"Yes, Dad, I won't waste it. Aina first used the beer in the tiantian, and then her little face became very ugly: "Dad, this beer is not delicious." I can't stop drinking. "

"No, I told you you you can't waste it. Lin Nan's eyes were full of smiles. He knows that children generally don't like to drink beer, beer is astringent, and it is steamy, and it is inevitable to burp when you drink it, and sometimes your nose will be sour. Children generally like sweet drinks or mellow milk.

"Lin Nan, it's not right for you to do this, your daughter doesn't like to drink, and you still force her to drink, are you Aina's father?"

At this time, the old lady on the side made a voice of protest, she frowned, and said to Lin Nan dissatisfiedly, in normal times, the old lady is obedient to Lin Nan, and almost every day is separated by a mountain, she will take the initiative to find Lin Nan to do that - she has fallen deeply in love with Lin Nan as a person, and fell in love with his ability in that regard. But in the same way, she also likes Lin Nan's daughter Aina very much, and sleeps with Aina every day, the old lady has long regarded Aina as her own daughter, and she is not happy to see Lin Nan forcing Aina to drink beer that she doesn't like to drink.

"Why am I not Aina's father?" Suddenly hearing the words of the old lady, Lin Nan was stunned at first, and then the corners of her mouth couldn't help but show a smile, and said in her heart, this old lady still cares about Aina's feelings.

"Forget it, I won't say more, didn't you say you can't waste it, then I'll help Aina drink the rest of the beer. After that, the old lady picked up Aina's bowl, regardless of the saliva stained on the side of the bowl, she drank the beer in one sip, and after drinking, she put it back in front of Aina, with a loving smile on her face, and said to Aina: "Aina, eat now, you don't need to drink beer, and if you want to drink juice, tell Aunt Niang, Auntie will make it for you." "

"Well, thank you Aunt Lainiang, but--Dad, he's not wrong, I brought it up to drink beer just now-I hope the old aunt doesn't blame my dad, my dad is the best dad in the world, although I know that sometimes dad loves to bully the old lady and sister on chuang, you often fight on chuang without clothes, it shouldn't be a particularly good relationship, Aina doesn't want me to do things, let me like your relationship again-"

"Ahem-" Listening to Aina's words, the old lady's face became extremely red, she pretended to choke on the spicy spicy grilled fish, coughed violently, and forcibly interrupted.

"What-Aina, Aunt Niang has already helped you drink all the beer in the bowl, now eat the fish, Daddy will clip a piece of fish without spines for you, eat it slowly! "

Lin Nan couldn't help but put a piece of fish belly meat into Aina's bowl.

Anyone who eats fish often or has eaten fish once knows that the part of the fish with the least spines on the body is the fish belly, because often during the New Year's holidays, as long as there is any fish on the table, the part of the fish belly on both sides will always become the focus of diners.

In order to break the suddenly embarrassing atmosphere, Lin Nan vigorously put meat into Aina's bowl, and after a while, Aina's small bowl was filled with fish belly.

"Thanks, Dad. Aina picked up her chopsticks and screamed sweetly, and then slowly picked up the fish in the bowl.

Everyone who was eating fish around them, and those who understood the meaning of "fighting" in Aina's words just now, pretended not to hear it, and continued to eat delicious fish, while those who didn't understand it were still eating fish.

It's like, this is just getting on the ship and going to stay on the ship for some time.

He cried.

As he ate the fish, his eyes turned red, and tears dripped down his cheeks.

Finally, the atmosphere was no longer so embarrassing: "Hey, boy, should you be stabbed? Why are you crying? Don't you have the fruit of surgery-" After pouting, Lin Nan said again: "The people on the boat didn't bully you, right?"

Lin Nan almost said something about Luo Guo's ability just now, I'm afraid that Luo doesn't have a Devil Fruit ability now, right?

"No—Lin Nanda.Yes, it's not because I'm stuck, or because I'm being bullied by the guys on the boat, it's like I want to cry all of a sudden—" Luo didn't speak, and as soon as he spoke, the tears in his eyes burst like a reservoir that burst the embankment, rolled over his eyes, and poured down—the tears couldn't be stopped.

"Then you're great, aren't you? so willful? you just want to cry?" Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Well, yes, Brother Lin Nan, I just suddenly want to cry now, I didn't expect that the grilled fish you made would be so delicious, I have never eaten such a delicious thing in more than ten years of life, thank you Brother Lin Nan, thank you for letting me eat such a delicious thing-"

While eating fish, Luo said to Lin Nan with a handful of snot and tears.

"Uh-you think too much, I don't give you food for free, you don't have money for me, you still have to work here with me!" Lin Nan rolled his eyes and said sternly.

"I know, besides, Brother Lin Nan, can you give me a sip to drink? This fish is delicious, but it's a little too spicy, and I feel that my mind is delirious with spicy. Luo's mouth suddenly turned into two sausages, red and gorgeous.

Looking at Luo's appearance, Lin Nan said expressionlessly, "What do you want to drink?"

"Can you give me a bottle of beer—"

"Oh, here you go. "

"I'm sorry, Brother Lin Nan, has it ever been chilled?"

"Yes, here you go—"

"I'm sorry, Brother Lin Nan, is there a corkscrew?"

"You ask so much, can't you bite with your teeth?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Lin Nan, I've had a bad mouth lately-"


"Isn't your request a little too much, believe it or not, I'll throw you down and feed the Sea Kings right away. "

"Don't- I'll figure it out myself-"


In a lively atmosphere, a meal of grilled fish on paper was quickly eaten up under everyone's turmoil, and there was not even a single vegetarian dish left in the baking plate.

According to the three directions pointed by the record pointer of the new world, Luo, who knew the way, chose a very smooth pointer.

Everyone knows that when sailing in the New World, the pointer is three pins, and the direction of the most shaky hand is the most dangerous, and the smoothest is the safest.

Looks like Dressrosa is a safe island!

Finally, at noon the next day, standing on a restaurant on the sea, everyone could see an island in the distance.

Even if there is still a distance of two or three thousand meters, everyone can see from this vista what a prosperous and rich island Dressrosa is.

"I should be able to make a lot of money here. A hint of unprecedented excitement appeared on Jinping's face, and he rubbed his arms, looking impatient.

"Yes, but while we can make a lot of money, our restaurant will also become busier, and everyone will be tired by then. Tetsuo Redfoot crossed his arms, nodded at the front of him, touched his chin with one hand, and said.

"Since I've come here, then I'd better set a small goal first, and make it 100 million at noon today. Lin Nan said in high spirits.

And after Luo heard this, his face turned green.

Brother Lin Nan's small goal is 100 million-

Then he must be rich, right?


Why did he hold on to the 30,000 Baileys he owed?

Luo's heart was dissatisfied, but he didn't say it, so he could only hide his thoughts and the look he wanted to show in his heart-


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