After the timeout, the United States made its first personnel change, replacing Harden with Thompson.

The purpose of this substitution is very clear, that is, to strengthen the defense of Han Zhe and strengthen the tacit understanding of the United States team, Curry and Thompson are more familiar and can play more together.

The United States kicked off, Curry held the ball on the left wing and was ready to break through, and Han Zhe suddenly leaned in.

Harden got off Han Zhe and naturally targeted Curry, compared to Curry, the relatively easy task of defending Thompson was given to Wang Shipeng.

Although Thompson is now very famous, and some fans in China even call him Tang Shen, Han Zhe doesn't care about him at all.

Because Thompson's technical shortcomings are too obvious, he is unstable with the ball, lacks breakthrough ability, and the only thing that is commendable is his good projection ability.

"Hey, I said Han, shouldn't you be keeping an eye on Thompson and what to do with me." Curry looked at Han Zhe, who was clinging to him, and was speechless.

Curry is really depressed, he played relatively smoothly today, but Han Zhe changed his defense, which is too much, even if he doesn't like Thompson to target Irving.

"I prefer a little white face, so I naturally follow you." After Han Zhe finished speaking, he suddenly secretly teased Curry's ass with his fingertips.

Curry suddenly shook like an electric shock, almost jumping up in fright, Han Zhe took the opportunity to steal the ball in a forward step and successfully steal.

Seeing Han Zhe score the ball in a fast attack, Shashewski stomped his foot in anger and yelled at whether Curry was sleepwalking, which was a very low-level mistake.

Curry really has a hard time and can't say it, do you tell head coach Han Zhe to touch him?

Who would have thought that Han Zhe's defense would be so cheap!

"Han, you are so disgusting, if you dare to do this again, I will complain to the referee." Curry walked over to Han Zhe and warned.

"Okay, not next time."

As soon as Han Zhe finished speaking, he slapped Curry's ass hard, and then ran away with a grin.

The audience laughed, and Curry was stunned.

The referee didn't care, and they could see that it was a joke between the players.

Hearing the head coach year him not to get distracted, Curry ran to answer.

"Damn Han, you're a dead pervert." Curry was.

As a result, Curry was distracted, Irving just split the ball and threw it directly on his stomach and bounced away, but fortunately, Thompson was quick and grabbed the ball and passed inside, and Davis hooked the ball in.

This time, not only did the coach scold, but Irving came over to complain about him, and now Curry didn't dare to be distracted, completely ignoring Han Zhe, who came to beep again.

Han Zhe saw that he was no longer happy, and he didn't harass this poor guy anymore.

Thompson does have a set of defense, and in the next game, he entangled Han Zhe to death, and it was difficult for Han Zhe to get a three-point opportunity.

Of course, Thompson's sudden points and sudden shots that want to prevent Han Zhe from killing him are still unsolvable, even if the trap is not very effective.

However, for the Celestial Empire, the game was still not good, and the point difference that had been caught up began to open again, because the Mi foreign line felt up and hit multiple three-pointers in a row.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Celestial Empire also let Yi Jianlian and Li Xiaoxu start to frequently pull out to block and dismantle Han Zhe, and Han Zhe also began to fight back with three points, and finally bit the score.

"Curry was very dead by Han Zheka, and gave the ball to Irving, Irving cut successfully, Li Xiaoxu made up for the position in time, Irving crossed, Thompson received the ball and shot, scored, this shot was very decisive, Thompson's shooting is still very stable."

"There are too many offensive points of the Mi team, and it is difficult for the Celestial Empire to defend because it is difficult to take care of one or the other, if the Celestial Empire team wants to win today, it has to raise its own hit rate, and the defensive end has to work harder, and the current offensive success rate of the Celestial Empire is lagging behind a lot."

