The Magic is missing Han Zhe and Walker, and both offense and defense have dropped more than one notch, especially when attacking, it is difficult for Lamb to act as the core of the organization, and his ball control and breakthrough ability cannot pass Parker's level at all.

"Oh! Lamb made a mistake in the pass under Parker's pressure, the ball went straight out of the sideline, and the offense and defense changed hands, this is Lamb's second mistake since he came on the court, maybe he is still a little nervous, and his mentality must adjust as soon as possible. "

"It's not okay to play like this, the Magic are playing too chaotic now, and Afflaro must have the strength, but Lamb's backcourt engine frequently stalls, and Afflaro can't get effective support, and it's even difficult to get the ball. "

The emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry, and after a while, the commentary is in a hurry, and the magic has made two consecutive rounds of mistakes, and the score difference is further widening.

Han Zhe and the others were also anxious, but Vaughn was as stable as Mount Tai, and they didn't have this, they were still the biggest coach on the field, and they didn't have the right to change.

When Manu hit a three-pointer to widen the difference to 15 points, Han Zhe couldn't sit still at all, and was ready to go to Vaughn, even if he would tear his face on the spot.

Han Zhe just got up and sat back down, because he saw Hannigan, the general manager, walking over with a frown.

"What's going on, is there something wrong with your fitness or is it something else?" Hannigan walked over to Han Zhe and asked with a pause.

Han Zhe knew that Hannigan was asking him why he had left early.

Han Zhe spread his hands and said, "I don't have any problems with my physical fitness, I also want to know what's going on." "

Seeing Hannigan looking at him, Walker shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not in a problem with my fitness, God knows what the coach wants to do!"

Hannigan knew what to expect, nodded and didn't say anything more to them, but walked straight to Vaughn.

Hannigan's sudden arrival not only surprised the players, but also surprised the reporters on the spot, but he was immediately excited, and he didn't have to think about it to know that it must have something to do with the Magic's previous substitution.

The Magic locker room issue is no longer news, and thinking of Vaughn's strange substitution and Hannigan's appearance, reporters with a bit of brains understand that this is an opinion from the Magic executives.

Seeing Hannigan coming, Vaughn frowned, and before he could speak, Hannigan said, "I want you to give me a reasonable explanation." "

Vaughn certainly understood what Hannigan was asking, but when he saw the reporter with a long gun and a short cannon not far away and thought of the grievances of this time, he immediately said: "I am the head coach of the team, how to use people naturally has my considerations, what explanation do you need?"

Hannigan was obviously stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Vaughn, who had always been very obedient, to suddenly be so hard, was this the wrong medicine?

Taking a deep breath, Hannigan forced his anger and said: "This is not your team, and this is the Finals, how much we want this championship You should understand, I don't want to do anything, but I must replace Han and Walker immediately, otherwise you can bear the consequences from time to time." "

Vaughn was a little angry just now, and he regretted it a little after saying it, but after Hannigan's threat, he calmed down.

He's figured it out, he's had enough of the high-level constant fingering at him and interfering with the established tactics during this time, and the players don't buy him at all, he has no authority at all in Magic, like a puppet.

The key is that he now has the confidence, and the excellent results of leading the team for two consecutive seasons have made him not lack a home, and several teams have looked for him privately, he was very hesitant before, after all, it is not easy to find such an excellent team as Magic, but now he completely wants to open it, instead of being a puppet here, it is better to find a team that can call the shots.

"I hope you don't interfere in the team's affairs, since I can bring the team to the finals, I have the ability to fight for the championship, as for the consequences, you can rest assured, I will automatically resign when the contract expires. "

If Hannigan hadn't seen so many eyes watching, he would have scolded him, how did he not know that Vaughn was inflated, and he really thought that the Magic reached the finals because he led the team well, and it was his credit?

Hannigan laughed angrily, with the current lineup of the Magic, even if he finds a pig as the head coach, he has a chance to enter the finals, this thing really treats himself as a green onion, you say that it is not annoying!

Now that the occasion is not right, Hannigan is not easy to attack, and sneered: "Don't think that you can't do anything before the contract arrives, I hope you won't regret it!"

Hannigan turned to leave, knowing that there was no need to talk about it anymore.

Han Zhe has been paying attention to this side, although he can't hear what is said, but looking at the expressions of the two, he knows that the conversation has collapsed, and his mood is a little heavy, he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen at the critical moment of the finals.

Hannigan returned to the private room and told the story of what had happened, and Devos was furious and said fiercely: "What is he, thinking that he is a coach after winning some honors in the past two years?

After walking around the room twice, Devos continued: "Let him roll after this game, and want to threaten me with a contract?

Devos is usually quite personable, but now he is actually foul-mouthed, and it seems that he is indeed angry.

Hannigan frowned, he wanted to persuade the boss to let Vaughn finish the finals before getting out, after all, there are too many disadvantages for changing generals at this time.

But looking at the boss's face, he knew that he had made up his mind, and judging from Vaughn's performance just now, this thing was so stupid that he was intoxicating, and he actually used the interests of the team to gamble, God knows if he would continue to have convulsions in the later games, from this point of view, it is necessary to let him get out immediately.

However, Hannigan didn't want Vaughn to leave in such a dashing manner, the finals were bad, he was the top management, and he wanted to get liquidated damages to break up the gang, he was too naïve to think about it, and he really had no temper as a capitalist?

What's more, he knew that the boss should have been angry just now, and if he really gave Vaughn the liquidated damages, maybe he would have to eat and hang up when he turned around, so Hannigan leaned over to Devos and muttered, saying that he wanted to rectify Vaughn's solution.

Back to the game.

Vaughn was really angry this time, he originally wanted to cool Han Zhe and the two in three or five minutes, but after Hang Negan made a fuss just now, he was stunned that Han Zhe and the two had not been on the third quarter, and he didn't put the two back on until the fourth quarter.

However, due to the large margin of points in the third quarter, the Magic still lost 99-112 in the fourth quarter despite desperate pursuits.

As soon as the game ended, Han Zhe took off his clothes and threw them on the ground and strode off the field, without saying a word to Vaughn or giving an interview, and the other players also left quickly with Han Zhe, leaving Vaughn alone on the sidelines, the scene was very embarrassing.

The scene was chaotic, the fans booed dissatisfied, this is not to boo the team to lose, but to boo Vaughn's employment, reporters and media also flocked to Vaughn, as long as they are not stupid, they can see that there is a big problem with the Magic, they hope that the occasional big-mouthed Vaughn can break the news.


PS: Thank you to the boss of [no word] for tipping 588 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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