What kind of thing are you?

When he heard such a sentence, his blue face turned green in an instant, who is the owner of this restaurant?


Jinping is also a hot-tempered person, and immediately slapped the table, the table couldn't withstand this strange force, and instantly exploded into a piece of powder.

"Boy, you're talking impulsively, aren't you?"

Jinping's face was full of anger, and he wanted to tear Lin Nan's body apart immediately.

Lin Nan was slightly stunned, in Lin Nan's memory, Jinping has always been a person with a gentle personality, and he is also a very affectionate person, when "Two, Four, Three" was at the beginning because of Ace's relationship, he also helped Luffy a lot.


It was Lin Nan who admired Jinping the most, but he didn't expect that Jinping ten years ago was no different from ordinary pirates.

If you don't agree with each other, you will smash the table and lose your temper.

What a youthful vigor!


Lin Nan clapped his hands violently, with a faint smile on his face.

"What's good?" Jinping was stunned, this kid is not afraid of himself at all? Could it be that he has a strong backing? Jinping suddenly thought that there is still Hawkeye Mihawk here, that kid is the boss, and Hawkeye Mihawk is just an employee, can't it be-

"You broke my table, do you know that this table is made of pear blossom wood? Do you know how much pear blossom wood is worth?"

Lin Nan hugged his arms and asked sharply.

"What is Pear Blossom Wood?" Jinping was stunned, he thought that this kid was going to argue with him, but he didn't expect this kid to talk about this table.

"If you want to stop pretending, I'll tell you the truth, this pear is not an ordinary pear blossom wood, but a yellow rosewood! It has a hard texture, a clear texture, and a superior sense of vision! The wood nature of the yellow rosewood is fixed, no matter the cold or heat, it will not change its mind, it will not crack, it will not bend, and it has a certain toughness! The most important thing is not its practicality, but that it generally takes one or twenty years to become a talent! One or twenty years! Do you know how difficult it is to make this table?"

Lin Nan's words were sharp, and he really had a bit of a professional explanation when he said it, although Jinping didn't know anything about this yellow rosewood, but he seemed to think that he had a good idea, he couldn't help but look down at the wooden blocks that had turned into powder on the ground, and said with a little lack of energy: "Then since you said that this yellow rosewood has to - but why did I pat it lightly, it shattered! You shouldn't be deliberately trying to slander me, right?"

"We are all clear-eyed people, we don't hide what we say, I am a restaurant owner and a businessman, I am reasoning with you! How could I lie to you? Also, as for why you smashed it with a light tap, isn't this a very normal thing? You fish-people have innate divine power! The strength of any fish-man is ten times that of ordinary people! And you, as the captain of the fish-man pirates, must be even more powerful? In your opinion, the power is unimaginable with a light pat! Don't say it's yellow rosewood, even if it's rosewood, it can't withstand your tossing-"

Lin Nan crackled and said a lot, and he was embarrassed to say it directly.

Yes, the fish-man clan is born with divine power, and it really can't be controlled with a palm of his hand-

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, since you destroyed the table in my restaurant, then lose money, not much, 10 million Bailey!"

Lin Nan's eyes rolled, and then he spread out his palms. 0

"Ten million Baileys, what table costs ten million Baileys?" said Jinhei angrily and dissatisfied.

Hawkeye Mihawk couldn't help but roll his eyes on the side, and said in his heart that Lin Nan, the boss, is really treacherous! He still clearly remembers that the last time he broke the bench in the restaurant, he only lost tens of thousands of Baileys, but he didn't expect that this time, Lin Nan would actually charge 10 million Baileys!

The most speechless thing is that the guy from Jinping still looks like he believes it.

"There's no way, this table is the price, who told you to deliberately damage my table?" Lin Nan showed a helpless expression.

"Then you provoked me first! Do you know who I am?" said Jinping, seriously.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, I provoked you first? Think about it again, you just said to mock my employees first?"

Lin Nan rolled his eyes at Jinping.


Jinping breathed 2.6 sluggishly, and then his eyes fell on Hawkeye Mihawk behind him, as if he had inadvertently mocked Hawkeye Mihawk just now-

However, where did that kid get the courage to fight for Hawkeye?

Jinping thought about it left and right, and he found that if he wanted to argue with these two people, there seemed to be no good fruit to eat, and an eagle-eyed mihawk was enough for his own headache, and the other kid couldn't see any ability, but it must not be simple, after all, people can't look like the sea and can't fight.

"Okay! I'll pay for it, won't it be 10 million Bailey!"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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