Han Zhe's upper body muscles are tight and coordinated, and with the amount of oil smeared, it looks very powerful and beautiful, which has caused countless fans to scream again and again, and everyone rarely sees Han Zhe shirtless.

"Wow! Han Zhe appeared, his muscles and body shape were very good, causing a lot of commotion on the scene, I didn't expect him and Senna to meet in advance. "

"This match is really exciting, the four players on the stage are all thunderous, Han Zhe will partner with HHH PK Undertaker and Senna combination, let's see if Han Zhe in the ring is as strong as on the court!"

The host said to Senna, "What do you want to say about today's new opponent?"

Senna took the microphone: "Korean basketball is a good game, but I will tell him with my actions that WWE is not a women's sport, and he doesn't want to dunk on my head!"

The scene immediately resounded with cheers from supporters, but was immediately suppressed by the huge boos, don't look at Han Zhe as a WWE rookie, but today is his home field!

Senna smiled disdainfully at "Eighty-One-Three" and continued: "I thought I could meet him in the cage match, but now it seems that there is no need for it, because after this match, Han should go to the hospital to rest!"

There was another huge boo at the scene, although the Magic fans were not optimistic about Han Zhe, but they still couldn't tolerate Senna's arrogance.

HHH couldn't seem to look at it, and said: "Han will tell you with his actions that he not only can play basketball, but also a natural wrestler, so don't be beaten to tears for a while." "

The host hoped that the mourners would also say a few words, but the mourners just rolled their eyes and made a neck wiping gesture, which caused the scene to scream.

At this time, Han Zhe had already turned over on stage, and his eyes were immediately intertwined with Senna, and the two stared at each other very performatively, looking ready to shoot at any time.

The host broke the deadlock between the two and said to Han Zhe: "You heard what Senna said just now, how do you respond?"

Han Zhe picked up the microphone and said: "I will tell this little man with my actions that I have never lost a fight, whether it is a basketball court or a WWE ring, there have been people who have provoked me, but they all ended up miserable!"

Han Zhe's fans suddenly screamed again and again, cheering for his domineering declaration!

Of course, size is indispensable, Han Zhe is a few centimeters shorter than Senna, is it really good to call someone a dwarf?

At this time, the referee came to the stage and signaled HHH and the undertaker to withdraw from the field, leaving only Han Zhe and Senna on the stage, which means that the game has officially begun.

TNT certainly didn't miss the opportunity to join in the fun, and they also bought the broadcast rights to the game.

Smith smiled: "Senna looks like he was by Han, and Han's fate may not be too good!"

O'Neal said: "The WWE league should still be measured, they can't really be ruthless to Han, otherwise Devos wouldn't have agreed to let Han compete, of course, now it seems that being beaten is inevitable." "

Barkley looked curious: "You don't seem to be very optimistic about Han, don't forget that this guy is a good fighter, at least he has beaten all his opponents in the NBA so far!"

Smith and O'Neal both rolled their eyes funny, can this be the same, if they really fight, maybe Han Zhe can really knock over Senna with a few punches.

But this is a performance competition, no one really shoots with all their might, and this is wrestling not boxing, the style of play is completely different, the main thing depends on who has good physical strength and is more resistant to beating!

Han Zhe and Senna looked at each other for a moment, suddenly.

The two sides attacked with four punches, pinching each other's fists and starting to wrestle with each other

Senna originally wanted to deliberately waterproof to maintain a considerable situation, but he was stunned as soon as he made contact, and Han Zhe's exaggerated strength made him take two steps back.

Senna was unconvinced to increase his strength, but now he still did not have the advantage, and took half a step back!

Seeing Senna's defeat, Han Zhe's fans shouted excitedly, knowing that although Gao looked similar to Han Zhe, his muscles and body size were one size bigger than Han Zhe, but he didn't expect that the wrestling between the two seemed to be Han Zhe's advantage!

Senna had a feeling in his heart that he was a dog, his strength was already called a pervert, but he didn't expect that he was just one size younger, Han Zhe.

