Luo was silent, although he only stayed in the restaurant on the sea for two or three days, and he was also forced by Lin Nan, Luo was forced to stay here out of desperation.

At first, in his opinion, it was a completely black shop, and he bullied himself as a child.

There is a charge for the boat!

There is a charge for eating!

There is also a charge for accommodation and Sanji to squeeze in a bed!

He only had 10,000 yuan on him at that time, how could he pay off all the money, so he was imprisoned here and helped work in the restaurant to pay off the bill-

With the loss of time, he found that it was actually good to stay here, although he was tired every day, but every day was very fulfilling, he could see the smiling faces of the diners, he could eat with the crew in the restaurant, listen to their intimate words, talk and laugh, every minute and every second here, Luo Du experienced a trace of warmth from home, and now when he heard Lin Nan talk about leaving the restaurant, he suddenly felt a little reluctant.

He didn't want to leave here—

However, he couldn't let go of that hatred in his heart!

He takes revenge –

He was torn between staying on the ship or going to Doflamingo!

Dressrosa was a place he was all too familiar with, and as soon as he got off the boat, he would soon be able to find Doflamingo—


"Hey, Luo boy, why don't you speak?When are you leaving?" Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo's unpredictable little face seriously.

"Brother Luo shouldn't want to leave here, right?"

Luo's face turned red, he didn't speak, but Aina, who was eating beer duck next to Luo, said something vaguely.

Aina's words spoke to Luo's heart, and he glanced at the lovely little sister in surprise, his face became even more rosy, and he said, "I'll leave—but can you let me go again tomorrow? I'll leave early tomorrow morning." Luo's expression was very serious.


Lin Nan raised his eyebrows, and then said, "No problem, tomorrow will be tomorrow." "

Lin Nan can't see a child's thoughts, children often can't hide their thoughts, and will write their thoughts on their faces.

Although he knew what he was thinking, Lin Nan didn't pierce him.

Lin Nan saw a trace of reluctance in Luo's eyes, he wanted to stay here, but just when Lin Nan thought he would say it, in the end, he said that he would leave tomorrow-

Is this your own delusion?

Obviously not, Lin Nan quickly figured out why Luo said this, and at the same time, he also secretly admired Luo's determination.

Although he didn't want to leave here, he couldn't let go of the hatred in his heart.

He longed to be able to live such a comfortable, leisurely, warm and fulfilling life every day, but he lived in such an environment, but he did not lose his original thoughts and his original determination!

That is revenge.

Admiration is admiration, Lin Nan also knows that he can't beat Doflamingo, this is his business, so Lin Nan doesn't want to meddle in his affairs with Doflamingo.

After Luo saw Lin Nan's face, he was relieved, and then, he lowered his head and continued to deal with the food in his bowl-

The beer duck is delicious, I don't know why, when he eats it, there will be an inexplicable feeling in his heart, his nose is sour, and a trace of water appears in his eyes, he buries his head very low, he doesn't want others to see his sad and fragile side.

The beer duck was not only praised by the diners, but also by the restaurant staff, and after eating the beer duck, the sky was getting dark, and the restaurant was ready to call it a day.

Mo Chen habitually took a glass of red wine, and still made his own snacks and snacks to the edge of the boat, looking at the dark sea scenery alone, tasting wine and eating snacks.

And whenever Mo Chen was drinking, Hawkeye Mihawk would habitually come to Lin Nan's side and take a wine glass from in front of him, pour himself a glass, and pour himself a glass without too many words. The two men were just standing quietly in the same place, drinking.

"Why isn't it white wine today?" said casually after taking a sip of red wine, Hawkeye Mihawk's sharp gaze as sharp as a falcon stared at the wine glass.

"Don't you like to drink liquor?" Lin Nan looked into the distance and said intently.

"It's good that you know. The corners of Hawkeye's mouth rose slightly, and then he said.

"That-Brother Lin Nan. "

Just when Lin Nan and Hawkeye Mihawk were drinking, a huge figure suddenly came from behind, and when he heard this voice, Lin Nan knew who was coming even if he didn't look back.

If it's not a green pepper, who will it be?


Lin Nan asked.

"No, no, no—" Qingjiao quickly waved his hand, and then scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Why are you here without drinking? Oh, by the way, if you want to stay on my ship tonight, I'll have to find you a big room, your physique is a bit nerve-wracking, and the accommodation fee may be very high." "

Lin Nan thought about it and said to Qingjiao.

When Qingjiao heard this, his face changed, his face twitched a few times, and then he said, "Don't worry, Brother Lin Nan, I'll just sleep on the deck in a while." "

"Sleep on the deck, well, whatever you want, besides, if you don't drink, go about your own business, and if you really don't have anything to do, go and rest." "

Lin Nan waved his hand at the green pepper.

"That-Brother Lin Nan, are there one thing you have forgotten?" Qingjiao's face changed again, and he was thinking about one thing in his heart, so he couldn't let go of his heart.

"How can you be like a woman, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, can you just get to the point?" Lin Nan said angrily.

Hawkeye Mihawk, who had been beside Lin Nan and had not spoken, couldn't help but glance sideways at Qingjiao.

"Actually, it's something I discussed with you in the afternoon, you said you could cure my head-I think you're not busy now, Brother Lin Nan, why don't you tell me how to cure it now?"

Qingjiao smiled, and then said to Lin Nan that he really cared about this matter.

"Oh, do you still remember this incident, but I'm just talking about it casually, I don't guarantee that your head will be cured, is your treasure ready?" Lin Nan raised his eyebrows, if it weren't for Qingjiao talking about this matter, Lin Nan would have almost really forgotten about it.

"The treasure or something has already been prepared, Brother Lin Nan, don't worry, I won't lose any of you-" Qingjiao patted his chest and swore solemnly.

"That's good, but I have to say it first, the treasure you gave is just the diagnosis fee, as for whether it can cure your head, I don't know, if you cure those treasures are mine, if not, those treasures are also mine, can you understand what I said?" Lin Nan winked at Qingjiao.

Qingjiao nodded immediately, and then said, "Understood—"

Hawkeye Mihawk rolled his eyes at Lin Nan, the profiteer, on the side.

And Lin Nan pretended not to have seen anything.

"Okay, let's start now. "

Then, Lin Nan took out a red-green steamed bun from his body, raised it in front of the green pepper and said: "This thing has the effect of dredging blood vessels, and at the same time can speed up the flow of blood and increase metabolism, eat it, and then you can lie down for me." "

Lin Nan handed the red-green steamed bun to the hand of the green pepper.

And Qingjiao was stunned when he saw this thing that looked like a steamed bun, and he couldn't help but question: "Brother Lin Nan, aren't you kidding me, isn't this thing just an ordinary steamed bun?

"Hey, hey, hey, this is not an ordinary steamed bun, this steamed bun has a great effect after eating, plus the beating of external forces, maybe your head will be fine?"

Lin Nanfeng said lightly.

"So-well, I'll eat it?" Qingjiao carefully looked at the steamed bun, then gritted his teeth and swallowed it in one bite.

Seeing this, Lin Nan was slightly surprised, and then said: "Why did you eat it so quickly? Let me remind you - this steamed bun may be slightly uncomfortable and a little spicy after eating!"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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