"Yes, it seems that you already understand it very well. "

Hawkeye Mihawk 1510 explained the production method of cold noodles clearly, and Lin Nan couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Hawkeye Mihawk in his heart.

"That's nature. "

Hawkeye Mihawk didn't blush at all, and accepted Lin Nan's praise as a matter of course.

"By the way, Mihawk, I have an idea, and it's my dream, but I don't know when my dream will come true. "

Lin Nan said to Hawkeye Mihawk while making noodles.

"Why did you suddenly remember to say such a thing to me, I would like to hear your dreams. "

Hawkeye Mihawk raised his eyebrows, with a smile in his eyes, he is also an adult, so he can naturally see through the meaning of Lin Nan's sudden words at a glance.

He just wants to have someone to talk to.

"Mihawk, you are the most powerful second-in-command of the Yiwei Restaurant, of course, this is only limited to you in the Yiwei Sea Restaurant, if you leave the Yiwei Sea Restaurant one day, no matter where you go, you are an outstanding existence-" Lin Nan looked at the Hawkeye Mihawk deeply.

And Hawkeye Mihawk raised his eyebrows, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

"That doesn't seem to be the point you're talking about, is it?" Hawkeye Mihawk said with a smile, "What does this have to do with your dreams?"

"Maybe I'll take in a few more apprentices in this world, and then train them to be chefs like you, so that every island, every country, and every town in the whole world will have the existence of a sea restaurant again. "

Lin Nan's eyes were firm.

"Then your dream is—" Hawkeye seemed to understand something.

"You're leaving the restaurant soon, aren't you?

Lin Nan raised his head and said to Hawkeye Mihawk, and patted Hawkeye Mihawk's shoulder heavily.

"But why should I leave—"

Hawkeye Mihawk said puzzled, but when he was about to say something, he suddenly understood what Lin Nan meant. A bright smile bloomed on his face: "I understand, isn't it just to open a restaurant? With the skills I learned from you, you will be popular wherever you open a restaurant, and you are not afraid that I will steal your business?"

"Of course I'm not afraid, I'll ask you to open another restaurant, that's right, but the sign still has to be a blind restaurant - a branch!"

Lin Nan said as a matter of course.

The corners of Hawkeye's mouth twitched, and he rolled his eyes at Lin Nan: "Blind restaurant-branch! You sinister and cunning person-"

"Otherwise, how can I fulfill my own dreams?"

Lin Nan spread his hands and said seriously.

—"Hawkeye Mihawk."

"Boss, what's today's special?"

However, at this moment, a loud voice sounded outside, and when he heard this voice, Lin Nan raised his eyebrows.

And Hawkeye Mihawk was also stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face: "I thought Karp and they wouldn't come to dinner, you didn't say anything just now, aren't they here now?"

"Mr. Karp, our special meal today is cold noodles. "

Hawkeye Mihawk shouted outside as he tore his throat.

"Cold noodles?"

"How much does it cost?"

Karp's voice came slowly, and soon after, his figure appeared in the door of the kitchen, and he stole a glance inside, as if he had done something wrong.

"Ten thousand-" Hawkeye Mihawk immediately smiled, and was about to say ten thousand Baileys, but Lin Nan interrupted Hawkeye Mihawk's words at this time: "Ten million Baileys for cold noodles!"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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