After a two-day break, the Magic visited the American Airlines Arena arena, and Game 3 of the Eastern Conference Finals was about to start.

Yesterday, the third game of the West was played, and the Thunder swept away the decline after returning to their home court, and pulled back a city, especially the Thunder Shuangshao was in very good shape, and Durant and Wei Shao scored more than half of the total score, which contributed a lot.

At present, although the Magic has a great advantage, the situation is not clear, no one dares to underestimate it in the Heat, and it may turn around at any time, and the West has been played 2:1, and it is still unknown who can advance to the finals.

In fact, this is also the reason why the playoffs are hot and the attention is extremely high, there can be no weak team to the end, the gap between the two sides is not big, such a game is interesting, everyone is chasing the wonderful process and the suspense of who will win the championship.

At around 19:30 in the evening, the Magic players began to walk out of the aisle and enter.


As soon as Han Zhe, who was at the forefront of the team, entered, an overwhelming boo came, which shook people's eardrums.

It seems that Han is not only very popular in Orlando, he also has a lot of fans in Miami, and the atmosphere reached a climax as soon as he entered the stadium. Barkley saw Han Zhe 22 being booed and began to gloat and ridicule.

Smith said with a smile: "You haven't forgotten the Twitter war a few days ago, right? Han ran to tweet to ridicule James for talking big, and said that he would delete the victory declaration, which caused public outrage among Heat fans, and many Heat fans said that they would kill Han Zhe, and I am relieved to see that he is not missing arms or legs now!"

Smith's words caused everyone to laugh, and Han Zhe and James Twitter have been ridiculed by newspapers and television in the past two days, and almost everyone knows about it.

Barkley laughed for a moment, as if curious: "You say that if the Heat are really eliminated, will James delete that tweet?"

O'Neal, who had not interjected next to him, finally spoke, "If I change and lose, I will definitely want to delete it, otherwise it will be too embarrassing, but Han is making such a fuss, everyone is staring, this is a bit embarrassing, James and Heat fans can only expect them to win, otherwise James will have to lose face if he loses it or not!"

James was indeed a little embarrassed by Han Zhe, and it was just a simple expression of determination to appease the fans, but he didn't know that it would be like this.

The two glared at each other as soon as they met, James rarely hated a person so much, it was too special, if they couldn't advance, he would really lose face.

James gritted his teeth and decided that he should stop thinking nonsense, just kill the magic and everything would be solved.

Seeing that the players on both sides began to warm up, CCTV also began to chat after finishing the player list.

"The Magic definitely have a big advantage in terms of record and mentality now, but today is an away game, and it is definitely not as good as before, and the Heat will definitely fight hard because they can't afford to lose. "

"Director Zhang is right, the Heat is inevitable, they have no way back after falling behind 0-2, if they lose again today, the Magic will get the match point, 0-3 wants to turn the tables around and see a miracle, otherwise it is impossible, and James may be the one who doesn't want to lose the least, he said on Twitter that he will win!"

During the warm-up, Han Zhe and a Heat ball got up, which made everyone a little surprised, because Magic and Heat have always been on the same page, and they don't have any friendship.

Of course, Han Zhe didn't go to make friends with James and others, but saw a player he liked very much - Ray Allen.

Of course, the two have met and communicated, but they haven't met for a while, because Ray Allen has been injured for a long time, and he didn't play for the Heat in the first few games.

"Hey, Allen, congratulations on your return from injury and starting today?" Han Zhe slapped the ball over and said hello.

Lei Allen has a good impression of Han Zhe, and he doesn't look down on Han Zhe because the two teams don't get along, maybe it's the reason why their style is close to sympathy.

Ray Allen is a legendary shooter, bounce, breakout, physical fitness, pull-up jump shots, three-pointers, etc., are very strong, and he is really similar to Han Zhe's style.

But Han Zhe is obviously stronger and more comprehensive than him, Han Zhe's ball control and organizational ability are beyond his ability, and his speed and explosiveness are beyond the reach of Ray Allen.

After Lei Allen threw the ball in his hand, he turned his head to thank Han Zhe and said with a smile: "Where can an old man like me still play as a starter, it would be good to be able to play for two minutes in garbage time for a while, of course, the premise is that there must be garbage time today." "

Although Lei Allen said it freely, Han Zhe could find the loss and helplessness in his eyes.

Only then did Han Zhe realize that he had asked a stupid question, Lei Allen will be 40 years old soon, where can he still be in the first-line position, he is now completely retired in the Heat.

Han Zhe sighed inwardly, this is another twilight hero, and now he can only play health basketball.

Han Zhe punched Lei Allen in the chest, "Man, don't want to rely on the old and sell the old, you are a legend in my heart, the legend will not be old, we will have a few tricks on the field in a while!"

Lei Allen laughed, and after punching Han Zhe in return, he said: "Okay, we'll see you on the field in a while, you call me a legend, and I have to play two balls with you even if I fight hard." "

Then the two of them touched their fists and separated.

"Is that kid looking for trouble?" After Han Zhe left, Wade came over and asked Lei Allen.

Lei Allen shook his head and said: "De 627 Venn, don't always think of people as bad, Han's temper is a little stinky, but people are still good." "

Wade pursed his lips, and his look of disagreement amused Lei Allen as well, saying that sometimes Han Zhe is really enough to fuck up.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the two teams officially kicked off.

The Heat jumped to the ball and James made a quick pass to Wade, who hit a jumper to cheer all over the court to open the scoring for the Heat.

There was an interesting scene when the Magic counterattacked, and the Heat completely abandoned the outside defense, and they all squeezed under the basket into a mess.

When Han Zhe crawled through the pile of people under the cover of his teammates and was about to buckle it, his clothes were pulled and knocked off by James.

Seeing that the referee didn't blow it, Han Zhe suddenly yelled at the referee, the home whistle is understandable, but it can't be so outrageous, but the referee turned a blind eye to his protest.

James said to Han Zhe angrily: "You are not the godson of the league, don't think that the referee will help you in every game!"

Han Zhe: "..."

What a familiar feeling!

Han Zhezhen didn't expect him to be such a James!

PS: Everyone, big, small can be very, very sorry, the last chapter was a little wrong, the Western Conference Finals is Spurs vs Thunder, I wrote it as Spurs vs Trail Blazers, I can't change it, I apologize!_

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