"Okay, you've said you're going to Dressrosa now, I'll make a note of the cost first. Lin Nan was still lying on the ground and said casually.

"How much?" Rowe swallowed as he reached out and pressed the money in his pants pocket.

"Don't rush to mention the money matter first, let's count another item next. Lin Nan held back a glance at Luo's face, he was secretly happy, look at this kid is scared, he shouldn't be out of money, right? Glancing at the action of his nervous pocket, the corners of Lin Nan's mouth rose slightly, and then he cleared his throat, and said: "It's time to talk about eating, you have to eat at least three meals here, right?" Today's lunch and dinner, as well as tomorrow morning's breakfast, I guess it's impossible to get here to Dressrosa today, right?"

Hearing this, a cold sweat appeared on Luo's forehead, from here to Dressrosa really has to wait until tomorrow, after all, he had rushed to this factory from there before, he knew better than everyone on the ship.

How much does it cost to pay for three meals?

"Hey, you talk, do you want to order these three meals in the restaurant?" Lin Nan urged.

"Can I order just one meal?" Luo touched his belly, which was now so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back, and swallowed hard.

"It's up to you to decide, it's your business to eat as many meals as you want, if you have to order every meal, the price may be more expensive, if it's what we eat, you eat, then the price has to be much cheaper. Lin Nan said seriously.

"Let's eat with you. Hearing this, Luo said without hesitation.

Just kidding, now that it's all here, do you still have the right to choose? I don't have much money, so I can only choose the cheapest to eat!

You can't skip the meal!

"Okay, since that's the case, then it's time to calculate your accommodation fee here-" After talking about the cost of the boat and the cost of eating, Luo Ben thought that this was the end, but now Brother Lin Nan proposed the accommodation fee again!

Oh, my God!

The corners of Luo's mouth twitched uncontrollably, and his face changed, and his legs couldn't help but tremble, as if he was going crazy.

"Since you can only get to Dressrosa tomorrow, then you will definitely stay on my ship tonight, right? You can't go to sleep in the sea, right?" Lin Nan said with a fluttering eyebrow, and that face looked like a calculating profiteer.

"This—yes, stay on your boat. In desperation, Luo had no other way to go, everyone was already on someone's ship, what else could he do, he could only let Lin Nan slaughter him, was he blackmailing? How could there be so many expenses?

"Well, you're very good, it seems that you're a very rich boy, so now let's consolidate all the expenses, I'll charge you 10,000 Baileys for the cost of the boat, after all, we're also on the way." "

Hearing this, Luo sighed in his heart, this is 10,000 Baileys? This boat will take a downwind boat and it will cost 10,000 Baileys? But he only has 10,000 Baileys on his body!

How can it be so expensive? And what will be the cost of food and lodging in the future—but no matter what the cost of these two is, I can't afford it!

"Brother Lin Nan, I caught a few fresh big silver carp, how about eating silver carp at noon today?"

At this moment, Tetsuo Redfoot, who was fishing by the boat, heard a voice.

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and said, "No problem, let's eat grilled fish on paper at noon today!"

"In addition, Sanji, Jinping, and Hawkeye, you go and prepare, clean up the fish, and then marinate the ingredients, and prepare the side dishes, I will cook in a while." Lin Nan shouted loudly under the mast.

"No problem. "

"Wrap it around me. "


The three of them responded.

Then, Lin Nan's gaze fell on Luo Na's nervous face and said, "Do you want to eat grilled fish at noon today?"

"I-I'll eat at noon, but my money-" When asked, Law finally decided to eat at noon after some deliberation in his mind, after all, he was now feeling too hungry to die, and his stomach was screaming in protest. In addition, he was about to tell the truth and tell Lin Nan that his money was no longer enough for these consumptions, but his words were quickly interrupted by Lin Nan: "Well, that's good, if you have a meal at noon, you will have to charge you 20,000 Bailey, no matter how much you eat, you will be full! In addition, if you pay for accommodation, I will calculate 10,000 Bailey for you, after all, you are still a little man, you can't live in a big room, and it shouldn't be a problem to squeeze with Shanzhi." "


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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