However, in terms of wrestling experience, the two are not of the same level at all, seeing that the strength cannot fight, Senna immediately changed his strategy, suddenly withdrew his hand and pulled it, turned around and bent over to resist, and gave Han Zhe a big back fall.

After Han Zhe was smashed to the ground, he covered his waist and showed a very painful expression, and looked at Senna stunned for a moment, a little doubtful that Han Zhe really hurt him, but he didn't see Han Zhe make a special gesture, knowing that this thing should be cooperating with the performance.

Sure enough, Han Zhe quickly got up and shot back, and greeted Senna with a large swing fist.

Insiders know at a glance that Han Zhe is more professional this time, although it seems that the punch power is large, but he also swings his hand widely, but the speed is not very fast, this kind of punch is extremely easy to dodge.

Senna lowered his head and dodged flexibly, taking advantage of the unstable center of gravity when Han Zhe rotated for half a circle, he grabbed Han Zhe's waist and picked him up and smashed him to the ground.

As soon as Han Zhe got up, he was rebounded by Senna's side rope, and a beautiful flying shoulder knocked to the ground.

Han Zhe was lying motionless on the ground now, as if he had been knocked out.

The audience cheered for Han Zhe in unison, they didn't want Han Zhe to fall like this.

HHH looked like he was in a hurry, standing outside the corner of the ring and stretching out his hand, hoping that Han Zhe would get up and high-five and replace 0........

Barkley covered his head: "I can't stand it, Han was beaten so badly this round, it seems that he has lost the strength to resist." "

O'Neal said: "This is the difference between professional and amateur, if Senna and Han go head-to-head basketball, they will be abused very badly." "

Of course, the most nervous are Han Zhe's parents in front of the TV, Liu Yan, Chloe, Luthor and others, but they can only be anxious.

Was Han Zhe really taken away by a wave?

Of course not.

These are all HHH his, when they encounter heavy blows, they lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, one is to arouse the tension of the audience, and it has a more performance effect, and the other is to take this opportunity to rest on the ground and slow down.

Although Han Zhe was not worried about injury, he did feel a little dizzy after receiving continuous blows.

Senna seemed to be very proud when he saw Han Zhe fall to the ground, and after circling around him, his hand kept shaking in front of his mouth.

Many viewers screamed at the sight of this action, which was the prelude to Senna's signature five-finger thump.

Sure enough, Senna immediately fell to the ground and smashed his hand hard at Han Zhe's door.

Many Han Zhe fans covered their faces and screamed and didn't dare to look at it, which was absolutely painful.

However, Han Zhe suddenly rolled over and rolled away to avoid the blow, and rushed to the side rope and flicked it, giving Senna, who had just gotten up, a vajra arm as a counterattack.

Senna reacted quickly and bent over to dodge the takedown, but Han Zhe had already rebounded again with the help of the side rope.

As soon as Senna turned around, he saw that Han Zhe had already taken off horizontally, and his feet just kicked Senna's chest.

Senna's corpse fell to the ground, lying on the ground motionless.

This is the first time that Han Zhe has successfully counterattacked, and the audience is suddenly boiling, and they all applaud desperately at 0.4.

Ignoring HHH's hand, Han Zhe walked up to Senna and picked him up amid the cheers of the audience.

Then Han Zhe spun him around and slammed him to the ground.

The audience and the commentators all shouted wildly, this move looks a bit like Dabu's F5, but no, this is one of Senna's own tricks, the seated bomb is heavy!

No one expected that Han Zhe would use Senna's own trick to clean him up, which was crazy.

Senna lay on the ground looking blinded, and her legs were writhing unconsciously, looking like she was in shock.

Han Zhe was a little skeptical that he was too ruthless, because he didn't know if he really knocked him out.

However, after turning his head and seeing HHH stealthily signaling him to continue, he knew that this thing was probably performing.

Han Zhe ran to suppress it, and sure enough, when the referee counted to 2, Senna pushed him away!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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