In this game, Han Zhe's state was completely played, he shot a lot of shots and hit high, and he was very active on the defensive end, and the Timberwolves were somewhat broken down after halftime.

In the second half, Bayer rotated, with Olapodi and Nurkic replacing Han Zhe and Vucevic.

However, the situation of the game did not change much, and the two main offensive points of Walker and Ibaka caused a lot of problems for the Timberwolves.

The Magic defense is still doing well, and the defensive ability of the five players on the court is above the level line, which makes the Timberwolves play hard.

At the end of the third quarter, the score was 71-56, which is not a big difference.

However, the Timberwolves played very tenaciously and did not mean to give up at all, and once again the main force was ready for the last fight.

Seeing this, Bayer was not polite, and replaced Walker with Han Zhe, intending to knock the old wolf to death with a stick.

Although Han Zhe's state dropped in the final quarter, he still scored 10 points in a single quarter and scored 32 points in the whole game, leading the Magic to a 95-77 victory over the Timberwolves, and the Magic won three consecutive victories.

After the game, the media conducted interviews one after another, and Bayer and Han Zhe were naturally the key targets.

It was ridiculous that Bay827 picked up a championship coach title last season, but after the effect of leading the team in the new season, there were many fewer doubts.

The Magic's three-game winning streak is a preliminary affirmation of his coaching skills, at least it shows that the Magic are healthy and stable under his coaching, and there have been no locker room problems.

"Han, can you tell me what you said to Wiggins at the beginning of the first quarter, and if he provoked you, you would teach him a hard lesson?" asked a reporter.

Han Zhe said: "No, Wiggins is a player with potential and strength, and I admire him very much. "

The reporters suddenly slandered, and they were about to bully people and cry, appreciate your sister, can people be more sincere and less routine?

Since Han Zhe was sloppy, the reporter did not continue to discuss this topic, and asked: "We can see that the Magic is in good shape in the new season, and has won three consecutive games, do you have the confidence to continue winning streaks or how many games do you think you can win in a row?"

Han Zhe said: "Of course, the more the better, if you can win more than 34 in a row, it will be the best." "

The reporters burst into laughter, and no one took him seriously, thinking he was joking, because no one thought that an NBA team could break the all-time winning streak these days.

Someone asked, "What do you think about the Cavaliers finally getting their first win?"

Seeing that Han Zhe didn't know, someone told him that the game between the Cavaliers and the Nuggets had ended half an hour earlier, and the Cavaliers won their first win of the season 110-101.

James scored a game-high 2, while Irving scored only 12 points.

Although Han Zhe had a lot of thoughts in his heart, he didn't show it, and joked with a smile: "That's really congratulations to them, after all, it's not easy to win a game." "


The reporters burst out laughing, Han Zhe's words are really hurtful, aren't you and Owen friends, is it really good to mock like this?

Although the reporter still had many questions, Han Zhe left directly.

Back in the locker room, Han Zhe took out his mobile phone and called Owen.

"Carey, what's wrong with your team?" Han Zhe didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

Owen said in a low voice: "The team has changed its tactical play and focuses on low-post offense. "

In just one sentence, a lot is revealed.

Owen may just have nowhere to pour bitter water in his stomach, and Han Zhe is obviously a good person to talk to.

Irving opened the conversation and continued: "Although it is still called Duo now, in fact, (BHFD) knows at a glance that it is a tactic tailored for James, and in short, he has become the boss of the team. "

Han Zhe opened his mouth and swallowed back the words, because he didn't know what to say now.

Han Zhe only knew that if someone came to Magic now to snatch his boss position, he would definitely be furious.

It's not that they can't find their next home, but they can't swallow this breath in their hearts.

Han Zhe felt that the knight's high-level was sick, that's right, if there was no high-level consent, the knight coach would not dare to do this.

No matter what angle Han Zhe thinks, he thinks that it is more practical for the Cavaliers to focus on Irving, and as a result, they chose James.

It's not that James has a problem playing the core, he has the quality to play the core in any team.

But this is also his biggest shortcoming, James can be the boss no matter where he goes, there are too many choices, and he is hungry for honor at the end of his career, the problem comes.

He can't be loyal to the team, the Heat can't support him to get the honor, he will leave the Heat, if the Cavaliers can't do it, he will definitely leave the Cavaliers, anyway, he is the boss wherever he goes, so he can naturally do whatever he wants.

The Cavaliers' decision is stupid in Han Zhe's eyes, and offending Irving, the cornerstone of the future, for a James who uses the team as a springboard, is a loss-making deal.

Owen was very angry, and said after a while of silence: "Han, do you think it would be better for me to leave the Cavaliers and join that team?"

Although Han Zhe is usually lascivious, he still did not talk nonsense about this kind of question, but persuaded: "Don't think about this as soon as you renew your contract, and you and James Lefu may really have a chance to hit the championship." "

Owen snorted coldly: "I really don't want to win this championship, and I want to leave the Cavaliers and he can't keep me." "

This is true, even if a player like Irving has to pay liquidated damages, the team will pay for him, and it really bursts, Irving yells to leave the team, and the Cavaliers are embarrassed.

After the two hung up the phone, Han Zhe also sighed a little, if it was him, the reaction might be much more intense than Owen.

However, Han Zhe firmly believes that even if James comes to Magic, it will be impossible to grab his boss position, which is the confidence brought by strength.

Irving's disadvantage is that he has no foundation in the team, and there is too much difference between his fame and popularity with James, otherwise the Cavaliers will not dare to touch him no matter how braindead they are.

After sighing with emotion, Han Zhe put this matter aside, Owen's affairs don't need him to worry about it, and he still has a headache about his own bad things.

The task of the system is a mountain that weighs on his head, and if he doesn't solve it for a day, he will be uncomfortable for a day. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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