In the second half, Han Zhe felt that there was still room for energy, and thought that it was not a big problem to insist on playing another quarter.

But Coach Bayer persuaded Han Zhe and signaled him to rest for a quarter first, recharge and wait for the critical moment to go again, anyway, the Magic has a big lead, and there is no need to fight for a while.

After playing for two minutes, seeing that Han Zhe did not play, the Spurs, who had lost the pressure, also made timely substitution adjustments, and Duncan and Manu also seized the time to rotate and rest.

Regarding the Spurs' substitution, many platforms have different opinions, and some believe that the Spurs should seize Han Zhe's break to take advantage of the opportunity to chase points.

Some people think that Popovich has a very good timing of this substitution, and it is good to want to chase points, but if the main body is exhausted early, how will the game be played later?

The key Spurs are a tacit overall team, even if they play two good players, the overall strength will not decline much, which is also the key factor for the Spurs to be able to advance all the way to the finals.

As it turned out, Duncan and his departure didn't really have much impact on the Spurs' offensive end, and they used their quick transmission runs to quickly seize opportunities to score layups.

Of course, without Duncan, the inside gate, the Spurs' basket protection level has declined, the Magic is very witty and began to attack the inside, and Vucevic covered up a violent dunk in Ibaka.

Another round of Magic offense, this time the Spurs began to press on the outside, Walker was a little careless after breaking through, and just about to jump shot, Green took the ball away and successfully counterattacked.

Bayer immediately walked to the sidelines to signal the players to concentrate and widen their vision, but they couldn't let the Spurs chase the points easily.

The Magic also knew that every point was important now, and everyone was a lot more cautious when they were quiet again, and finally Leonard helped Ibaka block the ball and scored.

Next, the two teams fought more and more fiercely, and the number of fouls increased significantly, but no one took much advantage, the score rose more steadily, and after another five or six minutes, the Spurs only recovered 4, and they were still 10 points behind the Magic.

Spurs fans are very anxious, but they know that they can't really blame the players for not working hard, the Magic is indeed too difficult, the backcourt configuration is not worse than them, and after Duncan got down, the Magic inside line also began to exert strength, and it was good that they were able to recover a few points.

However, the race soon ushered in a turning point, that is, Ibaka's feet were obviously heavier, and he had already made two consecutive mistakes in running out of time.

Bayer originally wanted Ibaka to play the third quarter before resting, but he saw that it was okay, so he decisively chose to make a substitution, and O'Quinn replaced Ibaka, and the Spurs also took this opportunity to let Parker come down and rest for a while.

Bayer hurriedly walked to the sideline to inquire about Walker's condition, but fortunately, Walker said that he could withstand it, otherwise the magic would really be worse.

"This damn leg is so unassuming!" Ibaka slapped herself on the thigh as she sat down, her expression annoyed.

"If you want to self-harm, shoot yourself twice in the legs, it's useless for you to hit like this!" Han Zhe said amusedly.

Ibaka sneered, and then quickly motioned for the masseur to come over and relieve his fatigue, what are you kidding, he, Lord Ibaka, must keep his useful body and continue to fight!

Laughter is laughter, Han Zhe couldn't help frowning after a while, because Ibaka's departure still has a great impact on the overall Magic, especially on the offensive end, the new O'Quinn can't replace Ibaka's role at all, and the Magic is obviously missing a powerful offensive point inside.

And without Ibaka, Magic's rebounding ability has also dropped a notch, and there is no doubt that Magic has entered a difficult period.

"Han, don't worry, your task now is to seize the time and have a good rest, although the score difference is narrowing, we still maintain the lead, and the Spurs are in a hurry. "

Seeing Han Zhe looking at him frequently, Bayer knew that he wanted to play, but now was not the best time for Han Zhe to play, so he opened his mouth to comfort him.

The third quarter of the game was spent in a state of suffering for both sides, and in terms of results, both sides were acceptable, and it was now 76-72, with the Spurs successfully recovering a score, and the Magic still had a four-point lead, which was considered to have achieved the strategic goal.

Su Qun, an old fritter, expressed his nervousness, "This game is really thrilling, and now the difference between the two sides is only 4, and it seems that they are ready to fight in the fourth quarter." "

Zhang Weiping said: "I can't really see the winner or loser until the end of this game, and the main forces of both sides will definitely have to play again for a while, Duncan is the spiritual leader of the Spurs, and Han Zhe is also the reassuring pill of the Magic, and the next performance of the two will directly determine the direction of the game." "

The domestic audience also said that their hearts were hanging in their throats, and this kind of five-five game was exciting, but the little heart couldn't stand it!

The major domestic stars have not stopped at all, no matter whether the relationship with Han Zhe is good or bad, they have all begun to @Han Zhe:

"Come on Han Zhe, the people of the Celestial Empire are your loyal backing!"

"Han Zhe, don't drop the chain, I'm waiting for you to go home with the championship!"

"Han Zhe, you are the best, Mo Da!"

"Come and pray for the magic trick, through spiritual power, we can directly affect the trend of the game!"

It's almost the same in the local side of the United States, full of discussions about the finals, and most of them thought that Magic was no fun before, but at this stage of the game, more and more people are beginning to believe that Magic has a chance to create miracles. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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