Don't worry, I'll torture him at best - don't blame me if he accidentally kills him!

Lin Nanfeng said lightly.

However, every time Lin Nan said such a thing, the corners of the yellow ape and Karp's mouths twitched a few times, and he said in his heart, this kid is inevitably a little too rampant, right? What did he think of Doflamingo, who was the Seven Martial Seas? He didn't take Doflamingo in his eyes at all?

"You ask. "

Karp calmed his mood, and then said to Lin Nan seriously: "But Lin Nan, I still want to remind you that if you kill Doflamingo, you will be a sinner in our navy, I don't care whether you are innocent or not, but as long as you kill Doflamingo, you are an enemy of our navy, and I Karp is an enemy! Doflamingo is guilty, and it is all a matter of our navy to be condemned to death, can you understand what I mean?"

"I said, old man Karp, how did you become so inkblotted, do you think I won't understand what you said? Didn't I say it all, I just wanted to ask Doflamingo something, not to kill him, if I wanted to kill him, I would have solved it on it a long time ago, and would I still throw him down?"

Lin Nan couldn't help but roll his eyes at Karp: "Okay, don't say anything about it, I'll do it myself." "

Lin Nan said, no longer paying attention to Karp, and instead looked at Doflamingo, who had been stepped on his chest by himself, regaining a trace of his senses, and then asked bluntly: "My patience is limited, I need you to admit that incident yourself." "

Which thing?

Karp, Yellow Ape, Luo, and Tenghu were all stunned, what did Lin Nan want to ask Doflamingo?

What the hell is Doflamingo!

Why did you get into trouble with Lin Nan?

Doflamingo listened to Lin Nan's words, and a cruel smile appeared on him: "Do you think I will say it? You did it, you did it, why do you put the blame on me?"

As a Draconian.

Doflamingo was very stubborn, and he didn't pay attention to this pain at all.

"You have the ability to kill me, but do you dare? Kill me, and you won't know anything-haha-hiccup-"

Doflamingo smiled miserably, a playful glint in his eyes.

Karp and the others all looked at these two people in a daze.

One is extremely cruel, the other is not afraid of death-

What the hell are these two people going to do?

"Very good, I have time, come on, let's have fun, see who can spend whom, do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

Lin Nan smiled slightly, and in his seemingly calm expression, there was endless anger hidden.


"Wind Fist!"

Lin Nan didn't say a word, a circle of air flow appeared on his fist, and a punch hit Doflamingo's chest, and the high-speed rotation of the fist was like a meat grinder, wantonly strangling Doflamingo's chest!

Suddenly, Doflamingo kicked his legs, and a stream of blood appeared on his pale face, and he opened his mouth and howled violently: "Ahh

"Can you scream a little quieter? This pain is nothing to you, it's just peanuts for wine, and the big and hard dishes are still in the back of the Manchu Banquet, and then you have to get ready—I'll treat you well! Doflamingo! I'll serve you the next dish until you say it yourself—"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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