is known as the world's number one swordsman, but Hawkeye Mihawk does not feel any glory because of this.

Because he clearly knows that this is the world, he has a strong opponent, that is Shanks, who is also a swordsman, every time he competes, he ends in failure, to say that the title of the world's number one swordsman, who the flowers fall on, naturally has to be put on Shanks's head, but Shanks has become the Four Emperors, so the title of the great swordsman smashed on Hawkeye Mihawk's body.

It's a very helpless thing.

Now that Shanks has broken an arm, and Hawkeye Mihawk has lost his goal all of a sudden, if he competes with Shanks now, even if he wins, it doesn't make any sense.

"Don't talk about those useless, although I have a broken hand, this is not an excuse for you not to dare to fight me, Mihawk, you are a strong swordsman, and your slash is also unforgettable to me, as long as you want to fight me, I will accompany you to the end at any time!"

Shanks grinned brightly at the corners of his mouth.

As long as you want to fight me, I will be with you at any time!

Even though Shanks has broken an arm, he still has no grace and is confident and heroic.

Hearing his words, Hawkeye Mihawk was slightly startled, a pair of sharp eyes like a falcon looked at Shanks, he clenched his fists, his face changed and changed, and he pondered for a moment before he said, "Forget it, let's stop here." "

Even if Shanks has released cruel words, Hawkeye Mihawk has no fighting spirit at all, and Shanks has no left arm, which is a big blow to Hawkeye Mihawk.


Hawkeye Mihawk suddenly screamed.

Lin Nan, who was not far away, heard the movement, and couldn't help but look at Hawkeye Mihawk, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

As a bystander, Karp raised his head slightly, his eyes flashing brightly.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly, and you don't need to make such a big move. Shanks said lightly.

"It's you!"


Lin Nan drained the red wine in the cup in one gulp, and the aroma of the wine filled his mouth, making him feel a little energetic.

Compared with these two swordsmen, Lin Nan thinks that the strength of Shanks without a left arm should decline significantly, as a swordsman, how can he hold a sword without a hand?

The Three Swordsmen Sauron holds a sword in each hand, and he has a sword in his mouth.

If Zoro lost one of his left hands, how could he get the Three Sword Stream, without the Three Sword Stream, Zoro wouldn't have been able to follow Luffy that far.

Each of their adventures is full of dangers, and each time they survive the scythe of death.

Therefore, Lin Nan believes that Shanks, who has now broken a hand, does not have the previous strength in swordsmanship, but he still has the strength comparable to Hawkeye Mihawk.

However, this is just Lin Nan's personal opinion.

The two have not really fought each other, so the facts have not been confirmed in the real sense.

"It's almost close, the two of you plan to stay here?" Lin Nan came to Karp and Shanks' side with a wine glass, and said lightly.

"Then you don't have to. "

Karp shook his head.

"It's better to have your own boat. Someone else's place is not used to it. Shanks said casually, and then he took a deep look at the hawk-eyed Mihawk in front of him, nodded, and said to Lin Nan: "It's almost time to leave, if you stay here, I'm afraid you'll have to collect money, right?"

"Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is no such thing as a free hotel. Lin Nan grinned, not blushing at all.

You have to pay to live here, and that's a matter of course.

"That's it, let's go! My ship is estimated to be repaired for about a month, and I'm afraid I'll be coming to your restaurant for dinner lately, and I want to ask you a question before I leave." Shanks had just taken a step out with one foot, and he turned his head to look at Lin Nan again.

"What's the problem?" Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"This month—can I get a membership card or something from you?"

Shanks smiled kindly.

Hearing this, Lin Nan couldn't help but have a trace of sweat on his forehead, originally he didn't accept this proposal, but after thinking about it, the four emperors want to eat here for a month, and it's not a big deal to get a membership card and get a discount or something, so simply, Lin Nan nodded and said, "Of course you can, give you a seven discount!"

"Thank you!"

Shanks made a fist clenching motion at Lin Nan, and then strode away with a wave of the cloak behind him.

After a while, seeing that Shanks was gone, Karp also came to Lin Nan's side.

"Grandpa Karp, is there anything else you can do?"

Lin Nan watched Shanks leave, and couldn't help but see Karp in the cloak of justice also come to his side, and couldn't help but take the initiative to ask.

"I saw it. Karp smiled.

"What did you see?" Lin Nan was puzzled by this, what was this old man crazy about, what inexplicable thing was he saying?

What do you see? Do you see ghosts? Or do you see strange things?

"Don't pretend to be garlic, of course, I'm not talking about you and Jinping and the world's No. 1 swordsman, Shanks, you, as a Devil Fruit ability, can actually swim in the sea, and before you came back, I found you swimming in the sea-"

Karp's cloudy gaze flashed with a hint of surprise.

Yes, it was beyond his knowledge that a Devil Fruit Ability could swim freely in the sea.

It was the first time he had encountered such a situation in his life.

This young man named Lin Nan gave him too many surprises!

Not only does he have superb cooking skills, but he can also make himself unable to extricate himself from the food he cooks, and he is also a pirate with a bounty of 200 million wanted by the Navy Headquarters.

Moreover, he seems to have used some strange method to pull Jinping and Hawkeye Mihawk to the ship!

Karp can't wait to dissect this young man and see what he's made up of in his body!

"As for this, can I choose to remain silent?" he didn't want to explain the reason why he was able to swim in the sea as a capable person.

"This-" Karp couldn't help but pause as he touched his chin and white beard, he thought this kid would honestly confess, but—

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