Halfway through the second quarter, Han Zhe finally changed his style of play and gradually stood up and carried the banner of magic offense.

Seeing that Han Zhe's shots were more frequent, James seemed to have the intention of competing, and began to shoot frequently.

The aces of the two teams began to score, and the game naturally became more exciting, and the major broadcast platforms and viewers were happy to hear about it.

"Han takes the ball at the top of the arc, what will he do in the face of the bag? Beautiful, Han successfully broke through from Wade and James, and made a layup to score two points. "

"James took the ball inside, Han stepped forward for the first time, and Leonard also leaned over to help defend, oh! James suddenly started to push Leonard to throw and hit, this ball is not easy!"

"Han made a three-point shot, oh no, it was a feint, not only deceived Wade who defended but also deceived us, Han broke through and hit it easily. "

"James lays up, Vucevic makes up for something in time, chooses to foul, wait, the ball goes in, it's a 2+1!"

These few minutes have completely become the show time of Han Zhe and James, and most of the attacks of the two teams are finished by the two, and the success rate is quite high, which makes the commentators overwhelmed.

At halftime, both teams were fairly happy with the score, and the Heat temporarily led by two points at 49-47.

At the beginning of the third quarter, Vaughn took the initiative to ask Han Zhe if he wanted to rest first, after all, the game was still long, so he didn't have to fight for this minute and a second.

Han Zhe raised his eyes and looked at James, who was about to play, and shook his head decisively, he didn't want to have the same accident as in the last game, if James exploded, he had the ability to open the score in an instant.

Han Zhe wants to take the initiative into his own hands this time, he has already decided, if James does not rest, he will not rest, he is bound to win this ball, otherwise there will be too many variables.

Originally, Han Zhe was still young, even if the magic was eliminated this year, he still had a chance to hit the championship, but due to the system task, he couldn't afford to lose, so this round was profitable.

After the start of the third quarter, James played more actively, but Zhe's focus was a little different, he would definitely shoot when he had the opportunity, but if the opportunity was not good, Han Zhe would not be hard, but he would not be hard in terms of blocking, which was very incomprehensible.

Of course, they didn't know that Han Zhe was preparing, and a cap could restore 10% of his physical strength, which was very buggy.

The Heat led a wave of 7-2 small climax led by James, and the point difference widened a little, and James finally came out of the game at this time.

thought that Han Zhe should also rotate, but seeing that the magic did not mean to change, James frowned a little, and he was also afraid that Han Zhe would turn the tables around during this time period.

However, thinking that Han Zhe's physical fitness is not unlimited, James is a little relieved, even if the Heat are chasing points now, but in the fourth quarter, Han Zhe Walker and other main players of the Magic will definitely be unable to bear the physical fitness.

After James went off the court, the Magic did have to play a lot easier, especially the defensive pressure was much less, as long as they kept an eye on Bosh and Wade.

The next game was really very unfavorable to the Heat, Han Zhe and Walker's outside threat has exhausted the Heat, and Ibaka and Vucevic are not bad inside, and it is difficult for the Heat to defend.

The offense was also difficult, and Han Zhe, who was free-handed, was now in charge of taking care of Wade, which made it difficult for Wade to score, and the difference between them began to shrink again.

The only thing that reassures the Heat is that Han Zhe has no trend of breaking the table, except for getting two blocks and a three-pointer, it seems that his performance is not too eye-catching.

Of course, this is only relative, Han Zhe's performance is definitely not bad, and under his leadership, by the end of the third quarter, the Magic has overtaken three points 74-71.

However, James is very calm, he is now full of confidence, and he is sure that the fourth quarter will blow up the Magic's group of "tired soldiers"!

During the break, Vaughn called Han Zhe aside alone to inquire about the situation, he was now very worried about Han Zhe's physical condition.

Although Han Zhe looked sweaty, due to the fact that there were more caps today, his physical energy was still very abundant, and he had reservations before, so the consumption was not large.

"Don't worry, coach, I'm not tired, even if I play the whole game. Han Zhe looked very relaxed.

Vaughn was obviously a little unconvinced, but there was nothing better to do at the moment, so he could only play and see.

Soon the fourth quarter officially started, both sides made personnel adjustments, Walker and Ibaka were rotated, and the Heat Champmos and Bosh also went to rest, but after the rotation, the overall gap between the two sides was not large, and the suspense was still there!_

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