Lin Nan made pot after pot of beer duck, and the beer duck sprinkled with white and green green onions was served out by Sanji, Nami, Tetsuo Redfoot, Lao Niang, Qingya, and temporary worker Luo.

In the kitchen, Jin Ping, Qing Jiao, and Hawkeye Mihawk all listened carefully to Lin Nan talking about the Four Emperors.

The aunt was mentioned, and the whitebeard was mentioned.

"So powerful?Lin Nan, how do you know all those things?" asked Jinping curiously.

"Guess!" Lin Nan winked at Jinping.

Jinping's face turned green, and when he asked this, he had a hunch - knowing that Lin Nan would say this, he pursed his mouth and said: "When I didn't praise you, you are this urine, as soon as you praise you, you will go to heaven-"

"I don't need to say the red-haired among the Four Emperors, I guess you know it, right?"

When Lin Nan mentioned the red hair, he deliberately glanced at the hawk-eyed Mihawk.

Hawkeye Mihawk raised his eyebrows when he heard the word red hair, and then his face returned to calm.

"Red-haired Shanks, I remember he's a legend too, right?"

Qingjiao raised his eyebrows, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes: "However, I don't know much about his affairs - the Four Emperors all have their own territories, and they usually stay in their own territories, and rarely go out, and ordinary pirate ships don't dare to approach the Four Emperors' territories at all." "

Lin Nan smiled slightly, and then said: "Although Hong found that although he broke a hand, no one dared to provoke him, and his majesty still exists. "

"There's one person on our ship who has a relationship with him!"

The corners of Lin Nan's mouth rose slightly, and he deliberately glanced at Hawkeye Mihawk: "What? When it comes to your old acquaintance, why don't you express your thoughts?"

Hawkeye Mihawk didn't want to speak, but he was targeted by Lin Nan like this, he raised his eyebrows, and a trace of melancholy appeared in his eagle-like gaze: "I'm not interested in him anymore, because he broke a hand." "

"A broken hand, this is the first time I've ever known about this!" said Green Pepper in amazement.

"However, I'm also curious, how did a red-haired person break his hand! This is a bit unreasonable, right? There is almost no person who can break the red-haired hand on this sea, and he has a little bit of a holiday with other people who are the Four Emperors? So-"

Jinping made his own conjectures.

People who don't know the truth seem to think in this way, but who knows the real reason why the redhead's hand fell off?

Only the redhead and red-haired crew and the guy in the straw hat know, right?

Lin Nan chuckled: "His hand was bitten off by a fish." "

"Got bitten off by a fish?"

"What fish are so powerful?"

Qingjiao and Jinping immediately let out a frightened sound.

Lin Nan couldn't help frowning when he heard the surprised voices of the two people, he glared at the two of them and said, "The next pot of duck meat is ready, has the blood on the duck meat been washed for me?"

Lin Nan had bruises on his forehead, and he yelled at these two guys who were just chatting but forgot what was at hand.

"Oh—I'll wash it. "

"Me too—"

Qingjiao and Jinping shrank their heads like frightened rabbits and threw themselves into their work.

Lin Nan withdrew his Grim Reaper's Eye and said slowly: "I also have an agreement with him, that is, to meet him in this new world, but I don't know when I will meet him, and I will have to have two drinks with him at that time!" Lin Nan had a smile in his eyes.

Shanks was only 15 years old when he was in the "One Piece" Gor. D. Roger's ship was a pirate trainee, and he participated in the "Battle of Aite Wall" 15 years ago as a crew member of the Roger Pirates. Bucky, the "Joker" who was on the boat at the time, still hated Shanks's personality very much, and thought that he was "framed" by Shanks to swallow the Devil Fruit, so he hated him to the core. Later, in the many battles between the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, because of their active performance, Whitebeard also made a note of Shanks and Bucky.

Shanks appeared under the execution table when Roger was executing, and one of them pressed his hat tightly on the execution table, lowered his head and cried.

It was also at that time that Shanks began to wander alone, and arrived at the village of Sirob in the East China Sea, took Jesus under his banner, and formed the red-haired pirates, and officially began his journey

Shanks was also a long-time friend of Hawkeye Mihawk in the original "Seven Warrior Seas", and the two often faced off when they were younger, and later, Hawkeye confused Ercon because Shanks lost his left hand and stopped fighting him - this is still the same scene as it is now!

Ha ha!

"Then what about Kaido among the Four Emperors - Brother Lin Nan, what do you know about him?"

Green Pepper asked as he cleaned the duck.

"Kaido, this person's words-" Lin Nan sold a pass.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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