After fighting for a while, Gong Luming finally understood how this kind of cooperation Han Zhe operated.

Since it's easy to make mistakes with a sudden pass and too fast a ball, tell your teammates in advance and get ready to run in advance.

It's more troublesome to play like this, and every time Han Zhe attacks, he needs to remind his teammates, but as long as it's practical.

For example, Yi Jianlian received the empty before that, Han Zhe told him in advance that he would pass to the basket, and Yi Jianlian got the first opportunity, and he had already jumped before the opponent reacted, and his attention was also on the basket, so he could naturally receive the ball.

In the next game, although Han Zhe scored very little, the "280" assists soared, and the scoring rate of the Celestial Empire team went up all of a sudden.

The most important thing is that Han Zhe does not need to use a lot of runs and breakthroughs to create opportunities for his teammates now, which effectively saves physical consumption.

Brazil has no problem with this, Han Zhe's passes are often elusive, and the Celestial Empire players are also in a fancy position, and they can't predict Han Zhe's route at all.

Of course, although the Celestial Empire has improved a lot on the offensive end, the defensive end is still relatively weak, and the Brazilian Twin Towers are still very inexplicable, and their low-post singles Celestial Empire cannot be broken.

"Han Zhe cut the inside line, Wang Shipeng divided the ball, beautiful, here again, Han Zhe changed direction and flew to Dazhi with a flick of the ball, this layup is very easy, Han Zhe's passing is amazing!"

"Brazil organized the attack, Hulsta chose to pass the ball under Han Zhe's blockade, Split blocked and dismantled, Vallejo wiped the ball and scored, Brazil's tactics looked simple, but it worked extremely well, and they still maintain the lead."

"Wang Shipeng gave the ball to Han Zhe who responded, and Han Zhe passed it quickly... Oh no, this is a feint, Han Zhe stepped back and hit a three-point shot, catching up, and the Celestial Empire is now only one point behind. "

Seeing Han Zhe's hit, Brazilian coach Magnano scratched his head anxiously, he was very upset now, obviously he had a good situation, but Han Zhe suddenly caught them off guard.

Han Zhe is good to say if he just passes the ball, but his personal scoring ability is still very strong, such as this ball, the team members divided their troops to run with the Celestial Empire players, and in the one-on-one situation, Han Zhe easily deceived the defenders by feints and threw himself.

Brazil is very uncomfortable, if you still put Han Zhe on him, he can easily assist his teammates to score with a trick pass, and if he relaxes Han Zhe, he can do it one-on-one.

The two teams are now relatively deadlocked, the two sides are very high, no one can help the other, and the score has been tight.

The foul tactics are not very effective, and the free throw shooting rates of both sides are relatively stable today, and the game is played in the fourth quarter, and the number of fouls by the players is not much.

Towards the end of the fourth quarter, Brazil once again pulled the difference in points, and because the players' physical fitness could not keep up at all, even if Han Zhe informed who would pass in advance, he began to make mistakes.

It's a response to the player's reaction and eyes that can't keep up, but the hands and feet can't keep up.

Gong Luming called a timeout at this time.

"It's not okay to play like this, Han Zhe, don't just care about passing, their physical fitness can't keep up, the error rate is too high to play like this, how do you feel, can you still hold up your physical fitness?" Gong Luming said to Han Zhe.

Han Zhe held his knee and gasped twice, and said, "I have a lot of physical exertion, but the game is only two minutes, and I will definitely be able to hold 0....."

Gong Luming nodded and said, "That's good, hold on a little longer, I know you're all tired, but isn't Brazil tired?" Now it's the will and psychological quality that we are fighting for, and then we have to make some changes in the way we play... Well, whether you can make history depends on everyone's performance in the last two minutes! "

When it comes to making history, the players are all in a state of mind, the best result of the Celestial Dynasty in the past World Cup is the quarterfinals, and they have now equaled the best record in history, as long as they go one step further and reach the top four, they will make history!

This is an opportunity for fame and fortune, and who doesn't want to leave their name in the history of basketball in the Celestial Empire?

Whether it will be successful or not depends on the last two minutes!

When he played again, it could be seen that the players of the Celestial Empire were in good spirits, and Gong Luming made a substitution adjustment again, replacing Zhu Fangyu with Guo Allen.

"There are still two minutes left before the end of the game, and the Celestial Empire is now switching to a three-back tactic, and Coach Gong Luming wants to use the flexibility of the players to win?" Su Qun didn't understand.

Zhang Weiping said: "We don't have an advantage in the anti-1.4 inner line, just play small-ball tactics, this is a good way, the key is that we are now behind, and there is not much time left for us, strengthening the outside three-point ability to chase points faster, this is a very reasonable plan."

After listening to it, the audience complained, not that there was a problem with Gong Luming's tactics, but Zhang Weiping's sentence "There is not much time left for us", which deeply pierced everyone's fragile hearts!

This sentence is a nightmare, it is poisoned milk, and it usually ends well when you hear this sentence on the court! _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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