"The Magic played very well in the first half, Han Zhe, Walker and Ibaka's offensive iron triangle effect was remarkable, and it was very difficult for the Heat to limit the Magic's scoring, especially Han Zhe, who was relatively inexplicable in his near-range shots, and so far Han Zhe has hit 5 three-pointers and scored a total of 27 points. "

"In fact, James played quite well today, we can see that the overall state of the Heat is not good, and the biggest contributor to the score is James, saying that every time I meet Han Zhe, James is very energetic!"

"Since Han Zhe won the regular season scoring champion for two consecutive years, there have been many voices saying that Han Zhe is the first person in the NBA today, and it is strange that James is not energetic, this is a battle for honor and status, if Han Zhe can be suppressed in direct confrontation, presumably others will have nothing to say!"

"It's not easy to suppress Han Zhe!"

"That's for sure, anyway, the two of them didn't fall behind in the confrontation with Han Zhe, which is why many people are optimistic about Han Zhe!"

Taking advantage of the intermission, CCTV began to talk about Dashan after the CCTV report, and began to discuss the two topic figures of Han Zhe and James.

After the start of the second half, both sides made some personnel changes, Han Zhe and Ibaka both rested off the court, and Bosh and Chanmos also rotated off the court on the Heat side.

In the first shot, James rushed to the basket like a crazy beast and scored two dunks in a row, which made the eyes of Heat fans shine, maybe they can quickly chase the score or even overtake Han Zhe and Ibaka when they are off the court.

427 However, the players on the Magic court are not fish belly, Afralo, who has just come on the court, also shot a two-point under the cover of O'Quinn, and O'Quinn and Leonard's next ball joint defense was very successful, forcing James to make a hasty shot and hit the iron!

Magic attacked, Vucevic took the ball inside and hit a layup on the board was fouled, and he hit one of two free throws.

The Heat fought back, and the Magic, despite having most of their attention on James, were still scored by him, still with three points.

There is no way, they are all concentrating on defending the breakthrough, after all, that is James's regular offensive method, who knows that this thing will shoot from a distance when he catches the ball on the outside.

Han Zhedu couldn't help but mutter, "Guy who walks shit luck!"

Everyone has the same opinion as Han Zhe, and they all think that James has a lot of luck in this ball, so they don't pay much attention to it.

But after two rounds, after James grabbed the gap and threw in a three-pointer, the Magic side was not calm, one ball was luck, and two in a row seemed unlikely.

Han Zhe was also a little surprised, he knew that James had been practicing three-point shooting for a long time, and it could be seen in the first few times that the effect of his practice could only be said to be average, and James's three-point shooting rate was at most the average level in the league.

James hit (aidf) basket and mid-range shooting is much more stable than three-point shooting, so James himself will choose a more stable scoring method, and the number of three-point shots is not much, so everyone doesn't pay much attention, I didn't expect this guy to hit two three-pointers in a row today, and he took the wrong medicine?

Seeing this, Vaughn couldn't help but go to the sidelines to make a strong outside defense, and he couldn't let James continue to play like this.

Han Zhe frowned, he originally wanted to tell Vaughn to leave him alone, but Musi became a god in three points.

Originally, they were doing a good job of defense now, but when they suddenly changed their tactics and divided the troops, Han Zhe thought that the gains outweighed the losses.

However, the relationship between him and Vaughn was already very tense, and it was one thing to say whether Vaughn listened or not, and it was possible that the two would quarrel on the spot, so Han Zhe couldn't help but didn't speak.

After the Magic changed their defensive strategy, James did it, but he frequently scored inside and was very efficient.

Barkley shook his head and said: "I don't think the Magic should strengthen the outside defense, James's three-point threat is not as big as his threat under the basket, and the score that the Magic finally pulled away was chased back in an instant!"

Smith said: "But James's three-point shot just now is also very scary, and the Magic's tactic is not wrong, right?"

Barkley asked disdainfully: "How many can you score if you let James throw ten three-pointers? And how many can James score when he hits ten baskets? Not to mention that James made a surprise three-point shot before, and now the Magic only need to use a player outside to follow the defense, do you think he can still shoot?"

Now Smith has nothing to say, and when I think about it, James was a sudden attack just now, if the Magic is on guard, there is no need to increase troops on the outside, as long as the markers pay attention to James, it will be difficult to succeed.

Vaughn is not completely stupid, and finally found that playing well like losing a watermelon and picking up sesame seeds, so he made tactical adjustments, or maintained the previous strategy of heavy joint defense on the inside.

However, many Magic fans are so angry that they want to hit someone, because Vaughn seems to be a little slow to react, and now that the third quarter is halfway through, and James has already cut the score, they are now overtaken and 4 behind.

Vaughn also knew that he had made a decision-making mistake, and the advantage made him anxious, but the more the Heat played, the smoother he became, he didn't have much to do, and when his eyes swept to Han Zhe who was sitting next to him, he decisively called for a substitution.

Well, let's let Han Zhe go up and scare James.

Domestic netizens have already complained:

"James, an old guy, can insist, what kind of Han Zhe does Vaughn replace, and now he is comfortable behind?"

"There's nothing wrong with letting Han Zhe rest, the intensity of the playoffs is high, and it's normal to rotate, but Vaughn's defensive tactics just now don't dare to compliment, and he actually focuses on defending the outside line, I'm also drunk, you must know that Wade's three points are a bit of a dish, and James is not bad!"

"It's true, but the point is that Vaughn has always been too smooth, he takes everything for granted, and he doesn't have a lot of coaching experience, so it's not surprising to make the wrong tactical arrangements. "

"Don't argue, Han Zhe is already on it, James can't get up. "

"That's right, anyway, it's right to let Han Zhe go if you encounter something that can't be handled. "

"I have to say that Vaughn is unlucky, and he encountered magic to form a dream team as soon as he took charge, especially with the Dinghai Divine Needle like my philosophy!"

Han Zhe hit a three-pointer to blow the horn of the Magic's counterattack, but Wade immediately hit a two-point shot to color.

Han Zhe was fouled on a layup, and the score was pulled in by two free throws, and then when James cut inside again, Han Zhe stuck to him.

Feeling James's strong explosiveness and abundant physical fitness, Han Zhexin said that this guy's $1.5 million a year is really not in vain.

According to media reports, James now spends $1.5 million every year to hire a top team to help him maintain his body, which is why his physical fitness and fitness can still be maintained so well.

Han Zhe is not envious of this, because he is a thief now, and he doesn't need to spend that unjust money at all, and don't think that James is a good thing, he can also be regarded as overdrawing his potential and forcibly prolonging the peak, which will definitely have certain side effects on his body in the future.

James was very uncomfortable being stuck like Han Zhe's kraft candy, and he didn't get rid of Han Zhe with an emergency stop, so he could only start and rush to the basket again, although the ball still scored in the end, but this style of play consumed a lot of physical energy on him, you must know that he has not rested for a minute.

At the end of the third quarter, the Magic trailed by one point 78-79, and although the lead was the Heat, the confidence of Magic fans remained undiminished.

Because they can see that the home team still has room to spare, but the Heat are starting to show fatigue and James is gasping for air. _

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