Karp never thought that Shanks would actually break an arm-

And his words were also very strange, with his arm on his grandson's body?

What does this mean exactly?

"I know you broke one of your left hands, and I noticed it at first, but—it has nothing to do with my grandson, right? Could it be that your hand was eaten by my grandson?

Karp wiped his white beard, the corners of his mouth twitching, and said.

"Do you old man have a coconut in his head?" Shanks rolled his eyes at Cap.

How could his own hand be eaten by Luffy?

"You're angry. Karp smiled smugly, clasping his arms in what I said, looking happy.

"Well, hey, stinky old man, aren't you a navyman, are you going to arrest me after a while?" Shanks asked with a smile.

"Arrest you? It's not time yet. Karp glanced at Shanks and said indifferently.

Karp is an old monster, he could chase Roger all over the world back then, Shanks knows this, but this old guy is also old, and he has long lost the strength he had back then, so I'm afraid he won't be able to catch himself, right?

Shanks thought to himself.

"I think you're old and useless, and you don't have that ability anymore. Shanks said seriously.

"Too lazy to catch you. Karp rolled his eyes.

In this way, a vice admiral and an emperor among pirates sat at the same chapter table and teased each other and ridiculed each other.

And in the kitchen, Hawkeye Mihawk and Jinping have already prepared the ingredients that Lin Nan needs.

One tall and one fat were wearing white chef clothes, standing behind Lin Nan in a regular manner, learning the method of burning wheat.

Lin Nan washes and drains the mushrooms, carrots and fresh bamboo shoots, cuts them into small cubes, pours oil into the pot, and when it is warm, pours in the diced vegetables and stir-fries. Then add the seasoning and chives and stir-fry and serve.

Soak the glutinous rice in advance and control the water. Mix the glutinous rice and vegetables well and steam them over water.

Cut the pork into cubes, stir-fry it well, and stir-fry it together with the steamed glutinous rice.

Of course, cutting vegetables is naturally made by the knife master Hawkeye Mihawk, Lin Nan first just fried the filling of the roasted wheat, and then held it in the dumpling skin for a while, the practice of roasting the wheat is similar to dumplings, but wrapping the roasted wheat is different from holding dumplings.

"You two need to take a closer look, I will only demonstrate the technique of this bag of roasted wheat once, and if anyone asks me to teach him next time, I will not repeat it. "

Lin Nan said very sternly: "The dumpling skin should be thin, first scoop a small spoonful of filling and put it in the center, don't close it, hold the corner of the siu mai with your thumb and index finger, and gently close it, do you understand?"

Lin Nan put the pinched siu mai aside for the two of them to refer to.

"It looks delicious, Daddy, and I'll be able to eat a lot of delicious siu mai in a while." "

"Brother Lin Nan, your roasted wheat just looks very exquisite, and it must be very refreshing to eat it for a while!"

"Brother Lin - I'll wrap your roasted wheat too!"

"Little brother Lin Nan, 1st brother-I want you to teach others by hand-"

Suddenly hearing a few figures behind him, Lin Nan was slightly stunned, and then looked back, not only the life and hawk-eyed Mihawk were here, but even her daughter Aina, the yellow-haired Sanji, the red-footed Tetsuo, and the old lady with full glamour were also here.

"Well, what are you doing here?"

Lin Nan straightened his posture and yelled at them with a strong stubble.

"Sanji, you go out and help Nami pour water for the guests!"

"Tetsuo, is your fruit platter cut?"

"Aina, Dad is busy - in a while, Dad will make you the best roasted wheat in the world, and raise our Aina to be fat!"

"Old lady--you don't have to teach by hand, I'm afraid of touching your hand for a while, and I can't help but drag you into the room for a while."

"Don't worry, I will teach you one by one in the future, I can understand your upward mood, you have such passion, and I, the boss, am also very pleased!"

Lin Nan first had a straight face, and then a bright smile bloomed.

"Business still has to be done, can you bear to let Nami's little sister be busy outside?"

Lin Nan said that Sanji and Redfoot Tetsuo were embarrassed, in order to come in and steal the teacher, they let Nami's little girl outside, which is really unreasonable.

When she heard her father's words, Little Aina ran out happily, calling Nami's sister as if she wanted to share this joy with her closest friends.

The old lady smiled charmingly, and tried her eyes at Lin Nan, the corners of her mouth were hooked, as if she was conveying some kind of indescribable signal to Lin Nan.

This old goblin is thinking about making waves on the chuang again!

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