

The sharp sound that pierced the air made Doflamingo gasp, he never thought that Lin Nan's punch would have the power to destroy everything, of course, he Doflamingo didn't know how fierce Lin Nan's sentence was, but he could feel the coercion on his fist, terrifying and terrifying!


Lin Nan's punch hit Doflamingo's line net solidly, and countless dense lines broke in response to the sound and collapsed, the hurricane fist is an enhanced version of the wind fist, plus Lin Nan ate a spicy steamed bun just now, he can ignore everything, but the duration of this effect is only one minute, for Lin Nan, it is more than enough to solve Doflamingo in one minute.

The hurricane punch broke Doflamingo's defensive coil, but the power of the fist did not diminish at all, and it smashed straight into Doflamingo's chest.

Doflamingo was hit hard, and a fist-sized hole appeared in his chest, and the view behind Doflamingo could be seen from the front.

Doflamingo is a superhuman ability, and his wired ability can automatically repair his damaged body, but this time, his injuries are so severe that he can't get up after smashing on the ground, and he doesn't have any strength in his body, but he is still breathing, proving that he is not dead.

It all happened so fast.

The Don Quixote cadre, who was going to the palace to get the halberd, was already stunned.

It's too strong.

Doflamingo, who has always been extremely strong, just seconds-


This cadre member couldn't calm his restless heart, he swallowed his saliva hard, the whole person was gone, seeing his boss being knocked out like this, the first thought that subconsciously came to his mind was to get out of here quickly, it was important to escape, Doflamingo couldn't do it.


At this critical juncture, this is a matter of life and death!

But he found that his feet were no longer obedient, and he couldn't move at all!

The only thing that can move is a pair of eyes.

What's going on?

Lin Nan, who was in front of Doflamingo, noticed the abnormality over there, and he didn't care about the cadre member's actions, but Lin Nan knew why the cadre couldn't move, it was because he was shocked by the domineering spirit of the overlord, so he couldn't move at all.

It's just a small role, Lin Nan didn't pay attention to it at all, he turned to squat down, looked at Doflamingo's injury, and shook his head: "Fortunately, you're not dead yet, if your wire network hadn't blocked a little damage for you just now, maybe you would have died, but that's okay, you're not dead, then I'll ask you a few questions, don't think about lying." "

Doflamingo was lying on the ground, dying, his ability to heal his body, but the wound on his chest was too large for it to heal very slowly.

He listened to Lin Nan's words, and the sweat overflowing on his forehead became even more.

"What do you want to say, why don't you just kill me?" Doflamingo's faint voice sounded, how could he have been treated with such contempt? he was beaten to the ground and couldn't stand up, and he was threatened by others, the Draconians were naturally arrogant, they felt superior wherever they went, and in their eyes humans were just inferior creatures - but now, he was beaten by a lower creature and couldn't stand up.

This humiliation made him angry and sad!

"Wouldn't it be too cheap to kill you directly? Do you think it's so easy to die?"

Lin Nan rolled his eyes at Doflamingo on the ground and said, "You are like this, and you don't want to play any conspiracy and tricks, let me ask you, does the death of the red dog have anything to do with you?"

Lin Nan exuded a trace of coldness in vain, although it seemed that he had a smile on his face, but there was a trace of anger hidden under the smile.

"Don't think too much about it, didn't you kill the red dog?" Doflamingo Dead Pig said very stiffly, not afraid of boiling water.


As soon as Doflamingo's words fell, Lin Nan smashed his fist on the hole in Doflamingo's chest again.


Suddenly, a scream that could tear through the void exploded—


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