
Whitebeard's laughter was like thunder, deafening.

He laughed, but everyone didn't think it was Whitebeard's happy laughter, but—

"It's over, it's over, Lin Nan is really hopeless now! This whitebeard is the Four Emperors! Is the Four Emperors something he can provoke!"

Jinping pressed his head with one hand, and was heartbroken: "Why did I get on Lin Nan's ship-everyone who can't keep the ship alive is going to perish!"

Everyone heard Jinping's howl.

Yes, Jinping is right, the whole ship will perish.

This is all to blame on Lin Nan, it was Lin Nan who provoked the wrong people, if this whitebeard was angry, he was likely to kill Lin Nan, and by the way, he would also kill everyone on the boat-

Even if Whitebeard doesn't do anything—

The people on the dozen ships that surrounded the sea restaurant will also crush the sea restaurant-

"Enough laughing, right?"

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows.

"Well, it's almost!"

Whitebeard looked at Lin Nan with a smile in his eyes.

"If you don't eat, please leave here. "

Lin Nan shrugged his shoulders and made a gesture of please to Whitebeard and the others.

"Eating is definitely going to be eaten, I smell the fragrance here, there must be some kind of food, eat! Of course you have to eat! But didn't you just say that you want to be my father?"

Whitebeard said to Lin Nan with great interest.

"Are you serious?"

Lin Nan was not afraid of the white beard at all, and raised his eyebrows.

"I thought you were in front of it, then it's fine, eat!!"

Whitebeard didn't show an angry look on his face, he was a little calm and abnormal, and everyone couldn't help but wonder, why wasn't he angry? Is this still the majestic Whitebeard?

This question has been haunting people's hearts, and everyone's hearts are like a wave, and they can't calm down for a long time.


Lin Nan looked directly at the white-bearded face, and said to Jinping without looking back, and at the same time, the wind god hood that surrounded everyone also disappeared.

Jinping didn't seem to react yet, just stood there.

"Jinping Daxia called you, let's serve the food!"

Tetsuo Redfoot nudged Shihei: "I'll go with you." "

"Take a seat!"

Whitebeard shook his cloak, strode to the table, and sat down on a stool.

"You dozen people won't be discounted, today's special meal is stilted beef, 10,000 baileys a bowl! 1,000 baileys a bowl of rice! 1,000 baileys a bowl of dipping sauce!"

Lin Nan said.

"How many people do you need to get a discount?"

Whitebeard raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking.

"At least five hundred!"

"How much discount?"

"20% off!"

Lin Nan stretched out his hand and gestured.

"Well, I'll call my sons over for a while, and besides, I'm worried that you will have enough food for my sons?" Whitebeard was skeptical.

"You can rest assured, I promise to support you, and you will not be short of food. "

Lin Nan said with an oath.

"That's good, but why do you want to pay for rice and dipping sauce, and it's so expensive?" said Whitebeard again.

Marco, who was seated next to Whitebeard, also had questions about this matter, he nodded, and glared at Lin Nan angrily, as if he was questioning Lin Nan: "Yes, why is it so expensive!"

"Don't worry, the tea is free. "



Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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