The next two rounds of the Magic are back-to-back away games, and in order to relax and keep everyone energy up, Bayer gave the team a day off.

Han Zhe rarely slept a lot, and was woken up by a doorbell in the morning.

When I opened the door, it was Luthor standing outside the door, "Rare guest, how can our big-name agent be free to come to the Humble House?"

Han Zhe joked and let the door out, only to realize that Luthor had not come alone.

When Han Zhe saw the people who came, he looked at Luthor in great surprise, these people he was also familiar with, they were the bodyguards he had hired when he returned to China before, and he still remembered that the leader was called Paul.

Without waiting for Han Zhe to ask, Lu Thore took the initiative to say, "You must be no stranger to these people, I have already poached them to be your personal bodyguards." "

Paul and the four of them walked over "five-seven-zero" and politely called "BOSS", and then Paul took the other three people and began to walk around Han Zhe's house, and began to record various safety hazards and design prevention and control measures along the way.

After Paul and the others walked away, Han Zhe, who was confused all the time, finally spoke, "Dear Luther, what kind of plane are you doing, when did I say that I want a bodyguard?"

Luther said: "You are not only a celebrity now, but also a rich man, it is necessary to hire bodyguards, I know what you want to say, you are very capable of fighting, three or two gangsters can't stop you, but don't forget that this is a United States, guns are very rampant, no matter how fast you move, you can't move faster than bullets." "

"And you don't have to worry about the cost, Paul, their asking price is very fair, and the economic company behind me will bear part of it for you, after all, you are our quality customer, and your safety is very important. "

Having said that, Han Zhe didn't say much, although he didn't think there was anything wrong with his safety, but this was Luther's kindness, and the villa was often empty, so it was good to have a few people to talk to.

How do you know that this is not over, and after a while, Luthor came with three more women, saying that they were looking for a professional nanny for him.

Without waiting for Han Zhe to object, Luthor said: "You often hire housekeepers to clean anyway, it's better to hire a nanny directly than to be so troublesome, and now that there are more people in the villa, you can't go out to eat or order takeout every day, the person in charge of cooking is called Karina, he is not a nanny, he is a nutritionist for you, people are very famous in the industry, if she doesn't happen to be your fan, she can't be invited, the other two are usually responsible for hygiene, laundry and other chores." "

As soon as Lu Thor finished speaking, the three of them also came over to say hello to Han Zhe, and they all looked at Han Zhe's face non-stop, their expressions were a little excited, after all, Han Zhe is a big star now, and there is almost no one in the whole country who doesn't know him.

After the three of them left, Han Zhecai touched a cold sweat on his head, "Forget about Luthor looking for a nanny, you also found such three beautiful girls, is this appropriate, and so many people make my house almost not enough to live in." "

As for the residence, you can rest assured, except for Karina, who needs to arrange a room for her, the other two are locals, and they will be there every night. "

Since everything has been arranged, Han Zhe is sure that in fact, there is nothing bad about living a local tyrant life, and it is pretending to be pretending to be served by someone.

Seeing that things were almost over, Luthor left, he was very busy now, and it was rare to have time to do these trivial things for Han Zhe.

Han Zhe called everyone over, coughed and said: "Paul, you just have four rooms downstairs, Karina lives in the first room on the corner upstairs, I don't have any particularities and taboos, you just treat it as your own home, the gym and swimming pool can be used casually, and if you are bored, you can go fishing and boating on the lake." "

As soon as Han Zhe's voice fell, it was obvious that everyone was very happy, especially the two little nannies who did chores, they were afraid of running into difficult bosses, some people were very strict with nannies, they couldn't touch that, they couldn't enter, and they had to be careful in doing things.

After Han Zhe finished speaking, Paul smiled and said, "Boss, thank you very much for your generosity, but we don't need so many rooms at all, only two rooms are enough, and we will be divided into two shifts, two people are responsible for the day and the other is responsible for the evening." "

Han Zhe said: "You don't need it at night, everyone can rest, anyway, there are security guards in the property." "

Paul said: "This is our duty, since we have taken the money, we will definitely do a good job, by the way, we plan to purchase and install a complete security system, so that we can defend without dead ends, boss, do you see it....."

Han Zhe nodded and said, "You are insiders, you can just call the shots in terms of security, and you can find me directly if you need any money." "

Then Han Zhe took Paul and others to turn around the villa inside and out, and when they walked to the garage, Paul and the others couldn't help but sigh Han Zhehao, the luxury car was too flashy.

Han Zhe said with a smile: "Actually, I usually have very little time to drive, if you like to drive out to play, the keys are under the coffee table in the living room, otherwise they will be broken." "

Paul and the others all smiled and waved their hands, it is one thing for the boss to be generous, and it is another thing for him to understand whether he understands or not.

Paul then advised: "Boss, you mostly have sports cars here, if you like cars, I suggest you buy a comfortable car that is convenient for events or when there are many people." "

Han Zhe thought about it, he could comfortably carry people in an Audi, and he didn't like it very much.

Han Zhe said: "Do you have any suggested models, don't worry about the price, just do it." "

Such a bold remark made Paul and the others a little speechless, but he still said: "In this case, the Rolls-Royce series and the Maybach series are good choices, boss, you can refer to it." "

Han Zhe nodded and wrote it down.

Then everyone was busy driving 1.7, and after tidying up the luggage and beds, Paul and the others got Han Zhe's check and went to purchase.

The nanny also started to clean the villa.

At noon, Han Zhe tried Karina's craft for the first time, and was very surprised, he thought that the things made by these nutritionists only talked about nutrition and not taste, but he didn't expect the taste to be excellent, Han Zhe did not hesitate to praise it, which made Karina very happy.

Paul and the others didn't come back until the afternoon, and then they started installing cameras and some things he couldn't read, and it wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that the initial completion was completed.

Han Zhe can only understand one video surveillance system, and he doesn't understand any other infrared system or induction trigger system.

Then Han Zhe and Paul and the others said hello and went to sleep, there is a game tomorrow, and he has to ensure the quality of sleep. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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