The team is conducting individual training today, such as Ibaka practicing pace, Walker practicing shooting, and Han Zhe coaching Guo Allen in ball control and breakthrough skills.

"Hey, who are you, what are you doing in our arena, what about the doorman, why do you let people in casually?"

An assistant coach stopped a black man who had just stepped into the arena.

Han Zhe and the others also stopped training and looked at the door.

"The doorman is really getting more and more disagreeable, why are all the homeless people let in?" Walker also complained, because this man with messy hair and a beard did look like a street bum.

Ibaka glanced closer, curious, "Why does it feel familiar?" "

Han Zhe followed and walked over, and after examining it for a while, he opened his mouth wide in surprise and asked tentatively, "Are you Olapodi?"

Olapodi smiled awkwardly, nodded and admitted his identity, he was so excited when he went out that he forgot to tidy up his manners, which made such a joke, the doorman didn't know him just now, if it wasn't for confirming his driver's license, he wouldn't even be able to enter the door.

"You're Olapodi, aren't you kidding?" Ibaka's eyes widened, how long has it been since she saw him, how did she look like a sloppy uncle, this is too exaggerated, what has happened to this thing?

The players immediately gathered around and stared at him like a gorilla visiting a zoo.

The two newcomers were even more stunned, they naturally learned a lot of magic news when they joined the Magic, and they also knew about the Olapodi incident, but they really didn't expect Olapodi to be like this.

After the two of them glanced at each other, they both had a thought in their hearts, that is, don't offend the boss and Han Zhe, this end is too terrible.

"What are you doing here, you have nothing to do, hurry up and train. Beyer walked over to disperse the onlookers, frowning when he saw Olapodi's appearance and the smell of alcohol.

Olapodi was very worried in his heart, for fear that Bayer would tell him to get out, so he immediately said: "Coach, I'm sorry, I was in too much of a hurry to go out just now, I promise that it won't be like this in the future." "

Seeing Olapodi's dignified face, Bayer was also in a complicated mood, sighed and said: "Go to the locker room and tidy up, it's best to take a shower to clean up your damn smell of alcohol, pack up and go to the manager's office with me." "

Olapodi nodded happily and ran to the locker room.

"Why did he come back, isn't he already ready to trade?" As soon as Bayer left, Walker and the others slipped over to Han Zhe to chat.

Ibaka said: "I thought he was a homeless man just now, this has changed too much, he can still play like this now?"

Vucevic said: "Boss, do you know something, tell us about it." "

There is nothing to hide about this, Han Zhe said: "The team has canceled his trade plan and is ready to stay, after all, we have to prepare a qualified rotation after Afflalo leaves." "

Walker frowned and said: "There are so many players in the NBA, just find one at random, this guy is a traitor, why keep it, this is obviously not giving you face, it's inconvenient for you to go to the manager, if you let him stay, don't blame us for making trouble." "

Ibaka and Vucevic also nodded and said that they would go to the manager together to force the palace.

Han Zhe knew that they had misunderstood, thinking that it was decided by the high-level privately, if this was the case, it would indeed be considered not to give Han Zhe face, after all, Olapodi had reported Han Zhe's material at the beginning, didn't he slap Han Zhe in the face when he stayed in the team.

Han Zhe smiled: "Don't make a fool of yourself, I proposed to let him stay in the team." "

"You're not kidding, this guy almost caused you to leave the team, and you still helped him?" Walker expressed shock.

Ibaka and Vucevic also looked surprised.

Han Zhe said: "We have a saying in the Celestial Empire called people leaving a line, which means don't do things too much, you should also be taught a lesson when you see him like this, of course, the main reason why I propose to keep him is that he has great potential, and the rookie salary is not high, and it will not compress everyone's salary space, which is beneficial to the team and everyone." "

"That's a cheap boy, but what if he's still like he used to?" said Ibaka.

Han Zhe spread his hands, "There is a saying in our Celestial Empire that you can't live if you do your own evil, if he wants to die, we can't clean him up?"

"Hehe, yes yes, kill him if you don't obey. Several of them laughed.

After a few people dispersed, Allen Guo leaned over, "Brother Zhe, how do you feel like you are discussing a conspiracy with the villain in the movie, Olapodi's appearance is pitiful enough, and you still want to mess with him." "

Han Zhe glanced at him, "You know, he jumped so hard at the beginning, and his brother is already very kind to let him come back, and don't think that the NBA is the Garden of Eden, there are intrigues everywhere, and the magic is not bad, that's because I can control everyone, and you have to pay attention to having a good relationship with the players when you go to the Hornets, to put it simply, if others don't pass you the ball during the game, you are more uncomfortable than anything else." "

Han Zhe said again: "You can't behave too cowardly, it's the same everywhere, the more honest you behave, the more people want to bully you, anyway, everything has a degree, you have to grasp it yourself, don't hold on if you really can't do it, remember to call me, I'm still very familiar with the wasps." "

Guo Allen nodded, he was quite grateful to Han Zhe, with Han Zhe helping him, he would take a lot of detours.

On the other hand, Bayer went to see Hannigan with the packed Olapodi, and then Bayer warned Olapodi not to drink too much and pay attention to his diet, because Olapodi had a physical test and was not in good condition.

His physical condition is much worse now than when he first joined the team, and he can't even shoot well, which worries Bayer, and many players are scrapped in this way.

Therefore, Olapodi's return to the team Bayer specially formulated a separate training plan for him.

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