After four rounds of the group, the Celestial Empire ranked first, winning all 4 games and accumulating 8 points.

Argentina, Senegal and Croatia all have six points from two wins and two losses.

Puerto Rico has 5 points for one win and three losses.

The Philippines is at the bottom of four games with four losses.

Naturally, the Celestial Empire has advanced ahead of schedule and will advance to the round of 16 as the group leader.

It can be said that the Celestial Empire can achieve this record, although Han Zhe is more optimistic that they can advance to the round of 16 at home and abroad after joining, but I really didn't expect them to be able to advance as the first in the group.

The situation in the other groups is also gradually becoming clearer, with Group A hosts Spain winning all four games.

In Group C, the United States is even more crushing, and they all win by a big score.

Group D: Slovelia is also in first place after winning all four games.

There was no pressure on the Celestial Empire's side, and Chai Wensheng, who was in a good mood, let the team accept a public interview for the first time the next day.

"Coach Gong Luming, congratulations on leading the team to achieve such excellent results!"

Gong Luming glanced at Chai Wensheng and said with a smile: "This is not my credit, it all depends on the hard work of the team members and the full support of the basketball team!"

Only then did the reporter notice that Director Chai seemed to be left out and immediately began to take care of him.

"Director Chai, may I ask what is the goal of the Celestial Empire team in this World Cup, don't tell us that we are here to exchange and learn, we are all the first in the group!"

Everyone laughed, and Chai Wensheng also laughed, but he still played haha and said: "It is necessary to exchange and learn, of course, if you can achieve a good ranking in the World Cup, it is the best, since you have entered the top 16, then you must fight for the top eight." "

Someone immediately said: "Do you want to compete for the top four to enter the quarterfinals?"

Everyone laughed again, Chai Wensheng seemed to be in a really good mood, and also smiled: "That's a must!"

But someone immediately asked a more pointed question, "I heard that Han Zhe was almost punished after the conflict between Puerto Rico last time, is that true?"

Chai Wensheng was not angry, and said: "Our purpose has always been friendship first and competition second, Han Zhe's behavior at that time was definitely wrong, but after the game, he had deeply realized his mistake, so there was no need to punish him." "

Chai Wensheng's voice was a little embarrassed as soon as his voice fell, because there was a burst of laughter at the scene, Han Zhe would deeply understand his mistake?

What about liars!

all understand that Chai Wensheng is looking for himself to go down the stairs.

Subsequently, the reporters all aimed at Han.

A reporter joked: "Director Chai said that you deeply realized your mistakes, right?"

After Han Zhe glanced at Chai Wensheng, who was staring at him, he touched his nose and said, "Director Chai said yes." "

These words made everyone happy again, and Wen Sheng also smiled awkwardly.

"Han Zhe, many people say that our entry into the top 16 is the limit, what do you think?"

"I think it's all, basketball is not said with mouths, you won't know until you can play it!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he immediately received a round of applause, only Chai Wensheng coughed to remind him to pay attention to his words, but Han Zhe didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Another person asked: "Even if we lose in the next game, we will be the top of the group, will we consider saving our strength to prepare for the round of 16?"

Han Zhe said: "You have to ask the coach this question, but it is estimated that you will be blind if you ask, and the coach can still say that we will release the water!"


Everyone couldn't laugh again, they liked Han Zhe's point, and they could say anything.

Gong Luming also glared at him with tears and laughter, did you talk like this!

Another human: "You must know that James is going to change owners, some people say that you forced him away, what do you think about this?"

Han Zhe said: "It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, how can I care!"

Chai Wensheng rolled his eyes when he heard this, this guy was too vulgar to speak, and he didn't have a level at all, but he didn't have a problem with Han Zhe, and Han Zhe didn't eat his set.

Next, foreign media asked him what he thought of the NBA situation after James changed teams.

Han Zhe thought about it for a while before he said domineeringly: "I don't have any opinion, no matter which team he goes to, he can't beat our Magic, and he can't win the championship, unless he chooses to join the Magic, otherwise his dream of three consecutive championships will never come true, yes, that's what I said!"

The media of the Celestial Empire were shocked, thinking that Han Zhe would be condemned for being so arrogant, but they didn't expect the media outside the venue to applaud collectively, it seems that they like Han Zhe's domineering declaration very much!

Next, Allen Guo was also taken care of by reporters, and he was a topic of conversation when he first joined the NBA.


In the afternoon, the Celestial Empire team gathered together to watch the teams play, until 8 o'clock in the evening, when the first game of Group B began, Senegal against the Philippines.

This game is more important for Senegal, if they lose, they will have to wait for the result of Croatia's game to know if they can qualify, but for the Philippines, this game is also a battle of honor, if they lose again in this round, they will be eliminated from all five games.

Therefore, the Philippines played very fiercely at the beginning, obviously wanting to take a victory before going home.

However, Senegal certainly has no intention of releasing water this time, and it is also playing very actively.

The scores of the two teams have been deadlocked, and they are both trying to win.

Until the final quarter, the scores of both teams alternated until the last few seconds, when the two teams were tied.

The last possession went to the Philippines, who seized the opportunity to win 81-79 against Senegal in the frenzied cheers of the fans.

This makes Senegal a little uncomfortable.

The next game is even more important, Croatia against Puerto Rico.

Although Puerto Rico has one point less than Croatia, if Puerto Rico wins, they will have the same points as Croatia, Senegal will also have seven points, and Argentina will also have seven points if they lose to the Celestial Empire, so that the team with the same score is as high as 4, and they have to fight each other to win and lose and score to see who is eliminated.

Croatia's attempt to advance comfortably is of course a win over Puerto Rico, which is a do-or-die battle for both teams.

This game is not only about the victory or defeat of the two teams, but also about the overall form of Group B, which is also the focus of Group B. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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