This god-level fresh and fragrant tuna fillet is a great test of knife work, and who is the best on this boat is Lin Nan first, Hawkeye Mihawk second, and Redfoot Tetsuo third.

Hawkeye Mihawk has been by Lin Nan's side, watching Lin Nan's skillful knife skills.

The bones of tuna are very large, so the bones must be removed, and each knife must be accurate.

To practice this skill, you must first understand the body structure of the tuna, otherwise you will not be able to find where the bones of the tuna are, and it is easy to cut them wrong, so the thickness and size of the fillet will also vary.

Don't underestimate this difference, as we all know, there is a very important factor in a boiled fish fillet, that is, the heat and how long the cooking process, this is very important, the fish fillet is generally boiled on a fierce fire, only boiled for three minutes, three minutes can be cooked, boiled for too long the fish will be old, the cooking time is too short is not as good as directly dipping the sashimi in soy sauce -

"You have to add egg whites, starch, and salt to marinate it, right?"

Hawkeye Mihawk asked.

"Yes, it has to be marinated, otherwise the taste of the fish will be greatly reduced. Lin Nan nodded, neatly sprinkled some starch and salt into the fish fillet, he turned around and looked at the egg white that Hawkeye Mihawk brought to his eyes, and smiled: "Yes, you are a very qualified assistant." "

Hawkeye Mihawk smiled disdainfully, and said in his heart that Lin Nan also underestimated me, right?

He still had this basic awareness, and then he said, "I'll put the lettuce in a pot for you first." "

"Yes. "

Lin Nan smiled and nodded.

"It's fried, you're optimistic, Mihawk~!"

Lin Nan poured some olive oil into the pot, and then did not forget to remind.

"Keep watching, you don't need to say it. I naturally understand which is more important. Hawkeye Mihawk said.

"Heat the oil, add the bean paste, remember that the bean paste is raw, you must fry the bean paste, and fully stimulate the fragrance of the bean paste, alas, if there is an old godmother, it is the best. "

Lin Nan said to himself while frying the bean paste.

"Old godmother?"

Hawkeye Mihawk raised an eyebrow: "What is that?

"Uh-you don't understand, this old godmother is omnipotent, not only can eat, but also can play a great role in stir-frying. "

Lin Nan rolled his eyes and said patiently to Hawkeye Mihawk

"Little brother Lin Nan, 1st brother, didn't you talk about other women just now!"

At this time, the old lady walked in with the water snake waist, and a trace of sorrow flashed between her beautiful eyes.


Lin Nan was stunned, what other woman?

"Don't pretend to be garlic, tell me, who is the old godmother you just said~!Isn't it enough for you to have an old lady!Who is your old godmother!" The old lady asked very aggrieved.

"Ahem-" Lin Nan almost choked on his own saliva, who is this old godmother?Nima, this is something to eat~!

"Don't cough, the more you cough, the more ghosts you have in your heart!

The old lady said to Lin Nan in a decisive manner.

"I didn't expect that you are such a wicked person, you won't even let go of your godmother~!"

The old lady said angrily.

"What's that—in fact, Lao Gan Ma is just a kind of edible seasoning fried with beans and minced beef. "

In desperation, Lin Nan immediately bought a bottle of Lao Gan Ma in the system mall and put it directly on the cabinet.

"Look, this is the old godmother!"

Lin Nan pointed to the bottle full of oil, water, beans and minced beef, and said to the old lady.

"So this is the old godmother?"

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the bottle like a curious baby, swallowing his saliva.

"Old godmother?"

When the old lady saw a few big words on this bottle, a pair of beautiful eyes widened, I didn't expect this old godmother to really use it to eat?

"Okay-I'm really sorry, little brother Lin Nan, I didn't mean to misunderstand - I just cared in my heart so I doubted you like that - I promise not next time. "

The old lady is more than a hundred years old, but now she is as cute as a little girl who has done something wrong in front of Lin Nan.

"It's not off—"

Lin Nan smiled faintly and waved his hand, but before he finished speaking, two excited voices rang out: "Can you open it for me to taste?"

Hawkeye Mihawk and the old lady had the same idea, and said in unison, the two glanced at each other, and they both saw a tacit understanding in each other's eyes.

"Eat, but don't finish it—I'll have a spoonful of the fillet in a moment—"

Lin Nan didn't say anything, he turned his head to look, and found that the two people were on Tian Ji's fingers, and the small bottle of old godmother that was full just now was no longer there.

"Damn, you are dogs, who told you to finish eating!" Lin Nan jumped like thunder.

"I'm sorry, Lin Nan, I didn't expect this old godmother to be so delicious, and I became addicted to it after taking one bite - I didn't stabilize it for a while. "

Hawkeye Mihawk said embarrassedly to Lin Nan, and the old lady could only look at Mo Chen with a pair of eyes begging for forgiveness.

"I really can't do anything about the two of you! The old godmother is also addicted to eating? I also took it~!

PS: There's a problem with the keyboard.,Typing and pressing the key next to a key will also work.,Keep manually deleting.,I'm going to change the keyboard tomorrow.,See if the store is closed.,Today can only be a change.,Sorry.。 _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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