Barkley ripped off his headphones and shouted excitedly: "Incredible, incredible, the Magic completed a big reversal in an almost impossible situation, Ibaka's pass and Han's one-foot jumper are too wonderful, congratulations to the Magic, they made history!"

O'Neal also shook his head and smiled: "To be honest, I didn't expect the magic to win the championship, or in this way, in fact, when they fell behind 1-3, I thought they had no chance, but I didn't expect the magic to be so tenacious, they actually won three games in a row to complete a miraculous reversal, it seems that God is on the side of magic, or Han, Han is simply the son of God, and can always make the impossible possible." "

Smith said: "Han is indeed the son of God, he is very likely to win a Grand Slam this year, anyway, he must be stable in FMVP, and the regular season MVP is also likely to be him!"

The audience took a breath of cool air after hearing this, and now that they think about it, they realize how many heavyweight honors Han Zhe has won this season.

Han Zhe won the championship in the All-Star Individual Tournament and won the All-Star MVP, in the playoffs he was the champion of the East, and now he is still the champion, the MVP of the finals is the FMVP Han Zhe must be stable, and the regular season MVP will definitely be produced between him and James, if Han Zhe wins, then, he is really a perfect slam.

No wonder O'Neal lamented that he was the son of God, how old was he, and he could dominate the NBA, that's right, it was a hegemony, in terms of personal strength and achievements, Han Zhe had already thrown off James a lot.

The audience in front of the domestic TV couldn't help cheering, Han Zhe got the championship ring, and this ring is not obtained by playing soy sauce, Han Zhe is the core and main force of magic!

However, everyone was not happy for a while, and they became worried, because Han Zhe had been helped to the sidelines by his teammates to be examined by the team doctor.

If a championship scraps Han Zhe, it will be difficult for everyone to accept.

Luther's super good mood also disappeared in an instant, and he rushed to the sidelines to ask Han Zhe about the situation as soon as possible, Han Zhe is his sky, if Han Zhe has a problem, his sky will collapse.

Fortunately, the team doctor did not find any major problems after the initial examination, and Han Zhe himself said that he was fine except for a little pain.

However, everyone strongly asked Han Zhe to go to the hospital for a closer examination, his leg was priceless and could not be sloppy.

Even Devos, who came to celebrate, repeatedly emphasized that Han Zhe must go to the hospital for a check-up.

Han Zhe only nodded with a wry smile, but he knew better than anyone else that he had no problem, and there could be no problem, if it wasn't for the damage reduction, this time he might be choked by Porogai.

After resting for a while, Han Zhe was much better, except for a little pain, there was no major problem.

Seeing Han Zhe get up and bow to the surrounding audience, a wave of cheers broke out again at the scene, Han Zhe didn't seem to have a big problem, the magic fans were completely relaxed now, they were worried about death just now, Han Zhe has become a spiritual pillar of magic, he can't fall.

Even many Spurs fans also gave applause as blessings, they definitely supported Spurs during the game, but there are many fans who like Han Zhe, since the game has ended, they are happy to see Han Zhe unharmed, this is pure fans.

"Bob, congratulations, I knew you were going to be a good manager, your tactics were great, if it wasn't for the players who were tired, we wouldn't have struggled so hard in the final stages. "

Popovich took the initiative to come and smile and give Bayer a hug, which was very different from the appearance of the angry player before, and it was like two people.

"Thank you, I don't dare to show off in front of you for this little skill, thank you very much for your previous suggestions, and I don't dare to take credit, the main thing is that the players are playing well, I'm just a temporary coach with good luck. "Baier didn't dare to scream in front of this senior, and he was very respectful.

Popovich playfully squeezed his eyes, "I think the word temporary will be canceled soon." "

Bayer immediately laughed after hearing this, this is the truth, although he is a champion coach who has picked up cheap, but always his coaching qualifications, and his tactical use in these games is also remarkable, everyone can see.

Of course, the most important point is that the Magic players have a high recognition of him, everyone is familiar with him, he is the best choice for the head coach, Devos should officially hire him, anyway, for the Magic, the coaching level is passable, this group of players is too powerful, there is no need to rely on exquisite tactics to play.

"Is he laughing, I thought the old man was going to roar angrily?" Walker looked at the two coaches who were talking happily, and looked confused.

They saw how aggressive Popovich was against the Spurs players before, but now that he has lost, he actually looks peaceful.

At this time, Leonard spoke, "Coach Popovich is actually a very good person, but he has a very hot temper during the game and is strict with the players. "

Everyone is relieved, and although this championship Popovich will fight for, it is not so indispensable for the Spurs, they have not won any honors, it is definitely better to add a championship trophy, but if you can't get it, you can accept it calmly, at most there are some regrets.

After a while, Duncan and others also came over to chat with Han Zhe and others, and although the Spurs players were a little disappointed, they still showed their demeanor.

"Han, congratulations on making history, your performance deserves this championship, by the way, are you okay with your knees?" Duncan said with his blessing.

Han Zhe smiled: "Thank you for your concern, I don't have any problems, but I have to check it in a while, what about Manu, is it serious?"

Duncan looked at the two wounded people who were chatting with Walker next to him, and couldn't help but smile: "Small injury, just two stitches." "

Duncan then made a request, that is, he wanted Han Zhe to wear the jersey, and joked that when he had no money to eat in the future, he might be able to live the rest of his life with this jersey.

Han Zhe originally planned to collect his jersey, but Duncan has always been asked for a jersey, when have people opened their mouths, this face is not easy to refute, and Duncan used to be Han Zhe's idol, and the idol took the initiative to ask for his own jersey, and he was really a little excited.

Han Zhe took off his jersey on the spot, and asked the reporter who was excited to take pictures next to him for a pen to sign his name, and then handed the clothes and pen to Duncan.

Duncan looked at the pen a little confused, and said in his heart This is someone else's reporter, what are you doing for me, without waiting for him to speak, Han Zhe pointed to his jersey and spoke, "Don't think about taking advantage, hurry up and sign one for your jersey to me, I will also count on your jersey to live after I retire, your jersey is much more valuable than mine." "

Duncan immediately smiled, and decisively took off his clothes and signed an autograph for Han Zhe, he knew that Han Zhe was giving him face, and it was not the same to ask for a jersey and exchange jerseys.

As for Han Zhe saying that his jersey is more valuable, this is a joke, Duncan is very sure that after this year, Han Zhe is definitely worth more than him, Han Zhe is a player he admires very much, this is his first championship jersey, which is very collectible.

Then the two also held each other's jerseys for the reporter to take pictures, which made the reporter who borrowed the pen overjoyed, exquisite, this is really not borrowed in vain, this photo is absolutely classic, and his shooting angle is undoubtedly the best, just with this photo his remuneration is indispensable.


PS: Thank you to the boss of [no word] for tipping 588 points.

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