At the end of the two rounds of the group stage, the Celestial Empire won all two games and accumulated 4, tied for the first place in the group with Croatia.

Argentina and Senegal are in the second tier with three points each.

The worst teams are the Philippines and Puerto Rico, both of which are bottom of the two teams with two points.

For this result, domestic fans are so satisfied that they can't be more satisfied, Group B is also a strong cloud, and it is not easy for the Celestial Empire to play this record.

Even Chai Wensheng, who is not an eye and a nose during this time, praised the team a few words after the game, and if the team plays well, his life will be much better.

Of course, there are some people who are not optimistic about the prospects of the Celestial Empire, and they are rightly founded, although the Celestial Empire has won both games, it is playing the weaker team in this group, and it is not easy to play the Philippines.

The next day, when the Celestial Dynasty players read the newspaper, they couldn't help but complain:

"These media are just finding faults, saying when they lose, and talking about winning!"

"That's right, you can win a fluke by saying anything about fighting the Philippines, and they have the ability to do it themselves. "

"This is even more ruthless, and it is simply wrong to directly predict that we will not win the next game. "

"Calmly, big multimedia still praises us, these companies are just standing out from the crowd. "

"I understand the reason, but I still see it on fire, Brother Zhe, why don't you look angry at all?"

As Wang Zhelin spoke, everyone turned their attention to Han Zhe.

Han Zhe said indifferently: "This is not bad, I was sprayed a lot when I was in the NBA, most goals were sprayed and beaten alone, less goals are not good, the state is declining, the media scolds you, you are arrogant and have no quality as soon as you talk back." "


Han Zhe's words made everyone laugh, but they knew that Han Zhe was telling the truth, although he was popular in the NBA, there was also a lot of negative news.

After everyone laughed, Han Zhe said: "Actually, these newspapers are not all nonsense, for example, yesterday we played against the Philippines really hard, and the next few games are not easy to play, do Croatia and Argentina have the confidence to win? Puerto Rico is not a soft persimmon." "

Han Zhe's words silenced everyone, only Guo Allen said: "Even if we lose the next few games, we have a good chance of qualifying, isn't there the Philippines and Bodo at the bottom!"

The other players actually nodded in agreement.

Han Zhe was so angry that he slapped Guo Allen hard, "You have this point, if everyone has this mentality, we will never be able to become a strong team, victory is to fight for ourselves, it is to wait for others to lose, don't forget that a team can often qualify if it draws, but it will never be able to get out of the line, this is not actually a lack of strength, but it has lost its enterprising spirit, and only wants to maintain peace and stability, and has no idea of winning, how can it win"

Of course, everyone knows who a certain team Han Zhe is talking about, and when they watched the game, they were so angry that they beat their chests and scolded this group of guys for not being angry.

Now Han Zhe's words made them a little ashamed, did their mentality actually be the same as that of a certain team?

Han Zhe was not interested in giving everyone a thought class, so he picked up his mobile phone and began to browse the web after clicking a sentence, and also interacted with fans on major social networks.

In the afternoon of the same day, the third round of Group B officially began.

The first game was Croatia vs. Senegal, and it can be said that there was no suspense in this game, and the Celestial players who watched the game were ridiculing how many points Senegal would lose.

Even Han Zhe thinks that Croatia must win.

However, Senegal's tenacity shook the crowd.

Although they have been behind, they never gave up, and they were very aggressive and fierce, especially on the defensive end, and Croatia only scored 55 points in the first three quarters.

In the fourth quarter, Senegal ran wildly at all costs, catching up with the score little by little, and scored a killer shot in the last second to win 77-75 over Croatia.

After the game, Senegal received applause from the audience, and their never-say-die and tenacious fighting spirit touched everyone.

Even Gong Luming said that the players should learn from Senegal.

Senegal went against the tide after an unfavorable start, winning Puerto Rico first and Croatia again, and currently has five points and is temporarily the first in the group!

This ball touched the Celestial Empire players a lot, and compared to Senegal, many people were ashamed of their previous negative thoughts.

At 23:30, the second game of Group B started, Argentina vs the Philippines.

In terms of strength, Argentina is almost certain to win, but after Senegal's previous slap in the face, many professional commentators are much more cautious.

As a result, the Philippines, which was already standing on the edge of the precipice, broke out with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

In the first half, Argentina was actually behind.

Just when everyone thought that Argentina was going to capsize and cause an upset, they finally showed the style of a first-class team and began to catch up in the second half.

In the end, Argentina won 85-81.

After these two games, the next step is the Celestial Empire vs. Puerto Rico.

For this game, experts have said that it is even more difficult to predict.

There is not much difference in the strength of the two teams, and the Celestial Empire has a slight advantage, but Puerto Rico has lost both games and will definitely go all out to fight against the water, so the outcome of this game is unpredictable. _

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