
The Magic returned to Orlando early and assembled at the arena, and of course they weren't going to train after a long journey, but Devos was going to hold an internal meeting.

Devos, who was in the main seat, didn't look very good, and after taking a hard puff on his cigar, he looked at Vaughn and said, "I need an explanation." "

Vaughn was a little confused, losing is losing, what good explanation could he have, but seeing that the boss's face was not good, he still stubbornly said: "We actually worked hard, but it was the home of the Spurs, which was more beneficial to them, and the Spurs played better, but I ~ believe that we still have a chance!"

As soon as Devos heard this, he was angry, "Chance? I don't want a chance, I want a victory! Look at what you've done, you can accuse the players of interfering with tactics before, but is there anyone interfering with you in this game? What are you doing? I didn't ask the coach to use it for decoration-!"

was angry in public, which made Vaughn ashamed and angry, but he couldn't think of any words to fight back, because Devos said it well, he really didn't do anything in these two games, and the first game could blame the players for disobeying the command, but the second game was played according to the tactics he formulated, and the result did not change anything.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Vaughn lacks excellent on-the-spot adaptability, and there is no best tactic, only the person who uses the best tactics, but unfortunately this person is not him.

Devos then glanced at the players, but found that there was really nothing to say, can you blame the players for not working hard, but they worked hard every game, and even collapsed from exhaustion, he was not an unreasonable boss.

After a scolding, Devos sulked a lot, and then encouraged the players to signal that they could leave, leaving only Han Zhe and Vaughn.

Devos asked Vaughn, "How are you going to play in the next game?"

Vaughn immediately spoke: "We can use the inverted triangle tactic, Han and Walker and Ibaka form an iron triangle to coordinate each other, we can..."

"Alright, you can get out too!" Devos interrupted Vaughn's explanation, waving his hand tiredly to leave.

The reason is very simple, Vaughn is still the same, nothing has changed, and the previous games have proven that this tactic will not work against the Spurs at all.

After Vaughn left, Hannigan, who had been sitting next to him, said: "As I said, Vaughn is a tactical rigid man, and it will be difficult for him to change the current situation of the team. "

Han Zhe also silently agreed with this, Vaughn's ability is limited, and the regular season is nothing, because the individual strength of the Magic players can make up for the lack of skills and tactics, but when planting the team, the previous set will not work at all.

Devos nodded first, and then suddenly said to Han Zhe, "Do you have any good methods?"

Han Zhe was a little stunned, he didn't know what Divo meant, he was not a coach, why did he ask for his ideas, Han Zhe was wondering if Devos was dissatisfied with his private tactics last time, and he was knocking out.

Han Zhe thought about it for a moment and said: "I don't have any way, I don't have any ideas, everything is subject to the team's arrangement." "

Hannigan laughed when he heard this, "Han, don't think about it or have any other concerns, we really ask for your opinion, because it turns out that Vaughn can't handle the situation now." "

Seeing that Devos was also nodding, Han Zhe had no worries and said bluntly: "I think it's very stupid for us to compare tactics with the Spurs, because we can't compare with each other, and our tactical execution can't compare with the Spurs players." "

Hannigan frowned, "You mean we can't beat the Spurs?"

Han Zhe shook his head and said, "I mean, in terms of conventional tactics, we can't beat it. "

Since the end of the game, Han Zhe has been thinking about this problem, and the conclusion is that they can't play with conventional tactics, their tactical formulation, execution and on-the-spot changes are nothing like the Spurs, and if they don't change their thinking, they will not have a chance to win the championship.

As soon as the two of them heard it, they knew that Han Zhe still had something to do, and motioned for him to continue.

Han Zhe didn't ink either, and continued: "But basketball doesn't have to play conventional tactics, we can change our thinking, for example, the No. 3 tactic!"

Devos is a little blind, he doesn't know what the number one tactic is, because he is only responsible for decision-making and results, and he rarely asks about the specific affairs of the team, if it is not for the team to reach the finals, he is too lazy to care about the tactical play!


Devos didn't know, but Hannigan knew, and after listening to it, he hesitated a little and said: "I'm not questioning your strength, but is your physical strength bearable, and the Spurs defend you very tightly, and the effect may not be too good." "

Han Zhe shrugged his shoulders and said: "Don't worry about my physical fitness, I can definitely do it, although the Spurs are staring at me to death, we can also make some changes in details." "

Then Han Zhe said his thoughts one by one.

When Han Zhe left, Devos knocked on the table and said, "Wouldn't this be too risky?"

Hannigan's eyes became firm, "Boss, do we have any other choices?" And you can think about Kobe, our Han is no worse than Kobe, and I believe that Kobe can do it, too!"

Devos nodded heavily in the end, Hannigan was right, they have no better choice, they have to gamble, this championship is not only wanted by Magic players, Devos wants more, it can be said that it is determined to win, because the Magic do not even have a championship, they need this honor, the team with the championship and the team that has not won the championship are completely two big concepts. _

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