Han Zhe was about to get up to see the results, but he was lifted up by the crazy Celestial Dynasty fans next to him, and they were still shouting excitedly.

Now Han Zhe knows without asking, and his last goal seems to have been scored.

The Celestial Dynasty players also rushed over, hugging Han Zhe in the middle with the fans and cheering to their heart's content, and even Gong Luming ran out of shape and hugged the players and jumped and jumped.

The Internet also blew up:

"What's the situation? Isn't it time for overtime? "

"113-112 What kind of overtime is it playing!"

“113? Didn't Han Zhe make a layup just now, and a layup can also be counted as three points? "

"Upstairs seems to be a layman, Han Zhe jumped outside the three-point line, not to mention a layup, even if he dunked a dunk, it was a three-point shot, saying that Han Zhe's bounce was too exaggerated, he actually flew to the basket from the three-point line, if it wasn't for the light eye, I wouldn't believe it."

"You guys pay attention to the key points, we seem to be world champions already!"

"I slapped myself hard just now, and I told everyone very clearly, this is not a dream, the Celestial Empire has won the championship!"

"I'm so excited that I want to cry..."

"I finally realized what it was unbelievable, we worked miracles!"


At this time, the entire stadium was boiling, the excited shouts and applause of the audience in the Celestial Empire were deafening, but the fans of the United States fell silent, they may feel that this is a dream, how could the champion be taken away by the Celestial Empire, they are the invincible dream team of the universe!

The media from all over the world rushed to the Celestial Empire like crazy, wanting to conduct instant interviews, which was big news, and the most daring people before the game did not dare to think that the Celestial Empire could win the championship.

This is a good thing for the media, everyone will take it for granted that the Dream Team won the championship, but now the Celestial Empire will win the championship differently, and the topic will undoubtedly be much greater.

However, the reporters can't squeeze in at all now, and the fans of the Celestial Empire are completely crazy, many people rush to the field to surround the players to celebrate, and even the security can't do anything.

Fortunately, there was no chaos, and with the assistance of security and reinforcement police, the mood of the fans gradually stabilized, and order was slowly restored to the scene.

Looking at the carnival Celestial Dynasty players, the expressions of the players in the United States were inexplicable, many of them were blindfolded until now, and they couldn't figure out how they could lose, you must know that they had an absolute advantage from beginning to end.

Is it because they are not serious enough and not hard enough?

It's not like this, the United States didn't play blindly in this game, although they also had some problems during the game, but in general, the United States still played at a normal level in this game.

So what's the problem?

Then the eyes of the Mi players were invariably on the young man who was surrounded by the crowd.

Shashewski sat weakly on the bench for a while, and the world was full of malice.

Lead the dream team to the World Cup without crushing all the way, and then win the championship as a matter of course, and by the way, let yourself be gilded.

It used to be like this, how could he change it to himself and not follow the routine, he felt that he was being targeted.

Su Qun couldn't care about anything, and went crazy: "Lore!" Han Zhe used an incredible three-point layup to kill the United States, sending the Celestial Empire to the top of the world, we are the champion, the king of the world, at this moment Han Zhe is undoubtedly a hero, he will make the impossible possible, let us remember this moment, remember this young man~! "

Zhang Weiping also lost his temper, wiped the corners of his eyes before saying: "To be honest, I really didn't expect that I would be able to see this day in my lifetime, and this day came so quickly, I want to say thank you to Han Zhe and all the players of the Celestial Empire, thank you for your efforts, thank you for never giving up, and thank you for letting everyone see the hope of the rise of basketball in the Celestial Empire."

This is not the end, just a new starting point, we still have a lot of shortcomings in basketball, we need to learn, we need to improve, but this is not important, I believe that our group of basketball players have the strength and courage to lead us into a more brilliant new era. "

After Zhang Weiping finished speaking, the audience also calmed down, Zhang Weiping said well, although they won the world championship, the team still has a lot of shortcomings, and there is a significant gap compared with the world's top teams.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the current Celestial Empire is almost entirely supported by Han Zhe's own strength, if there are a few more top players in the Celestial Empire, they will not play so hard, especially Han Zhe, who almost collapsed after relaxing.

After the fans were dispersed, the reporters finally seized the opportunity, and most of them headed towards the Celestial Circle.

Of course, there is still a lot of media attention on the side of the United States.

"Davis, what do you think is the reason for the loss of the United States team?"

"The Celestial Empire played very well today, especially Han, he had too many three-pointers, and he couldn't prevent it at all."

"Owen, how do you feel now?"

"I feel very disappointed, after all, our goal has always been to win the championship, runner-up is not our pursuit, and I don't know how to go back to the fans who support us."

"I know that you have a very good relationship with Han, what do you think of Han in this game?"

Owen thought for a while and said: "Everyone can see Han's performance, I don't think I need to evaluate it at all, what I want to say is that Han is a BUG, and the team with Han is the dream team!"

The reporter was very surprised, I didn't expect Owen's evaluation to be so high, but if you think about it, it's really not a boast, what was magic like before, it was the bottom every year, after having Han Zhe, they were the champions, what was the Celestial Empire like, the Asian Championships couldn't get out of the line, Han Zhe actually won the world championship after Han Zhe joined, and he was very scary to think about it!

The reporter then took aim at Cousins.

Who knew that Kao Shen didn't buy it, pushed away the reporter's rude refusal to interview, and then turned around and entered the player tunnel.

Shashewsky is naturally also a key target of reporters, and there is a large circle of reporters around him, and I don't know what questions he asked, anyway, Shashewsky is sweating on his head.

As for the Celestial Empire, don't mention it, the reporters of the Celestial Empire alone circled several times, and Han Zhegong Lu Ming and Guo Allen were taken care of.

Chai Wensheng was also giving a speech in high spirits, saying how he usually cares about the players, how diligently he does logistics so that the team has no worries...

After Han Zhe dealt with the reporter, Liu Yan found an opportunity and ran over to give Han Zhe a big hug, "I knew you could do it!" "

"I can (have good money), no, you won't know until later." Han Zhe whispered, causing Liu Yan to roll her eyes.

When she saw the reporter coming around and pressing the shutter violently, Liu Yan realized that the two were in an inappropriate posture and were about to separate, Han Zhe put his arm around Liu Yan's shoulder and asked the reporter to shoot.

The reporter's gossip heart rose suddenly, and he began to pay attention to whether the relationship between the two was as simple as an ordinary friend, you must know that there are many domestic and foreign stars who came to the scene today, many of whom are familiar with Han Zhe, why did Han Zhe hug Liu Yan without hugging others?

Han Zhe was about to speak, but Liu Yan secretly dragged him, it seems that he doesn't want to be exposed for the time being, Han Zhe doesn't say anything when he sees this, how to write how he likes.

Soon the organizers built the podium, and Han Zhe was the first to lift the championship trophy in the cheers of the whole country, and also won the MVP of this World Cup without dispute.

As for the United States, how embarrassing it is to look when holding the runner-up trophy.

The third-place trophy was won by France.

This World Cup has officially come to an end! _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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