Han Zhe thought that he would be able to deal with this matter in a day or two, but he was able to return to the United States after a delay of three days.

After Han Zhe attended the celebration banquet in the capital, he received an invitation to CCTV for an exclusive interview, so he stayed here the next day to record the show.

After the end of the program, he received a notice to let him receive the award, the top ten athletes in the country and the May Day medal were not awarded so quickly, and the result is not known, this is the award issued by his hometown province, the top ten athletes in the province and the top ten outstanding young people in the province.

This is obviously paving the way for him to win the award, and Han Zhe, a piece of kindness in the province, naturally will not refuse, so he hurriedly returned home to receive the award.

During this period, the cub also caught a piece of news, that is, Liu Yan and Han Zhe returned to the province on the same plane, but because of the soy sauce of Guo Allen, the reporter did not make a big fuss.

When Han Zhe and Guo Allen arrived in the United States, it was already September 19.

As soon as he got off the plane, Han Zhe was blocked by a group of reporters and fans.

Han Zhe was already immune to everyone's enthusiasm, and when he was about to leave with Luthor who picked him up, a reporter's question attracted Han Zhe's attention.

"Han, what do you think of James' choice to join the Cavaliers?"

Han Zhe immediately paused, turned to Luther and said, "James is back to the knight?"

Luthor nodded, "Yes, he just announced that he has joined the Knights."

Seeing that the reporter was still chasing this question, Han Zhe finally spoke, "It is his freedom to choose which team James chooses, and with James's strength, no matter what team he joins, it will have a certain impact on the overall situation in the NBA, of course, none of this matters, the important thing is that I am curious about whether Gilbert's article has been deleted?" "


The reporters at the scene burst into laughter.

Some rookie reporters wondered, "What are you laughing at?" Han's words don't seem funny, huh? "

A reporter suddenly said with disdain: "The business level of newcomers is getting worse and worse, and I don't even know the big news for 10 years!"

The rookies checked the information and finally knew what everyone was laughing at, it turned out that when James joined the Heat in 10 years, Cavaliers owner Gilbert sent a long post scolding James for being a traitor, coward, hypocrisy, and cursing him.

Now that James is back with the Cavaliers, it's very interesting, and there's a deep embarrassment as a bystander...

Guo Allen next to him was also recognized by some reporters for an interview, which was nothing more than asking about his signing and his positioning in his rookie season.

After sitting in the car, Han Zhe couldn't help but sigh: "I thought about a lot of possibilities, I really didn't expect James to return to the Cavaliers, I thought he had a better chance of going to the Warriors."

Luther, who was driving, said: "Who says it's not, after his news was announced, it's a complete mess now, many teams that are ready to invite him can only find another target, and Heat fans are even more unacceptable, there are many people who scold him on the Internet, and the Cavaliers may not welcome him."

Guo Allen was puzzled: "James' joining should be a good thing for the Cavaliers, even Cavaliers fans should be welcome, after all, the prodigal son will not change his money, is it because their boss Gilbert has not let go of his grievances."

Before Luthor could speak, Han Zhe raised his head and slapped him on the back of the head, "Use your brain more before speaking, if Gilbert doesn't agree with James, can you go back, and Gilbert is a businessman, businessmen pay attention to interests, even if he wants to kill James in his heart, but James has to greet him with a smile if he wants to go home, he can't go against the wishes of the fans and the American knife." "

Guo Allen thought for a while, and then suddenly realized: "The least welcome James to join is Irving."

"Even if you're not stupid, this is a mountain that can't tolerate two tigers, but they are not a male and a female, the Cavaliers are already building a team around Owen, and Owen also regards himself as the boss in recruiting troops and preparing to do a big job in the new season, and now he is killing halfway to bite the gold, is it uncomfortable for you?"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he took out the phone and called Owen, and it didn't take long for him to connect, only to hear Owen say weakly: "How can the king of the world have time to call me."

As soon as Han Zhe heard it, he knew that this thing was not in a beautiful mood, so he planned to make him even less beautiful, "I heard that James has officially joined your knights, congratulations, now that the two of you are joining forces, I am a little scared." "

There was silence for a while before he said, "Han, I finally know why so many people hate you, sometimes you are really bad!"

Han Zhe couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and found that Owen was really angry, so Han Zhe put away his laughter and said, "What is the situation now, can you suppress it?"

Owen does regard Han Zhe as a friend, so he has nothing to hide, and said: "Do you think I can suppress James with my prestige, it depends on the above meaning now, but I estimate that the best situation is to play double core in the future, as for the ball and the right to speak, I will definitely not let it, I respect James, but it does not mean that I will give him the team."

Han Zhe helped him analyze: "Actually, you don't have to think too much, James is no longer the original little emperor, at most an old emperor, as long as the knight executives are not idiots, they should know that you are the future of the team."

They trade James just to get results in the near future, but they will definitely take into account your feelings, so it's right to worry about James, if James is smart enough, he may take the initiative to find you for a showdown in the near future, he and the top management pursue the same, and they all want to get results, after all, he hasn't played for a few years, and it's not good to fall out with you. "

After hearing this, Owen thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was really the case, and James might be in a more difficult situation than him.

Owen was in a much better mood, and just wanted to thank Han Zhe, Han Zhe said cheaply: "Of course, this is just my personal thoughts, who knows how it is, I think that since the rider is unkind, you can also be unjust, just come to our magic, this is the safest, I cover you, ensure that no one dares to bully you, even if you can't be the second, how about ensuring that you are the third!"

Owen: "Get out!"

After hanging up the phone, Owen held the phone and laughed, of course he knew that Han Zhe was joking, he couldn't go to magic.

Then Luthor also began to talk to Han Zhe and Guo Allen about the transfer situation of each team, and now is the peak of the trade, not to mention anything else, the Magic are also laying off and trading.

For example, Olapodi has been put up for auction by the Magic, and Afraro is also actively looking for a next home.

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