"That's right, ramen, kneading! At first, I taught him knife work based on Hawkeye Mihawk's specialty, and when I came to you, I thought I should teach you kneading ramen first, don't underestimate this skill——"

Lin Nan said to Jinping seriously.

"No, why do you want to learn ramen, I know how to knead ramen, I don't need you to call me, I also have to learn knife skills!"

Jinping hugged his arms and said very dissatisfied.

"Will you knead the dough and ramen?" Lin Nan couldn't help but sneer: "Pounding, kneading, stretching, falling, do you know how to grasp it?"


"Didn't you say you would? Then you can tell me about the steps of kneading noodles and ramen?" Lin Nan hugged his arms and smiled at Jinping who was talking big, this guy was a layman who didn't know anything at all, and he was still showing off his might in front of himself? Ramen and kneading noodles are not simple technical things!

How can a person who has not been exposed to or practiced be able to pull out strong noodles? This is not only a test of a person's strength, but also a test of a person's feel and strength.

"Isn't it just water and flour - and then knead the dough with your hands, and then pull it with your hands?" said in a cold sweat on his head.

"That's a perfect statement. Lin Nan rolled his eyes, but he slapped his hand.

"I'll just say, this kind of low-level thing, how could I not do it-" Jinping wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, looking proud, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Nan's words: "You fart to Lao Tzu! Say the opposite to you, look at you proudly! It's not that I said you, you are completely a stupid pig!"

You're a stupid pig!

The corners of Jinping's mouth twitched.

Hawkeye Mihawk, who was in the kitchen, smiled at the corners of his mouth, although he shook his head wordlessly.

"Hey, hey, hey—Boss Lin, you're talking too ugly, aren't you—am I wrong about this kneading and ramen technique?"

Jinping really doesn't understand anything, the reason why he is more serious with Lin Nan in kneading noodles and ramen is just because of the knife skills he wants to learn.

"Listen to me! I'll only speak once!"

Lin Nan glared at Jinping fiercely and said.

"Oh~" Jinping nodded like a child who had done something wrong.

"Flour and water are fine, but do you know how much flour you need to add? If you're not already a good ramen chef, just follow the three-cup flour to one cup, you know?

"Got it!" Jinhei nodded heavily.

"You know what the dough is for?"

Lin Nan smashed a hammer on Jinping's head.

"What? Isn't this for ramen?" asked Jinhei, touching his head, which didn't hurt at all, curiously.

"If you understand it quickly, flour 3:water 1 dough is used to make dumplings! If flour 2.5:water 1 is used to make steamed buns! If it is 2:1, it is used to make pancakes and fritters! The dough used to make ramen noodles has a ratio of flour to water 3.5 to 1! Because ramen noodles don't need too much water! Have you memorized all these data?"

Lin Nan said to Jinping in a very serious tone.

Now that Jinping has decided to stay on the ship, Lin Nan will not take him to a bad place, and if he wants to teach, he will teach him to be a qualified cook!

"Oh-I know-remember!" "Jinping scratched his head, digesting the data in his mind.

In addition, after pounding, kneading, stretching, and dropping the dough, remember to put the dough on the board, hold the ends of the strip with both hands, lift it and beat it vigorously on the cutting board. After the strip is elongated, fold the two ends in half, continue to hold the two ends and beat, and so on, the purpose of which is to adjust the order of the gluten proteins in the dough, so that the messy protein molecules are arranged into a long chain, which is called Shun gluten! It's not over yet, you have to put the noodles on the board and sprinkle them with clear oil! Do you know what this is for?"

Lin Nan hugged his arms and said to Jinping proudly.

"This—it should be to keep the noodles from sticking together, right?" Jinpei thought for a moment and said quickly.

"Hey, I don't think you're stupid!"

"Ahem—" Jinping smiled awkwardly.

"Then you have to pull out noodles of different sizes and thicknesses according to the diner's hobby, and those who like to eat round noodles can choose thick, two fine, three fine, fine, and capillary! If you like to eat flat, you can choose large wide, wide, and leek leaves! Ramen is not as simple as you think, and the knowledge in it is even more complicated than knife work! This is a unique skill! Hold both ends of your hands, and your arms should be evenly accelerated and pulled outward! Then fold the two ends in half, and place both ends in the finger gap of one hand at the same time, this is usually the left hand, the middle finger of the other hand is facing down, hook the other end, and turn the palm of the hand upside down, so that the noodles form a cord shape, and at the same time the two hands are outward——"

Lin Nan patiently explained to Jinping, and he also had an extra ball of noodles on hand, he practiced while explaining, and Jinping also looked very seriously!

Ten minutes later, Lin Nan put the pulled noodles on the table.

He patted the flour on his hand and said, "The noodles are flexible and long, the thickness is uniform, the strips are as thin as silk, and they are the most successful if they do not break! Only when such noodles are put in the pot will they have a smooth, chewy, flexible and non-sticky taste!"

"A thousand catties of flour and water are ready for you, start now! I don't believe you can't practice in a month!"

Lin Nan washed his hands, and then shouted: "Sanji, come and get noodles, eat seafood noodles today!"


When they learned that Lin Nan was going to let Jinping practice for a month, the faces of everyone on the boat turned pale.

"Boss—in the future, will you have to eat noodles this month?"

Everyone spoke in unison.

"What's wrong, don't like it, don't eat it if you don't like it!"


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