As soon as the second quarter kicked off, Han Zhe completed a beautiful steal, and wanted to launch a fast attack, but the Spurs returned to the defense very quickly, and Walker burst into the penalty area and shook out helplessly, choosing to distribute the ball to Han Zhe, who was inserted to respond.

Han Zhe tried to break through, and seeing that the Spurs' defense was dense and did not break hard, he threw the ball to Leonard.

Leonard received the ball and turned around to shoot, Duncan could only step out to make up for the defense, Leonard passed the ball in the air, and Ibaka received the ball and dunked.

Parker attacked with the ball, and as soon as he reached the outside, he was posted by Han Zhe, and he couldn't get rid of Han Zhe in a row, so he had no choice but to pass the ball to Green.

Green was watching the passing route, Leonard was already close to him, Green tried to hit the back a little, but Leonard was as steady as a mountain, and he could only distribute the ball to Manu who came to pick up.

Manu received the ball and made a jumper, Walker blocked a beat slowly, only hoping that the ball would hit the iron, but it didn't, Manu hit it steadily.

Su Qun just praised Manu's decisive shot, but Zhang Weiping had other opinions, saying: "Manu is a little anxious in this ball, and there is a certain element of luck in scoring the goal, but this can't be blamed on him, the Magic's defense is still in place, and it is difficult for Spurs to find a great opportunity." "

Su Qun nodded in agreement, and said: "The Spurs were originally first-class in attack and defense, but in the face of the Magic, the offensive end was a little difficult, mainly because their backcourt engine Parker was eaten to death by Han Zhe, and the organizational core was dumb, and it was naturally difficult for the Spurs to play a high-level offense." "

What they don't know is that this is also a headache for Popovich, and basically no one can prevent Parker in other games, Parker needs speed and speed, technology and skill, whether it is a breakthrough point or a sudden shot, he is handy.

But Han Zhe seems to be his nemesis, the number of Parker breakthroughs in a few games in the finals is only a handful, let alone breakthroughs, he doesn't even dare to stick to the ball under Han Zhe's defense, because Han Zhe's steal is so fierce that it is too easy to lose the ball!

Although the Spurs know the key to the problem, they are helpless that this is an unsolvable problem, and they can't just do it, and they can't just change the organizational guard, for Han Zhe, it's the same for anyone, so there are often problems with the offense.

Magic offense, as soon as Han Zhe and Walker pull on the outside, the Spurs will be very uncomfortable, especially when Han Zhe points inside, it will form a short three-on-two.

As soon as the ball passed through Ibaka's hand, it was immediately passed to Leonard, Green was already slow to make up for the defense, Leonard shot, fortunately, the iron was hit, which made the Spurs break out in a cold sweat.

The rebound was picked up by Duncan, and Leonard immediately pounced on the counter-robbery interference, leaving the Spurs' fast break stillborn, which can be regarded as atonement.

This time, Spurs Duncan took the ball inside to attract firepower and passed to Split, who scored a cricket kick.

In another round of attack, Leonard got another chance, this time without missing and scoring another goal.

After playing about half a quarter, Popovich endured a timeout, because he couldn't scream, Leonard scored 8 points in this quarter alone, and his confidence and feel were completely up.

"Don't you guys have a brain, I don't know? Before, the relaxation of his number was because they had a poor ability to score points in the third position, but do you see how many points Leonard scored today?

"Run, everyone who runs must quickly fill the position, our defense line is the body, can one Han drag down the steel defense line that we are proud of?"

After Popovich finished speaking, the players nodded, of course they understood what the coach meant, now is the time to test their joint defense level, even if Han Zhe attracts the ball after the bag, others have to quickly intersperse the position, and the speed must be fast, and the magic can no longer be given a chance.

In the past, the reason why they defended relatively easily was that the Magic No. 3 position was defensive and rarely shot, so naturally they didn't need to take special care, but today is different, Leonard, who usually plays soy sauce on the offensive end, seems to be enlightened, which is uncomfortable!

The two teams returned to the court, and the Spurs, who strengthened the joint defense, were really difficult to deal with, Han Zhe obviously attracted the bag, but it was difficult for them to have players to get vacant seats, just like the Spurs had more people on the field.

Just now it was playing smoothly, but now it was suddenly frustrated, which made the Magic start to be impatient, and two consecutive shots made the score that had just opened up a little narrowed again.

After two more minutes of play, the score was tied again, and Bayer couldn't help but call a timeout.

"Don't be in a hurry, play slowly like before, don't look at the Spurs' defense now seems to be difficult to penetrate, but we have a big advantage. "

Without waiting for the players to speak, Bayer continued: "The Spurs should be the ones who are playing uncomfortably now, they are using fast running to make up for the disadvantage of local personnel, so the physical consumption is too great, as long as we stabilize and not be pulled away, we will run to death for them!"

The players who calmed down thought about it as soon as they thought about it, because Han Zhe needed to wrap up, they didn't want to miss people, so they had to run up and fill each other's positions, and this move was not one or two moves, and they all had to move!

Bayer then came up with a bad idea, and the players were happy to hear it, and it was really bad enough, but they liked it...

At the end of the timeout, the Magic kicked the ball.

After Walker dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, he walked around with Manu for a while and then crossed to Han Zhe.

Han Zhe broke through with the ball, pulled the two to the baseline and then split the ball Leonard.

Manu had already stepped in to mark the defense, Walker was accepted by Duncan, and Green, who quickly stepped inside to fill in.

What made the Spurs hurt was that as soon as their personnel arrived, Leonard passed back to Han Zhe, so Manu immediately ran to assist Parker in wrapping Han Zhe, and the others also ran separately to mark people.

This is Bayer's bad move, you like to run, right, then let you run enough, as long as the magic attack takes a little more time, and passes Han Zhe back and forth twice, the Spurs will have to run like a dog!

At first, the Spurs didn't pay much attention, but they felt that the Magic offense suddenly became grinding, and they kept coming and going for a long time without shooting.

However, after a few rounds, Popovich was the first to find out about the problem, and he was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, this group of sluts is shameless.

The most angry thing is that it's useless to find out, this is Yangmou, don't run if you have the ability?

Originally, Popovich planned to rest the main team after the second quarter, but seeing that Duncan and others were already a little out of breath, he had no choice but to make substitutions and adjustments in advance.

Duncan Manu both went down, which was an affirmation of their tactical success, and the Magic naturally seized this opportunity to open up some points difference.

At halftime, the score of the two teams was 49-44, and the Magic maintained a four-point lead. _

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