Opinions on the Magic's first win are mixed, with some believing that it is a reflection of the Magic's strength, and they are already the top team in the league, so it is not surprising to beat any team.

Some said that the Magic picked up a big bargain this round, and they waited for work or faced the Heat who had just finished playing the Wizards, and the physical and mental states of both sides were not on the same channel, and the Magic could only be regarded as a fluke win.

These people said that the second game of the Magic will definitely be counterattacked by the Heat.

There is only one thing about magic that everyone can't deny, that is, Han Zhe is really strong, and he once again cut a big double-double of 48+12 in this ball, which is very terrifying, and even the most demanding commentators have to give Han Zhe a thumbs up.

You must know that this is a playoffs with great defensive strength, and it is rare to be able to cut 30+ players in a single game, but look at Han Zhe, it seems that the playoffs are similar to the regular season, and it is very easy to score three or forty points in a single game.

What surprised everyone the most was that Han Zhe's physical reserves seemed to be perfect, and he fought continuously with high intensity, and James's physical strength monster was a little unbearable, but Han Zhe was not weak at all!

Therefore, when the Magic finished this round and won the Heat, many people praised Han Zhe as a perfect player, with no defects in offense, defense, organization, and physical fitness, isn't this perfect?

Only James fans are very unhappy, not to mention the Heat loss, James was all robbed by Han Zhe, before some people said that Han Zhe could compete for the first person in the league, they still scoffed, but looking at Han Zhe's performance during this time, they Alexander.


Some media outlets have conducted celebrity interviews.

"Kobe: Although I don't really like that guy Han, Han is really strong, and the Heat should be careful. "

"Nash: Han and James are not comparable, they are not the same type of player at all, I can only say that the future of the NBA belongs to Han because he is still young. "

"Iverson: James's quality is undeniable, but I prefer Han in comparison because we are closer in style!"

"Barkley: What? Who is stronger Han or James? What are you kidding, do you still need to ask this kind of question, of course Han is stronger, does the data of these two seasons say anything, and how old is Han, how old is James? You should actually ask the owners of those teams, if the two of them are on one side

Other stars are still more tactful, but the big-mouthed Barkley's words are taboo, although this makes James fans want to smoke him to death, but if you analyze it rationally, Buck is very reasonable, and now there must be more teams that want to hand over Han Zhe than they want James, doesn't this explain the problem?

Han Zhe is actually already in all directions, and the only thing that is not as good as James now is honor, so many people are fixing their eyes on this playoffs to see if Han Zhe can justify himself, if a player doesn't even have a championship ring, is it embarrassing to call the league the first?

"These media are shit, and this guy Barkley, who knows that he is a fan of Han, will let his mouth out. Seeing James reading the newspaper, Wade complained indignantly.

But James didn't seem to be angry, but said in a deep voice: "The Magic results are better than ours, and Han's data is better than mine, in fact, Barkley is not wrong, if Han is willing to come to the Heat, I believe the boss is happy to trade me." "

Wade was stunned for a moment and then tore up the newspaper and said angrily: "Don't listen to their nonsense, you used to be the NBA, and now you are still the first person, Han is far worse than you, and if you don't want to leave, no one can trade you at will!"

James smiled, although Wade was mostly comforting, he was right, no one could trade him at will, neither could the Heat, it was up to him to leave and stay, James had the confidence.

Then James looked up and asked, "Dwayne, do you think we can make it to the finals this year?" "

James' question really surprised Wade, he knew that James was an extremely confident person, this was obviously a little unconfident, this was difficult to happen before, it seems that Magic or Han Zhe did put a lot of pressure on James.

Wade grinned, "Lebron, aren't you talking nonsense, the Magic can't stop us, we will not only make it to the finals, but also win the championship." "

James nodded, not going back on the subject.

Wade actually added a "hope" in his heart, because he could actually feel the pressure brought by the Magic, Han Zhe didn't say anything, he was so fierce, and the other players of the Magic were not bad, and it was when they were young and strong.

On the other hand, their Heat, the lineup is definitely not bad, but the aging is too serious, and I don't see that the team's physical fitness has begun to have problems, although James has maintained a good condition, he can really dominate the NBA with only one or two players as the pillars

Only the happiness index of domestic NBA fans is getting higher and higher, because Han Zhe's performance and evaluation by all parties have far exceeded their expectations, who dared to imagine that there are Chinese people who can be as famous as James or even surpass James.

Everyone wants to see Han Zhe step on James' shoulders to reach the top this season, so Orlando has become the first choice for Chinese travel, and during the playoffs, Orlando can see people everywhere in the Celestial Empire, and Orlando Shi is happy to award Han Zhe a medal of honor.

After a full day's rest, the second round of the Magic and Heat kicked off again.

Both sides were in good spirits, and as the referee blew the whistle, the two teams fought fiercely again. _

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