The Magic have undoubtedly entered a difficult moment, not only have they fallen behind by a large score, but James is still exploding.

Han Zhe knows that he has to do something now, and it seems that it is a bit unrealistic to prevent James from killing the zone state, and the only chance they want to reverse is to compete with each other, at least not to let the point difference continue to expand.

Now James is right to look at the basket like the sea, but so what?

In Han Zhe's eyes, the basket is not like the sea, especially the three-point shot, he is much more accurate than James in the zone state.

The Magic organized an offense, and as soon as Han Zhe reached the three-point line, he took the initiative to reach out for the ball, and Walker naturally raised his hand and passed.

As soon as Han Zhe received the ball, James, who had already switched defenses with Moneymoss, leaned in.

Now James' single defense can also cause a lot of pressure on Han Zhe, because his observation has almost reached the extreme, and it is difficult for Han Zhe to deceive him with feints.

However, it is impossible for James to stare at Han Zhe to death, Han Zhe started to break out and threw off half of James's body, and when James started to chase the defense, Han Zhe made a quick stop and retreated back to the outside, and then jumped and threw a shot.

James was already extremely quick to react, but he was still a little slower to follow up on the block, and the ball almost flew past his fingertips.

Seeing the ball go in, James couldn't help frowning, Han Zhe shot too fast, and he was so accurate that he didn't have a good way to increase his defensive ability.

The Heat attacked, Han Zhe did not give James a chance to shoot from a distance, and used the speed advantage to entangle James to make it difficult for him to get out of the ball, and finally he could only rely on his physical fitness to score under the basket.

The audience was hooked for the rest of the game, and James and Han Zhe completely entered the individual show, and most of the scoring of both teams was completed by the two of them.

The two of them are naturally beautiful on the surface, but they also know their own bitterness.

James' physical fitness is no longer as good as that of young people, and the physical consumption of Zone will intensify, James is now insisting on it.

Han Zhe is similar, just defending the explosive James is tiring enough, and he still has to face James's stubbornness when attacking, and the physical consumption is also terrifying.

Halfway through the last quarter, it could be seen that Han Zhe's pace was much slower, and his physical fitness should be at the limit.

Of course, James over there is similar, he is currently in a zone state and is exhausted, but he is still gritting his teeth and persevering.

Glancing at the score, Smith said: "The first half of the quarter was so exciting, Han and James entered the mutual rush mode, James made a total of two three-pointers, five two-pointers, and two free throws, and Han only scored five goals, but all three-pointers, very scary!"

Barkley praised: "I don't need to say how strong James is, and only God knows how strong James is when he enters the Zone, what is surprising is that Han and the full-fledged James did not fall behind at all, five three-pointers in the first quarter, it's terrible!"

O'Neill also sighed: "These two guys are monsters, I wonder what would happen if these two were on the same team?"

This made many viewers in front of the TV discuss, if James and Han Zhe are teammates, then how strong is their combination?

Originally, everyone was chatting, but as soon as Barkley opened his mouth, Barkley said: "If they are on the same team, the only result is that they can't make the playoffs, because if Han and James get together, it is estimated that they will spend most of their time in the hospital!"


Han Zhe and James can be said to have not fallen behind at all, but they are still 14 behind due to the large difference in points before.

Although Han Zhe was already very tired, he was very active in running, and he was looking for a chance to see if he could put on a hat and recover a little physical fitness.

However, the Heat are very vigilant, and Han Zhe has never found a good opportunity.

When there were three or four minutes left, seeing that the Heat James was off the court, Vaughn also replaced Han Zhe, who was obviously unable to run.

Although the Magic players did not give up, the point difference was not recovered, and in the end, the Heat won this key victory at home 126-113, and the score was 2:1.

This result is not unexpected, it is relatively normal for Magic and Heat to win, but the game process is talked about, Zone is difficult to see, and Han Zhe vs. Zone James is undoubtedly a big gimmick.

Heat fans were so happy, many people ran Han Zhe's Twitter to sneer, they didn't forget the tearing war two days ago.

Han Zhe doesn't care about this, the Heat only won one game, what's there to be afraid of, they are the ones who are leading now.

He is now watching the previous game video with his notebook, Han Zhe is not concerned about the tactics of the two sides or the reason for the loss, he is watching James who uses Zone.

Han Zhe originally wanted to find some inspiration to enter the Zone, but after reading it several times, he had no clue, or he didn't find the opportunity to enter the Zone.

Then I watched the news, most of them were praising the Heat and James, and of course, Han Zhe's five three-pointers in the first half of the quarter also accounted for some of the board.

The most discussed topic is undoubtedly James's Zone, and this ball can be said to have made the gorilla a fierce again!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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