The time of the pirate world and the time of Lin Nan's world are almost the same, and the time for everyone to eat at noon here is almost between 11 o'clock at noon and 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and Lin Nan and their lunch is already at three o'clock in the afternoon, after all, the business of the restaurant is so hot that everyone is busy from 11 o'clock in the morning to half past two in the afternoon, so lunch has only arrived at this point.

When everyone is tired and hungry, they naturally eat more.

But at this time when normal people should not be able to eat, there were guests on the ship.

Moreover, a naval warship appeared not far from the restaurant, and Lin Nan and the others had already discovered this warship, but Lin Nan even showed a hint of joy on their faces when they saw this warship.

The guests on board were a group of navymen in sailor suits, led by an old man wearing a dog's head mask, who was eating a doughnut.

"Boss, what's today's special?"

The old man in the dog-headed mask asked as soon as he got on the boat.

Lin Nan put down the chopsticks in his hand, and the smile on his face was even worse: "Fish ball soup." "

The leader of the navy was Vice Admiral Karp, Lin Nan never expected that this old man would appear wherever he went. He smiled and said, "It's all this order, and you plan to eat?"

"Hey, I met a wave of pirate gangs over there before, and it took me a lot of time to catch those people, and now I'm hungry, and today's special meal is fish ball soup? Okay, let's have one for each of us, Brother Lin Nan, for the sake of so many of us taking care of your business today, can you get a discount?" Karp was not polite, and went directly to the table, sat on the stool with a butt, and shouted at the other navies to come to the table.

There were a hundred navy officers behind Karp, who listened to Karp's words and did not rush to the table.

They all looked at each other, and their faces showed color.

"Lieutenant General Karp—you just said Lin Nan?"

"Is that the sea thief Lin Nan?"

"Lieutenant General Karp, since we've found this sea thief, why don't we just arrest him?

"Yes, Lieutenant General Karp, this sea thief named Lin Nan is a bounty of 450 million Bailey!"


Listening to the excited voices of those navy, Lin Nan couldn't help but roll his eyes, daring to love Karp's subordinates who wanted to make trouble!

Lin Nan was silent, he wanted to hear what Karp had to say.

A faint smile appeared on Karp's face, and then he said to his subordinates, "What? Aren't you hungry?

"But—the other party is the sea pirate forest—" A subordinate still didn't understand why he wanted to eat here, and when he was about to continue, he was attracted by Lin Nan's smile and only heard him say: "Haha, that's right, I'm the sea thief you are looking for, but didn't you come here to eat?

"Yes, let's distinguish between public and private, eat and eat, and don't talk about anything else. "

Karp nodded and said.

Then, under the surprised gaze of these pirates, Lin Nan slowly walked to the kitchen.

"Do you want to help?" said Hawkeye Mihawk lightly.

"I don't want to help, I'm going to keep eating fish balls. Jinping didn't even look at Lin Nan, who had already walked to the kitchen, and said extremely selfishly.

"Oh, Aina, be careful, we'll just do the things like pouring water for the guests. "

Seeing that Aina was very diligent and got off the table, and was about to pour water for those navies with tea, Sanji and Nami were stunned, and they hurriedly got off the table.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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