"Guo Allen has a good vision, and he accurately distributed the ball to Han Zhe, beautiful, Yi Jianlian's blocking and dismantling is in place in a very timely manner, Han Zhe hit three points again, and the offensive rhythm of the Celestial Empire has obviously accelerated, it seems that he wants to use Han Zhe's three-point ability to quickly chase points."

"The Mi national team has a good collective feel today, especially the outside three-point shooting rate is very high, fortunately, Han Zhe is stable, and Han Zhe is really not afraid of anyone when he fights for three points."

As the game progressed, Han Zhe's situation became more and more difficult, the reason is very simple, Mi Guo has strengthened the defense of blocking and dismantling, and the key is that it is difficult for other players in the Celestial Empire to help Han Zhe share the pressure.

Guo Allen and Wang Shipeng didn't feel as hot as they did at the beginning, and they were obviously a little afraid to cast after striking the iron a few times.

Moreover, the breakthrough ability of the Celestial Empire is still relatively poor, and it is difficult to guarantee the hit rate of the inside line.

At halftime, the score was 61-51, and the margin was stretched to double digits.

The score difference is still a trivial matter, but Gong Luming found that Han Zhe was already a little tired, this is a big thing.

It's not that Han Zhe's physical fitness is not good today, but that his task is too heavy, and he is the key target of the United States, so the amount of exercise is forced to increase a lot.

Han Zhe originally wanted to play another half a quarter before resting, but Gong Luming told him that the game was still long, so there was no need to fight for this minute and second, so let him rest first and adjust his state to the evening.

······· Asking for flowers...

Han Zhe has no bar skills, and the coach is reasonable, if his physical fitness collapses now, how will he play in the next games.

In the second half, the Celestial Empire carried out large-scale personnel adjustments, Wang Zhizhi, Zhou Peng, Chen Jianghua, Yi Jianlian, Han Zhe, and Wang Shipeng.

The United States also made personnel changes, replacing Irving with Cousins, and Curry began to take over the No. 1 spot.

It seems that the United States has weakened its outside ability, but in fact, it is not, the Curry + Puson combination has nothing to do with weak words, and the two have more shots.

Now the domestic lineup of the rice dynasty makes the audience of the Celestial Empire a little speechless, Brother Thick Eyebrows + God + Faried, what is this trying to do?

Su Qun was stunned for a moment before he said: "The lineup of the domestic team seems to be strong, but we still have a chance, their three big men are not as flexible as us, this is our advantage."


The audience in front of the TV complained, believe you are a ghost, the bad old man is very bad!

Su Qun's words really couldn't be believed, and when he kicked off again, Mi Guo obviously put the focus of the offense on the inside, all kinds of back hits, all kinds of dunks, and the Celestial Empire couldn't bear it at all.

The offensive end of the Celestial Empire is also struggling, and Han Zhe's hit rate can't go up without Han Zhe on the outside, let's hit it inside, it's not difficult to break through, but it's difficult to shoot, and the three big gate caps are flying all over the sky.

Han Zhedu wanted to cover his face, but he knew that he couldn't blame his teammates for not working hard, but that the opponent was too fierce!

Fortunately, Guo Allen hit both shots and finally stopped the collapse trend.

But there are still many Celestial Empires who scolded Guo Allen for being stupid, because Guo Allen shot both of these balls at a distance of one step inside the three-point line, and they thought that it was better to shoot two points from such a distance, it was better to take a step back and shoot three points or cut into the point and score two points more stable.

In short, I feel that long-distance two points are not cost-effective, and the cost performance is too low.

But Han Zhe and others applauded, praising Guo Allen's ball quotient is growing, because shooting in this position is actually the best choice, if you retreat outside the three-point line, the opponent will stick very tightly, it is difficult to shoot, and it is not good to shoot if you want to break in.

This is also why many players will shoot three points on the line or take a step inside, in fact, that position has the most space to shoot, and the defenders inside will put two steps to prevent breakthroughs.

Of course, this position is also quite a hit rate, and people dare to let you go. _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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