally wanted to assist Han Zhe to wrap James, but when he saw Ibaka going, he immediately changed his target and rushed towards Bosh, just giving Bosh a big hat!"

Zhang Weiping also joked: "Magic reminds me of a football team, that is Arsenal of the Premier League!"

Viewers who don't know football are confused, and they don't know how Zhang Lili can play football, but the audience who understands football understands it in seconds.

Arsenal is a well-known arsenal that specializes in cultivating calves, and there are many superstars who have gone out of Arsenal.

The Magic is currently a bit of this trend, when Han Zhe was introduced, Han Zhe was a calf, and the other players were similar, but now they are all growing up rapidly, Han Zhe is already a superstar player, and Walker Ibaka and others can also be called stars.

The Magic seems to be the NBA's arsenal, of course, Zhang Lili's words make some Magic fans have a black line, this metaphor is not very good, what is the arsenal for?

Arsenal is a low-buy-high dealer in the production and sale of weapons, isn't this curse magic!

Looking back on the court, the Heat seemed a little angry when they made a mistake in a short time, and the tempo increased when they organized the offense again, and Chammos controlled the ball to the front court and passed to Wade quickly.

Wade saw that Walker was staring closely, and also, a ground-hitting pass gave the ball to Bosh, and James got the ball and rushed to the basket while running past Bosh, and jumped high and immediately blocked.

As soon as he arrived in the air, Han Zhe was a flurry, although he had already discovered James's tricks, it was too late for people to defend in the air.

I saw James bow his head in the air and withdraw his hand to avoid Han Zhe's interception, and then threw the ball in after a small hook hand that looked back at the moon.

Han Zhe felt a little square, he didn't expect James to play this kind of trick for small players, and he also entered.

Magic fans are also a little dumbfounded, this James is fake, right?

It's not gorilla style at all!

Barkley was drinking water and almost squirted, then he was so uncomfortable that he choked and coughed violently.

Smith laughed and said, "James showed everyone a fancy layup, I don't know if this is a surprise, anyway, it must be a surprise to see Han's performance!"

Barkley, who was relieved, complained: "If it's not that I'm dazzled, it's that this guy has been driven crazy by Han!"

Barkley's words caused a burst of laughter again, saying that James's style of play may really be forced by Han Zhe, Han Zhe prevents James from being uncomfortable every time, and it is not impossible to deliberately change his style of play when facing Han Zhe.

"It's really a shame that you don't embroider with your skillful hands!" Han Zhe, who was taking things seriously, complained loudly about the triumphant James of 1963 sentences.

The Magic players who were originally suppressed laughed instantly, thinking about the picture of James embroidering is simply not too beautiful.

Even the Heat players were amused by Han Zhe's words!

James wasn't angry, he thought Han Zhe was jealous!

In the next ball, Han Zhekong cut the inside line and got the ball and went straight to the basket, passing Wade and seeing James making up the defense, he still had time to say, "I'll teach you what a layup is, your looking back at the moon is too ugly, look at the gorilla." "

As he spoke, Han Zhe pulled the ball and passed Bosh again, and he jumped.

James was not thrown off, and immediately jumped to block it, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he remembered what Han Zhe had just said.

Want to replicate my goal and humiliate me?


James' long hand went straight over the basket to the back of the basket to block it.

Want to look back at the moon?

How naïve!


The sound of a basket exploding made James's brain faint.

What's the situation?

What about a good layup?

What about looking back at the moon?_

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